Prime Empyrean

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SS Portrait.jpg
Character Build
Class Focus: Melee/Ranged Hybrid DPS Tank
Power Level:
Research & Development:
Biographical Data
Real Name: John Phoenix
Known Aliases:
Gender: Male
Species: Metahuman
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Place of Birth: P.City, Rhode Island
Base of Operations: Millennium City, Michigan
Relatives: Confidential
Height: 6'1
Weight: 215
Eyes: Originally hazel, now glow gold with no visible pupil
Hair: Receeding. Originally brown, now all white
Complexion: Medium
Physical Build: Athletic
Physical Features: White hair, blue-white glowing eyes
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Neutral Good

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Identity: Secret, but rarely used
Years Active:
Citizenship: USA
Education: Former fighter pilot and Astronaut with a PhD in Astrobiology
Marital Status: Divorced
Known Powers and Abilities
Hydrogen fusion metabolism and physiology, giving him superhuman physicality and the ability to generate plasma, energy, and powerful magnetic fields.
Equipment and Paraphernalia
Uniform and cape made of woven titanium alloy steel microfibers. It was fashioned from the remains of the special deep-space suit that he was wearing during the event that gave him his powers, and due to this it has unique properties.
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Strength Level

John is normally able to lift (press) approximately 25 tons above his head. However, he is able to consciously boost his body's energy output and direct the energy physically to give himself up to twice his normal strength.

Known Superhuman Powers

Blue Yonder.jpg

The event that gave John his powers altered him down to the quantum level, making him in many ways like a human version of a blue main sequence star. He has what he has dubbed a "Stellar Metabolism", meaning that his metabolism and physiology are based on a biological form of hydrogen fusion. His body's power output is equivalent to that of a miniature star, allowing him to generate every form of energy emitted by a star, such as heat, light, radio waves, charged particles, magnetic fields, plasma, etc. This gives him a variety of superhuman physical attributes and powers.

John has superhuman strength, stamina, durability, speed, and regeneration. He can maintain maximum physical exertion indefinitely, withstand high-caliber gunfire without significant injury, catch a bullet in his hand, and completely recover within hours from injuries that would have been lethal to a normal human. He only needs to breathe enough to replace the hydrogen used by his metabolism (about one breath per hour in Earth's atmosphere), no longer needs to eat, and ages at the rate of a star. His altered physiology renders him immune to normal terrestrial diseases and poisons. However, his body is still mostly organic in function, and so he needs occasional sleep and can be injured or rendered unconscious by sufficient energy or force. John can consciously accelerate his hydrogen metabolism to further increase his available energy, strength, speed, and rate of regeneration--though this increases the speed at which exhausts his body's hydrogen stores.

John can use the magnetism and plasma produced by his metabolism to generate tremendous amounts of heat and force as well as plasma shielding. For example, he can project "Star Blasts" from his hands, explode plasma violently outward in all directions from his body in a "Nova Burst", surround his fists with plasma to deliver a devastating "Star Strike", and create protective shields of plasma held within a powerful magnetic field. He can surround himself with a "Corona" of plasma that gives him a high degree of protection and allows him to achieve supersonic flight in Earth's atmosphere by generating both plasma buoyancy and powerful plasma jets. John also has what he calls his "Starsight", which is the ability to selectively see and project from his eyes any type of radiant energy emitted by a star. This allows him to see most forms of electromagnetic and particle radiation, to actively "scan" by emitting various forms of radiation from his eyes, and to project eye beams of intense, highly focused stellar energy.

John is capable of escaping Earth's atmosphere under his own power, and once in space where gravity and friction are virtually nil he can achieve near-light speeds under his own power. His innate physical durability combined with the added protection of his Corona allows John to survive unaided in space, and his altered physiology allows his lungs to extract hydrogen from virtually any medium--interplanetary, interstellar, alien planetary atmospheres, and even under water--to sustain himself.


John Phoenix is a former fighter pilot and Astronaut with a PhD in Astrobiology