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Player: @Tenthyr
Character Build
Class Focus: Tank/DPS
Power Level: N/A
Research & Development:
Biographical Data
Real Name: Daniel Anthony Holden
Known Aliases: Dan, Danny, Warden
Gender: Male
Species: Human (Mutant)
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Place of Birth: Unknown
Base of Operations: Millennium City
Relatives: James Derek Holden- Older Brother
Age: 23
Height: 6' 6"
Weight: 254lbs
Eyes: green
Hair: wheat blonde
Complexion: tanned
Physical Build: Very muscular
Physical Features: knife scar on left cheek.
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Neutral Good

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Identity: Currently secret
Years Active: 3
Citizenship: American Citizen
Occupation: None, but occasional part time work, mainly charitable
Education: College education
Marital Status: Single
Known Powers and Abilities
Superhuman strength, extreme durability, heightened speed and reflexes, Kinetic shockwaves, minor energy absorbsion
Equipment and Paraphernalia
Highly durable combat suit, micro-comm unit
ReldinBox Template


Cheerful, cocky and laid back most of the time, Warden acts much more serious and responsible when he gets the tights on. He sees little special about himself personally and is greatest worry is that he will be compared with his more powerful, late heroic father. The perhaps poorly named Strongiron.


Warden is the quintessential Brick, with his strength increased to utterly inhuman levels and his durability greater than most tank. His working theory pins the source of his main powers to his ability to absorb energy from his environment, with his body acting as a battery and his strength discharging some of that built up power. (Mostly from the stray, ambient radiation exposed to over a lifetime) Occasionally This power escapes as violent bursts of kinetic force. Daniel cannot really control that part of his abilities, mostly because they happen to infrequently for him to experiment.

Superhuman Strength

Warden is very strong. He can pick up eighteen-wheelers and toss them half a mile. Warden is comfortable lifting 50 tonnes and can in a stretch lift 150, due to the slow emergence of his powers he could potentially become much stronger. This also allows Warden to jump clear over buildings and run very fast. His strength is somewhat hampered by his powerful metabolism. Warden requires several large meals a day to fuel his superhuman body, if he doesn't eat adequately his endurance is hampered, leaving Warden unable to do more strenuous tasks for longer.

Energy Absorption

Wardens body has the odd property of being able to absorb electromagnetic and electrical energy of a certain intensity. While Warden cannot absorb sunlight, low level lazer blasts revitalize Warden and increase his healing factor somewhat for a short while. Warden can take lightning bolts head on, energizing him and only mildly harming him in the process. Higher power energy blasts can harm him, but are less effective on him while providing Warden with an extra burst of power. Gamma radiation has an almost nourishing effect on him, and he is totally immune to other forms of ionizing radiation, though without any vitalizing effect.

Warden cannot absorb odd forms of radiation, or exotic energy types that could be found in extraterrestrial weaponry.

Extreme Durability

Warden is almost totally resistant to run-of-the mill blades, provided the person on the other side isn't as strong as he is. Bullets bounce off him, leaving maybe the slightest bruises. Warden can easily survive explosions of varying sizes. He cannot handle a direct nuclear blast, but due to his energy absorption he can comfortably survive within normally lethal ranges of smaller detonations (He's screwed come a full on nuclear explosion). Wardens healing factor is higher than a human and the rare cuts he does accrue heal in only an hour. Broken bones and large lacerations can take anything from a day to a week depending on severity and complexity.

Questionite tipped bullets and blades can cut through him fairly easily. Bullets tipped with more common materials like Kendrium have the ability to pierce his skin too, though rarely breach muscle and cannot even chip bone. Wardens suit is made to be about as tough as he is, though it provides him with additional protection against most kinds of ammunition.

Warden is much less resistant to magical energies and exotic energy weapons.

Heightened Reflexes

Wardens reflexes are greater than that of a humans, and in conjunction with his speed allows him to react very quickly in a fight.

Kinetic Blasts

Not a power Warden can consciously control yet, In times of extreme stress or emotional distress Warden can generate an pulse of crushing kinetic force, which expands in a sphere up to six meters from his body. The sheer power of this blast can destroy a reinforced concrete wall and buckle a titanium-alloy plate. While very powerful, this ability is draining. Warden is left lethargic and needs to eat soon afterwards to maintain his strength.