Synthia Salvo

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A superheroine who pushes herself to the limit in each battle she enters. It is a given fact that she is one of the most determined warriors of her race, and stands out to be almost an icon of their own. She was born on May 8th, 1989... and given the first impression of her appearance, she looks to be just at her age.

Silver medal T.png
Aero Sovereign
Synthia Salvo
"A woman is the full circle. Within her is the power to create, nurture and transform."
Player: @Ultimateimpact1
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Super Group
· Other Affiliations ·
Real Name
Synthia Elise Salvo
The Wind Manipulator - Syn
May 8th, 1989
City Hall
Renaissance Center
Administrative Assistant for WCOC Station
Legal Status
Hero Registration
Marital Status
· Known Relatives ·
Violet Salvo (sister)
Physical Traits
Apparent Age
120 (Mervera); 24 (Earth)
Body Type
Long Blonde Hair; Brown Strands
Light Complexion
· Distinguishing Features ·
Australian Accent
Powers & Abilities
· Known Powers ·
Wind Manipulation; Rapid Regeneration
· Equipment ·
Merveran Armory
· Other Abilities ·


Synthia is an extraterrestrial bred from a planet unknown to Earth. Calculating the distant time between the two worlds, it takes several months to a year when transporting. Her globe in which she was born in is recognized as Mervera, a terrene containing many alien-beings that hold elemental powers. Merverans vary to almost unlimited manipulations. Each family is classified to a powered branch in which skill they have mastered. Synthia’s biological unit acquired the air-bending ability, eventually known to be the most dominant wind manipulators. The official councilors of Mervera crowned Synthia’s father as the ruler of the ‘’Aero’’ Branch while she had not been born at the time, Zephyr. Once welcomed to the world, Synthia had been pronounced the immediate title as his Princess.

She Is A Princess Alright

The world was well aware how far the newborn would fare in life after being labeled the Aero Sovereign. Another year passing by, Gale conceived a new warrior into the family who went by his name Alexander. The Queen of the Branch treated them both well, more so Synthia like a stubborn girl who wanted whatever that caught her interest. It was not of any problem to either parents, as it was expected of any child. Once reaching the age of twenty five, though in human years it would be five, Zephyr and Gale began to discipline Synthia, attempting to begin her preparations as any child would have to anyway. However, she was lazy and careless. Synthia often frustrated the two, Zephyr always torching the blame to Gale for overly spoiling her.

Queen Gale convinced Zephyr to delay her tutelage for another few years, but it was out of her pure compassion for her daughter. Within the next few years, Violet had been born-- the youngest sibling of the family tree. It got very unfortunate when almost the entire planet notice that Violet carried the competence of force. For the ruler Zephyr, it was a stunning moment to watch his daughter not channel wind, or even electrons, but an abnormal energy projection. It caught Synthia’s eyes too, and at age fourteen, she grew jealous of the attention surrounding her young sister. She wanted to abduct the spotlight, and bring it upon herself by accustoming more seriously. Synthia felt desperate to prove all that she was the princess of Aero.

Unstable Expectations; Renewed Dedication

Synthia often felt overwhelmed with pressure. She contained a soft spot for the young boys of warriors, and had been always associating with them as it were a horrible distraction. All the while she was supposed to be displaying herself as a sovereign, her demeanor and actions proved rather pitiful. Her pride often messed with her ego, choosing silly decisions out of her amusement simply because she could.

It all stopped after Synthia shifted into a more mature age. She knew Violet was going to overthrone her as the superior Sovereign if all she did was lounge around and talk to boys all day. So during that point, she stated a commitment to herself to grow into a proud woman of endowment, and perhaps take lead of Aero after Zephyr’s time. Sparring with herself many times a day and several days a week, it took The King no time to catch on. He was dearly impressed with her, and proud that she finally composed herself. Her thin frame began to shape gradually into a buxom type as she trained more and more after many months.

The Invasion

Synthia eventually sharpened her powers to a great magnitude. The irrelevant wind handlers under the Salvo family often resembled such envy toward the older Princess. In a short amount of time, she grew dynamic. Though, with the immense virtue, Synthia let vanity get in the way of her elegance.

It was a skeptical day, in which the skies were not bright. In fact, they were dim and gloomy. The Merverans took regards of the odd features taking place, however they ignored the suspicion after the tension died. Synthia was explicitly the first to notice a large, queer spaceship entering the face of her planet, and immediately cried out the alert to her people. The elemental beings were stunned at the sight of a foreign omen, but were ordered by their imperators to ready themselves for likely warfare.

The Aero Branch gathered their armory and flew to where the UFO landed among the other millions of Merverans. The planet was unaware that the species before them were the Roin’esh as they made their dramatic entrances to the planet, surprising the world with exotic appearances. Before anyone could gather knowledge about them, the alienated creatures began attacking the armored mutants without warning. Mervera was breached.

Synthia looked on in horror as she watched her comrades fall, one after another from the monstrosity. She kept close to her father, who was also in the midst of combat, and he struggled dearly against them. He was so distracted in keeping his daughter safe from harm that it hurt him severely in the end. Synthia fought well against the Roin’esh, but they were too overwhelming as more and more entered the battlefield after each time it seemed the Merverans claimed victory. But the battle was only beginning...

During the prolonging bloodshed, the handful of remaining warriors gawked in revulsion as they witnessed the Roin’esh shape-shift into what appeared to be mirrors of Merverans. Instantly the mutants of the planet knew the hostile encounter wasn’t going to last long. Confused on who were the real Merverans, it only led to a disastrous defeat as a large portion of warriors failed to defend their precious home. The landscape was scattered with corpses, pools of blood sprawled under deceased bodies.

The Queen of Aero, Gale, had already hid Violet and Alexander in a well secured, deserted confinement a long way far from the battleground. She was worried sick about Synthia since her daughter vowed to fight alongside their race; so Gale left her other two children to fetch her eldest.

Synthia fairly held her own, defeating the Roin’esh that she shared affray with, though the ones that she fought were Pathfinders -- the lowest threat rate out of the range of different types of Roin’esh. The ruler of the Aero Branch set his attention on the Eliminators of the species, which those held a close fight with him, but he had been losing stamina overtime.

Gale eventually found the two dear loved ones of her life on the battlefield, straining through every second of each breath they exhaled while clashing with the deadly creatures. She flew down to assist them, and luckily was able to contribute. While in a everlasting fight, after contemplating hard on a debating decision with himself, Mikado Zephyr decided to gather all of the wind from the world he could manage, cursing to himself about risking the lives of the standing Merverans, more importantly his family. With all of his might, he was successful. He was ready to unleash his ultimate wrath against the swarming danger of Roin’esh, hoping that his scheme would pulverize each and every one. It disappointed him to a far measurement when he heard the displeased snarls coming from the dark breed, and they all scampered away toward the direction of the spacecraft like laughing hyenas.

Synthia, Gale, and Zephyr in addition to the surplus of Merverans all gaped in amazement watching what took place before their eyes. They eventually saw the UFO from a distance slowly hover, taking its time to ascend the air before ultimately blasting away. The Merverans won... or did they...?

Tesla’s Congress

Sometime after the battle against the Roin’esh, Synthia, who had been an exclusive warrior apart from her younger siblings had attended an assembly together with her parents and several supremacy officers at the Brighton Tesla’s temple to discuss the fate of the world. King Tesla gave a lecture on Mervera’s philosophies regarding the ten nations, though it was of little interest to Synthia, who considered that they should look for new ways to overcome the present diversities as opposed to going back to its traditions. She complained about it to her father, which the two had eventually been shushed by Queen Gale. In spite of Synthia’s high relevancy at the meeting, she was inapplicable to speak her mind, though she went against the laws and pleaded out of desperation.

The legionnaire as well as Zephyr both ordered her for silence, but she disobeyed them defiantly. She definitively expressed her passion for the home planet, and protested against any conclusions that differed to preparation for subsequent wars. Brighton Tesla took her objections into account carefully, expanding with suggestions as his mind eventually came across the Aero King’s second daughter-- the young Sovereign Violet Salvo. He reflected her potential as a lethal threat against probable foes owed to her nonnative abilities. Violet had been viewed by some individuals including Tesla to be one of the most powerful warriors ever lived, yet she had not even fully developed.

Synthia was truly envious at the regards about her sister, because she was certain that she herself could perhaps distort a change in the world. Nonetheless, she had been also worried about Violet as the world’s implicit weapon. Again standing for her honor, she defied Brighton Tesla’s sagacity and spoke upon Violet unable to serve Mervera as its Guardian. The Queen of the Aero Branch alongside most officials struck a bargain with Tesla, while Zephyr sided with his daughter and it exploded into an emotional debate. Despite his second daughter composing a peculiar power from the family, King Zephyr still treated Violet as though she were an equal with Synthia and Alexander; he loved them all so much. He found it horrifically surprising to see his wife opposed against his faiths.

Tesla summoned a longing election of Violet's duty as a Merveran; out of the thousand counselors, 53% voted for her task as the planet's Guardian, while the 47% voted against it. It built stress on both the King and his Princess because they anticipated life now to be a nether world. Zephyr eventually came to accept the official judgement after about a month, and did nothing to protest against the new order. He acknowledged the actuality that he must train Violet even beyond his measures if she were to become the most lethal force. He was dearly upset at his wife for making such a foolish decision for their precious child, yet the Wind's Queen had her own reasonings behind her theory on Violet. Synthia on the other hand was plotting a scheme to keep Violet from beholding the planet's spotlight.


Standing before you at 5'11 would be an elegant damsel having shoulder length, wavy blond hair that breezes serenely with the wind. There are thick strands of brown within it that makes her hair look darkened just like her sister Violet. She contains eyes with a hazel hue that shines when in sunlight, full pink lips not too glossy, and formal earrings in both of her ears. Her trademark expression comes across as a brusque woman, tolerant of no nonsense but in truth she can be very compassionate. Her eyelashes batter almost perfectly whenever she blinks, those facial features at such ease. Her skin has a stunning pastel complexion that enhances her petite form and beautiful face in which they also hide her deadly capabilities.

She is well known for her curvaceous figure; her most distinctive feature of it is her very large breasts, however the depth of her chest is not as far out as it may sound. Synthia dresses in the armor typical of Merverans, though she lets her ample bosom be revealed. She usually wears a golden age cowl around her neck tucked just before it reaches her cleavage and a Sovereign badge in remembrance of her kind. When she was first seen in Millennium City, she wore a Merveran Knight Plate designed with ornate in sapphire traces, long white gloves also trimmed in blue, a white draped-skirt cape revealing her thick thighs and a pair of strap shoes that debuted her name in society. There is a 9/10 probability that you will see Synthia in armor for every time you meet her, because she has a fetish for them. Despite her profound figure, it will not decay Synthia's athleticism on the battle field.