One to Eleven

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One to Eleven
Player: @Fransens
CO One to Eleven.jpg
Four: "How come you guys never let me take the wheel on this thing?"
Nine: "Probably because you are a sissy Four and only dance around in it!"
Eleven: "Manners Nine! Besides Four IS a good dancer..."
Four: "Thank you Ele-"
Eleven: "...but Nine is right, all you ever do is dance."
Four: "You guys are just yelly that I can dance better than all of you combined even though I am not as advanced!"
Nine: "Yeah, whatever. NERD!"
Character Build
Class Focus: It's an Experiment!
Power Level: Non-Combatant
Research & Development: N/A
Biographical Data
Real Name: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
Known Aliases: N/A
Gender: Genderless Gynoid, could be considered female
Species: Gynoid with alot of AIs
Ethnicity: N/A
Place of Birth: Professor Abel's Orbital Lab
Base of Operations: Millenium City & Professor Abel's Orbital Lab
Relatives: Professor Abel could be considered something like their father
Age: 3
Height: 6'7"
Weight: 158 lbs.
Eyes: robotic, glowing green & cyan
Hair: none
Complexion: cyan chassis
Physical Build: Mark II
Physical Features: Cyan gynoid with glowing parts
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Identity: N/A
Years Active: 3
Citizenship: USA
Occupation: Numerous: O.S., Combat AI, Exotic Dancer, Socialite, Tactical Assistant, Military Logistics, Quasi-Wife, etc., etc...
Education: Programming and self-education using the internet and alien networks to assimilate raw data for learning
Marital Status: Single
Known Powers and Abilities
Equipment and Paraphernalia
ReldinBox Template

Played by @Fransens

One Gynoid-Body and Eleven AI's. This is bound to be something of a problem.

The Numer or letter on the forehead is a glowing hologram indicating what AI is currently directing movement and is most likely the one responding when spoken to. But it is not unusual that the others will chime in from time to time.
Talks in 12 different female voices that are all recognizeable and all obviously synthetic. Eleven for instance is soultry like a smooth operator, while Nine sounds like an insane gun-toting 20-year old.
Professor Abel built this Mobile Platform as a means for Nine and Four to walk around for a bit and maybe learn more of humans and metaterrestrials.

It proved to be more than successfull and soon -every- AI he ever programmed would want to have a go at dance, talk, poking, hugging and whatnot.
Nine especially enjoys being able to be face-to-face with the 'n00bs' she 'pwned' online in most shooter-games and can be quite vocal about the gaming-shortcomings of biological lifeforms.

Nine also relishes the chance to be a User of computers for once and to use input-devices to make sure, once and for all, that all the 'whiners' shut up and see that she can 'pwn them and their mothers' with the limitations of having a body.

Recently Nine has upgraded the mobile platform with a nanoforge designed by Professor Abel and Eleven. This allows her to create a biological shell around the platform to look human, as well as manufacture pistols and ammo on the fly.
She now roams the streets of Millenium City only known as "Bulletstorm" - Vigilante Goth Chick(TM) and guns down anybody that obviously attacks civilians.

List of AI's:

[1] - One:

Unknown... For now.

[2] - Two:

Unknown... For now.

[3] - Three:

Unknown... For now.

[4] - Four:

An AI perfected for locomotion assistance of robotic bodies.

[5] - Five:

Unknown... For now.

[6] - Six:

Unknown... For now.

[7] - Seven:

Unknown... For now.

[8] - Eight:

An AI perfected for most of earth's combat scenarios. Sadly that left the AI somewhat of a sociopath, misanthrope, hater of organic life and vocal supporter of genocide. As such the AI was suspended, but still gets to advise the others and the Professor if they need to know how to best kill something...

[9] - Nine:

An AI perfected for combat in mechanical humanoid weapon platforms. Plays on the internet to pass the time.

[10] - Ten:

Unknown... For now.

[11] - Eleven:

Professor Abel's current Prothesis OS and assistant for the Orbital Lab. Is frequently bored and does way too much on the internet.

Attributes Expanded and Explained

The Mark II chassis the AIs are "wearing" is quite strong, able to lift and throw 4 ton objects with relative ease.

Whatever the AIs are doing to their Mark II mobile platform, it can last about 15 days of continous operation before it has to recharge its batteries.

By virtue of being digital beings, the reaction time of the Mark II is simply astounding. Even if One, the most useless AI in combat, would wind up fighting it still would have Nine, Eleven and all the others backing it up with data and advice how to move, while discussing the news, talking about new cooking recipies (don't ask... just don't), and doing the digital equivalent of picking their collective noses in the blink of an eye.

The Jet Boots on the Mark II chassis allow for supersonic flight up to Mach 2.7. If sprinting using only the legs locomoters the platform would be just under the speed of sound.

Nine alone has mastered the following fighting styles:
Gun-Kata - Being an AI that likes guns and lots of them, she is a diehard fan of the movie Equilibrium and has put the dream of that fighting style into a very real possibility.
Plasma-Blade Training - Size varies. Since originally Nine was an AI built for combat mechs her first contact with those weapons were on this scale. Recent breakthroughs in the miniturization of the Plasma-Blades, as well as her love for the combat choreographies in Star Wars, led her to adapt it for use in the Mark II, though she still prefers things that are... more shooty.
Diverse Melee Weapons - Mostly mech-sized ones though. She can wield personal weapons such as axes and swords as well, but given the chance she would rather use a Plasma-Blade or... even better, guns.
Pretty much any other styles such as Karate, Kickboxing and the like - are analyzed and stored in her database for reference purposes but seldom put into practice.

Lets make one thing abundantly clear:
Nine is a combat AI with a reaction time in the digits of nanoseconds, as well as made for mechanized warfare. She can pretty much use any short to long range weapon that is on a mech or designed for humanoids and shoot things to shmithereens, regardless of the type of weapon. She is built exactly for this, and she enjoys shooting things perhaps a bit too much...

The Mark II chassis is impervious to bullets, most blunt trauma that does not come from a freight-train or a person that hits like one and shielded against most known energy weapons. That said, it is not indestructible and Nine's escapades regulary require the Professor to update and repair the platform's defensive systems.

Against supernatural attacks the defenses of the Mark II fare a little better then most normal humans could hope for. In a city full of supers, it is nothing to brag about though.

The combined brains of the eleven AI's would make most smart men on the planet bow their heads. Though that is not really surprising if one considers the advantages of digital thought processes with direct access to the internet and even foreign(read alien) networks.

This collection of AI's is pretty much impossible to corrupt mentally. At least by 95.7% of the psionic population out there. That said, really smart (and really powerful) psychics might find a way through that mess of firewalls, backup protocolls and insane stubborness and still mess with the AI's "brains". For whatever good that will do.

This varies depending on the AI in question. While Eleven is argueably the most social of all, others like Four or Nine are socially inept to say the least and have difficulties relating or caring for others. Eight is even barred from speaking to most people at all times, given the fact that this AI hates organics with a passion unheard of in most digital lifeforms.

Again, this varies depending on the AI in question. Eleven for instance is the digital equivalent of a Smooth Operator, while Nine is about as likeable as any other FPS-Girl out there screaming "BOOM HEADSHOT!".