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"The kid is a pain sometimes, but I have never in my life met anyone else with such a burning dertermination!" - Exion

Player: @TheZabMaster
The Blaze Photo.jpg
"I'm gonna light your ass on fire!"
Biographical Data
Real Name: Tyson Flint
Known Aliases: Blaze, The Blaze, Ty, Flint
Gender: Male
Species: Mutated Human
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Place of Birth: Cleveland, Ohio
Base of Operations: Westside Millennium City
Relatives: Nicholas Flint (Father, Deceased), Meliassa Matthews Flint (Mother, Deceased) Maria Flint (Sister, Disappered)
Age: 24
Height: 181 cm
Weight: 74 kg
Eyes: Orange, Previously Brown
Hair: Black
Complexion: Medium
Physical Build: Athletic
Physical Features:
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Identity: Secret
Years Active: 3
Citizenship: American
Occupation: Unemployed
Education: K-12
Marital Status: Single
Known Powers and Abilities
Pyrokinetic Generation and Manipulation, Healing Factor, Enhanced Strenght, Speed, Agility and Senses
Equipment and Paraphernalia
Temperature Neutral Bodysuit and Control Bracers.
Physical Attributes
Non-Physical Attributes
MaekadaBox created by @Maekada


The Short Version

Tyson and his twins sister Maria, whom he also lived with, was abducted and experimented on, by an unknown organisation and when they got what they wanted from the sister, they left with her and threw poor Tyson in the Millennium City Bay, where he was picked up by a boat and brought to a hospital, but then he left and accidentally burned down his apartement, which ment he had to move into his nerdy friend's basement, who also helped him discover his new fiery super powers and of course Tyson wanted to become a great superhero so he could find his sister and beat the people who took her, so his friend got him in contact with the former agent of PRIMUS and now superhero Exion, who helped Tyson and other younger heroes by learning them about the duties of a hero and how to control their powers, but then one day one, one of his trainees, Whisper, died trying to save Exion and Tyson blamed him for this and left the group and then he was alone. *GASP*

The Long Version

The story of Blaze begins back on the 17th of February, 1990, when a pregnant Melissa Matthews Flint went into labor. She gave birth to two children, Tyson and Maria, before unfortunately losing her life from the exhaustion. Now Melissa's husband Nicholas Flint had to raise 2 kids all by himself. And so he did, valiantly. Nicholas was not a man to easily give up, so he made it his life goal to give his children a happy upbringing. So a couple of years later, when a business oppurtunity arived in the raising of Millennium City after the Battle of Detroit in Michigan, Nicholas didn't think twice about moving his family there. This was the beginning of a new life for The Flints and for many years this was a good life. But, when Tyson and Maria was sixteen, Nicholas was diagnosed with cancer. His children did their best to help him through the difficult times, and to him, this was heartbreaking, as he felt he was no longer able to fulfill his role as a father. 2 years later, the disease claimed Nicholas' life. Now, Tyson and Maria was left to take care of themselves.

While their father had left the twins little little money, they did have their college funds. Unfortunately though, Tyson and Maria had to spend a lot of that fund to pay for medical bills, loans and overdue rent that had piled up over the last 2 years. So in order to keep the apartement and at least save up enough money to send Maria off to college Tyson got a fulltime job in a local supermarket and Maria herself began to work in a small diner, and this was how things carried on for a couple of years and the twins were happy. But the, on one seemingly normal day, Tyson's life was turned upside down, as on their way home from their respective workplaces, both were knocked out and abducted by men in black suits. When Tyson came to, he found himself restrained on a table, in a unreconisable laboratory. Before him stood several scientists, discussing something and in his ear he could hear the cries and pleads to be released of his sister. He started to scream at the scientists and demanded to be told what was going. The scientists ignored him though and they proceeded to inject Tyson with some sort of liquid. The last thing he heard, before passing out, was the scientist announcing that the serum had worked on his sister and that they had to pack up and get moving.

When Tyson came to again, he was being pulled out of cold water of Millineum City Bay and aboard a small boat. When he came ashore, Tyson was taken to the hospital. While the doctors insisted that Tyson had an alarming fever, he insisted that he was fine and needed to talk to the police. After much arguing, Tyson was finally allowed to talk to the MCPD and so he explained what had happened. Tyson was promised, that the MCPD would do everything in their power to find his sister and the people who took her, and with that, he was sent home to rest. But as soon as he came home, Tyson began to feel weird. He felt completely drained and could finally feel the fever the doctors had mentioned. Tyson collapsed right there on his apartement floor. When he woke up, though, everything was on fire. Tyson, in a panic, got up and and jumped out the window. He fell 15 feet straight down and landed on a parked car. The firemen, who had already arrived at the scene, came to his help, but not without a confused look. Not only ware they completely astonished that Tyson had survived such a fall, but also of the fact that it had been at least 20 minutes since they had arrived and despite the fact that his cloth were all scorched, he had absolutely no burns and was completely fine.

To be continued...

After completely extinguishing the fire, the firemen advised Tyson to go to the hospital, but he refused, as he saw no reason and decided to go to try and crash at one of his friend's place. Tyson's closest friend was Hector Black, a young intern at Harmond Labs, who lived in a small building in Westside Millennium City. While a little reluctant, Hector allowed Tyson to sleep on the couch in his basement.

Powers, Weaknesses and Equipment

The Powers

The Weaknesses

The Equipment


Allies and Enemies


- Hector Black

- Team Exion

- The Miracle Violence Connection


Desmond Wayle

Desmond Wayle Profile.jpg

Desmond Wayle (Pronounced "Vile" as he likes to point out) is Blaze's first and worst advessary. One can without a doubt say that he suffers from a "god complex". He is convinced that he, and only he, has the intelligence and willpower to steer humankind towards its "true destiny". And he will do anything to obtain the power to take control. Including abducting random people of the streets and inject them with experimental serums to activate potential Metapowers within regular people...

Powers and Abillities: Energy Blasts, Projection and Shielding. Flight. IQ of 210.

The Short Version


IC Stuff

- Blaze still lives in Hector's basement...

- Blaze's favorite food is chili-dogs.

- Blaze's favorite drink is Rum and Coke.


OOC Stuff

- Blaze is my first ever max level MMO Character!

- Blaze is actually the third name for this character. The first was Napalm Night (When he was supposed to be a Rorschach-ish character), the second was Nightlight (When he was supposed to be a character suffering from nyctophobia and named himself after what kept him safe as a kid) and now he is The Blaze (Because I retconned him AGAIN and its short, simple and I swear I had no idea there was already a Blaze on this page X3)


Main Theme: "Let it burn" - by Ignite

Fighting Theme: "Into The Fire" - KPM Music

Berserk Theme: "Burn it down" - by Avenged Sevenfold

Epic Theme: "The Fire in her eyes" - by Two Steps from Hell


Coming soon...