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Escaari Portable Info Unit (Local Translation Available)
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Name: RyGhat Skwaght AKA: Riot Squad, Ryan Smith Occupation: Law Bringer, Class X10 Operations Base: Formerly Escaari IV, Sector 168.045
An interplanetary law enforcement officer created in the vast clone farms of Escaari Prime, RyGhat Skwaght followed a fugitive criminal from his own world to Earth. Knowing his target was armed and extremely dangerous, RyGhat eventually cornered his quarry on the edge of a major metropolis. After an extended battle, RyGhat was able to apprehend and pass sentence on his foe.
Unaware of local laws on what was considered a backwards world, RyGhat executed the criminal in accordance with his legal statutes and this unfortunately brought him into conflict with local superpowered crime fighters attracted by the commotion his battle had caused.
After a brief but intense fight, RyGhat was able to explain the situation and in accordance with his own code of ethics decided to remain on Earth in order to atone for what he now considered a murder.
In order to assimilate to his adopted world, RyGhat took the more easily pronounced Riot Squad as a name, finding it fitting considering his former profession and his propensity for causing enough damage for three or four people.
With the aid of local authorities Riot Squad was also able to take a private identity as Ryan Smith and a position was made available in the MCPD which allowed him to keep his ear to the ground in his desire to fight crime in his adopted city.
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When I was assigned the task of searching this outlying system for the missing RyGhat Skwaght, little did I realise that I would find myself a new home here, and a new friend in RyGhat. -- ZHo DHeyak