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This page is about the Multifarian version of Pyrexia.
Please, do not use this meta-information in RP unless she has revealed her origin ICly. Thank you.

[[Category:Superhuman Strength][[[Category:Heavy Weapon]

Player: @Efreeta2
Meredy Redleaf Pyrry.jpg
"Wimps! All of you! Bring me a MAN!"
Class Focus: Brainless honorable grunt
Power Level: 40
Personal Data
Real Name: Pyrexia
Known Aliases: P, Pyrry
Species: Half-Demon
Ethnicity: None
Age: 23
Height: 7'0" (213 cm)
Weight: 187 lbs (85 kg)
Eye Color: Glowing gold
Hair Color: White
Biographical Data
Nationality: None
Occupation: None
Place of Birth: Lower planes
Base of Operations: Millenium City
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Effy (Half-sister)
Known Powers
Brute strength
Known Abilities
Breaking things
A huge obsidian sword
Physical Attributes
Mental Attributes

Character Information


For a half-demon, Pyrexia is surprisingly quiet and well-mannered. She speaks in a respectful yet very blunt way. But what really sets her apart isn't her bulky body or her manners, it is her personal code of honor, which is almost unheard of where she comes from. That code comes from the fact that she found little pleasure in crushing her enemies (a feat not too hard to accomplish, considering her sheer strength), so she had to limit herself, to make fights last a little longer. Common self-imposed rules include fighting with only her left hand, fight blindfolded, fight no less than 3 enemies at a time.

Physical appearance

The first thing that comes to mind when trying to describe Pyrexia is "HUGE". The ground seems to shake whenever she moves around, usually towering over people, looking down to them. Her muscular body seems to have been designed for battle and she is indeed a fierce warrior, even if her face seems unusually kind and even childish at times.

Aura reading

  • Her aura is massive, strength practically oozing from her.
  • Her aura is usually kind and warm, making people feel at ease.
  • However, when she starts to fight, it changes completely, as if Death itself was glaring at you.

Mind reading

  • Her mind is as simple as you might think: open, straight-forward, almost welcoming.
  • Poking around, you will see images of her battle deeds, statues of muscled men usually nude and well endowed, and a huge variety of oversized weapons lying around. At the center of her being, you will find traces and ashes of what must have been, at one time, a fiery inferno.

Likes / Dislikes / Social

  • Likes: Men, real mean, with muscle, a lot of muscle. Preferably leather or iron clad
  • Dislikes: Wimps, mostly. Her half-sister Efreeta just behind, for all the tricks and pranks she pulled on her
  • Drinking: Like a fish! The stronger the booze, the better
  • Smoking: Doesn't smoke

Abilities / Powers

Having lost her magical essence (See further down about Elemental Fire), she relies only on her physical prowess.

Strength & resilience

In order to strive and survive, she pushed her limits non-stop, growing faster and further than even male demons, reaching adulthood 7 to 8 times faster than a demon usually does. Yet, her physical form doesn't make her gloat or be be over-confident, she always trains to get better.


Her swordplay is effective rather than flashy or subtle. She uses brute strength to destroy her enemies, usually in one swift blow. Unlike others of her kind, she doesn't particularly enjoy making others suffer.


I do not know much about my origins, I'm afraid, my first memories start back when I was still a young child, back in the lower planes. As you may know, it's customary for my kind to leave the young ones unattended, so that only the stronger survive. So, my early life was full of struggle and fights, yet, my body being better suited, I never had too much difficulties surviving.

Upon reaching my 14th birthday, I was sent for by my father, Lord Baahyul, a warlord of great influence in the demon realm. I learned that, as one of his daughters, I was born so he could extract some mystic powers from our bodies. I was glad to finally be able to do something useful and the ritual to extract what they called my Elemental Fire went smoothly.

After that, I started to train as one of his warriors, quickly rising through the ranks of his armies. Sadly, I was also the target of the little princess, Efreeta, and her many pranks. Though my half-sister, she was so devious and self-centered that I never got along with her. Another problem I had was that apparently, sparing the life of those I trained with was frowned upon.

Still, after some years, I managed to secure a spot in my father's private guard. That position allowed me to have a quieter life, for a while at least, the only trouble coming from Effy's usual pranks. It lasted until very recently when, against all expectations, she ran away and I was ordered to bring her back. She had stolen a spell-book of sorts and managed to slip into another dimension.

So, here I am, searching for her.