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Played by @Fransens



Name: Annika Jelena PAXTON
Age: 22
Scans as a normal human with a weak celestial presence.
A young, club-going, eccentric goth slash punk slash cyber girl that is on the cheerful and rebellious side of things. Switching from one to the other often in a heartbeat. Outfits with gasmasks and goggles are purely for show and part of her clubbing-outfits. Is now unofficially part of the Rats Of Anarchy. Wears no indication of this and should be found out by RP. Please.

Magdiel flying over MC
Black-Winged Angel
Shadowy Robed Woman:

Celestial Name: Magdiel True Name: -keep guessing- Age: Around since the seventh day of creation House: 7th House - 'Halaku' (Slayer)

In its apocalyptic form it is the Visage of Death, and gives off quite a strong and tainted celestial aura. Evokes fear in all living things that see her as it is the embodiment of mortality. Also evokes thoughts of committing suicide, most predominantly by hanging oneself. These angels manifest as shadowy figures wreathed in tendrils of ghostly mist that shift and writhe from moment to moment, occasionally reflecting the angel's thoughts in strange, symbolic forms. A pall of silence surrounds these figures, and their feet never seem to touch the ground. Their skin is as pale as alabaster, and their faces are constantly hidden in deep shadow from which their cold, unblinking eyes blaze. Wears a noose around its neck and more gallows-rope around the waist. Those are immidiately recognizeable as such and cannot be mistaken for something else.