Meghan West

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Meghan West
Player: @Mickenzy
Character Build
Class Focus: Ranged DPS/Secondary Support
Power Level: 40
Research & Development: N/A
Biographical Data
Real Name: Meghan West
Known Aliases: none
Gender: female
Species: Human
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Place of Birth: Hibbing, Minnesota
Base of Operations: Millennium City
Relatives: doesn't know them
Age: 27
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 140 lbs
Eyes: grey
Hair: blue-grey
Complexion: fair
Physical Build: average to slender
Physical Features: unusually colored hair
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Neutral Good

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Identity: known
Years Active: 20 as a mage, 5 as a hero
Citizenship: American
Occupation: fortune teller/consultant
Education: some college
Marital Status: dating
Known Powers and Abilities
chaos and order magic
Equipment and Paraphernalia
Tarot cards
ReldinBox Template

Meghan West is a 'grey' mage; a practioner of Chaos and Order magic.


Meghan stands towards the upper end of the scale for average height with a modest build to her frame. Her hair is unusually bluish-grey, which she will admit to being a result of earlier magic experiments gone awry. Her skin is fair and the grey eyes that peer out from her face have a knowing and keen look to them.


Meghan's personality can be a little quirky at times. She can come across as being wise beyond her years, especially with her relatively elegant way of speaking. However, she can also seem surprisingly laissez-faire about a number of things. While she seems to be intent on fighting the good fight and helping others, she might be seen as cold-hearted and as possessing dubious intentions sometimes. She also has a habit of never answering questions with a straight-up 'yes', 'no', or equivalent thereof, preferring to use phrases that may or may not be slightly more cryptic. Suffice to say, there are a handful of contradictions within her personality.


Meghan was given up for adoption at birth and has never met her biological parents, nor has she really expressed much interest in trying to find them. Her childhood was somewhat lonely as it seemed that she was different from other children right from the start and while she got along with her adoptive parents, she didn't become very close with them. Instead, her constant companion was the arcane. Whether her innate talent for working magic was inherited from her biological parents, she doesn't know, but she's been practicing the arcane arts since she was a little girl and began to read Tarot cards when she received her first set as a gift at the age of fifteen.

Through experimentation and research, Meghan became quite skilled in bending the laws of Order and Chaos with her magical talent. However, she quickly learned that a balance must be struck between the two, for using too much of one or the other comes with consequences which, while often reversible, can be very unpleasant and have the possibility of impacting other people and things around her. She kept her practices largely to herself and her adoptive parents were kind enough not to pry into her business, especially since it didn't seem like she was harming anything... although the day her hair changed color raised some eyebrows.

Once she was grown up, Meghan left home and moved to Millennium City since it seemed like an open-minded place, would give her access to more resources, and it proved to be a more than suitable place to ply her trade as a legitimate fortune teller. She advertises only through word-of-mouth, believing that ads on television and the like are only for charlatans. Meghan prefers not to give readings to people who don't believe or at least have an open mind, but she has changed the minds of several people over the years with her uncannily accurate readings.

Recently she's become immortal through the signing of a contract (the details of which are best explained through RP).

The Trial and The Residual Council

(( Completed - awaiting write-up ))


Her magic is very potent and incredibly versatile, however it must be balanced which can result in some tricky maneuvering as far as her spell-casting goes. On occasion, she does just bite the bullet and endure the side-effects of the backlash that happens when too much Order or Chaos is used at once, hoping to reverse it shortly thereafter if the situation allows.


The only equipment that Meghan carries with her at all times is her deck of Tarot cards.


Meghan has a network of clients, some high end and others quite humble. Notable people that she has associated with include: Plague, Adriana Seymour, Coldspot, Double Down, Blaspherion, The Wanderer, Hierophant, Jonas Deeplove, Ann Roe, Scripture, Lorekeeper, Mr. Blank, Warren Peace, Ripclaw, Grey Wanderer, and others.

Rumors and Comments

(If your character has met Meghan, feel free to leave a comment from them here)

Couldn't stop staring at her tatty bojangles. I'd like to see -those- in my future, if you know what I mean! Heyo! - The Flea

"An odd woman, to say the least, who claims that she wishes to preserve the balance between Order and Chaos. This makes her a potential enemy in the future, but until that day comes, I will do my best to enjoy her company." - Scripture

I've never trusted those that claim to be able to see the future and I find the whole act with the cards absurd. Her position and... allies make her a person that I feel I should watch closely. Regardless, she isn't the worst person I've ever met. And she fixed the washing machine in my building, an act I am most grateful for. - Lorekeeper


Keri Russell

Theme Song

Versus by Ladytron