Cobalt Crush

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The Teen Detective
Cobalt Crush
Ready to Rumble!
Cobalt Bust.PNG
Watching the City
Player: @Keioseth
Super Group
· Other Affiliations ·
Real Name
Nicholas Turchino
Cobalt, Cobbles, CC, Crushy, Nick
April 19th
Brooklyn, New York City, New York
Millennium City, MI, USA
The New Vigil Base
Student, Experimental Weapons Tester (Lithium Labs)
Legal Status
Juvenile Record - 3 Counts of Assault with a Deadly Weapon
Marital Status
· Known Relatives ·
David Turchino (Father) & Angelica Turchino (Mother)
Physical Traits
Italian American
Apparent Age
150 lbs
Body Type
· Distinguishing Features ·
Lip Piercing
Powers & Abilities
· Known Powers ·
MCMAP training
· Equipment ·
Taser Tonfas & Bo Staff, Cobolter (wrist-mounted bolt launcher), trick shuriken, smoke bombs, THeDs, hard-light shield
· Other Abilities ·


Nick does not like to talk about his non-crimefighting life and when he has his mask on rarely talks about anything but 'work'. Other than that he's a friendly person who speaks his mind, an issue with his former teammates at the Moonlighters.


Nick spent his early years learning to fend for himself as his father, the a US Marine, was usually deployed and his mother was usually working late at her law office. His father retired when he turned 7 and took up a position in the NYPD eventually working his way up to a detective status within two years. When his father made Detective Nick was inspired by it and started a junior detective agency at his school.

He'd help kids and teachers find lost items and stuff during lunch and sometimes after school. This frequently led to him running into the local bullies and wannabe gang members which resulted in many bumps, bruises, and other injuries. His father began teaching him all the self-defense training he learned while in the Marines and in the Police Academy to help protect himself.

One day he noticed his best friend Rachael came to school with several bruises and when he asked her about it she simply stated she had fallen off her bike. Some of his father's training had kicked in and he realized that the marks could not have been made that way, so he began wondering if she was being bullied or if a family member had done it. So he decided to sneak out of his parents apartment and start several stakeouts at Rachael's apartment.

The first two nights were uneventful while he was there but on the last night, he saw Rachael sneaking out of her room onto the fire escape, she was wearing some kinda pink and black hooded outfit and carrying a metal baseball bat. He followed her for a bit and witnessed her stop a mugger and he realized she was sneaking out at night to fight crime like the heroes on the news or in comic books! He was dumb struck by this and continued to watch her throughout the night.

While she was heading home a group of gangbangers attacked her and she was very outnumbered. He flipped up his hood and grabbed a nearby plank of wood to knocked down a couple of the gangbangers allowing Rachael to free herself and start swinging her bat. They eventually succeeded in taking down the group of thugs and Nick took off his hood and surprised Rachael. He told her he'd been worried about her and didn't expect that this was the reason for the bruises. She ended up helping him make a costume to run around in and they spent some evening crimefighting as the duo "Crush Girl" (Rachael) & "Cobalt Kid" (Nick).

They continued to do this through middle school and into their freshman year of high school. However this didn't last, a group of seniors at the school attacked Rachael one day after school and took her to an abandoned building and proceeded to beat and rape her. When she didn't show up for their patrol Nick asked around and eventually tracked down the building and Rachael. He called the police and EMTs trying to keep her from passing out, before the police arrived she told Nick the name of the senior that was leading the group that had attacked her.

In a rage he left as soon as the police and EMTs arrived and tracked down the guys who had done that to her. He broke down the door to the house they were in and beat the bloody hell out of each and everyone of them. He likely would have kept going but one of them managed to call the cops who showed up and stopped him. Later that night Rachael passed away while at the hospital while Nick was arrested.

The group was charged for the rape and murder of Rachael and are spending their lives in prison while Nick was charged as a minor and sent to Juvie for two years and probation until his 18th birthday. After he got out of Juvie he and his family moved to Millennium City for a change of scenery and even though he's on probation he started crimefighting again as soon as they moved.

He joined the Moonlighters, nearly died several times, then after they disbanded he took sometime off to go to school and recently joined the New Vigil.

Family, Friends, & Allies


  • David Turchino: David is Nick's father, he spent 15 years as a US Marine before retiring and becoming a cop in Millennium City.
  • Angelica Turchino: Angelica is Nick's mother and works as a lawyer for the District Attorney's Office.
  • Vinnie Turchino: Nick's cousin of many talents, mechanic, car salesman, and more. You name it, Vinnie can either do it or knows a guy.


  • Rachael Clark: Teen hero known as "Crush Girl", she was his best friend and Crimefighting Partner, deceased.
  • Paulie Zicarelli: Friend from school.
  • Bee: "Beeman" is everyone's friend.


  • Tony Adams: She is Nick's boss at Lithium Labs.
  • Quarrel: I like the way she does business.
  • Mercy: A lot nicer boss than Blank, that's for damn sure.
  • Gala: One of the few aliens he knows.
  • Vi: He knows she doesn't like him but she kinda sees her as an older sister-like figure.
  • Mr. Blank: Mr. Blank lead the Moonlighters and helped focus Nick to get him back into shape. Nick considers him a mentor.
  • Swordsaint: "Big Bro" is another mentor of Nick's, he also seemed like one of the few people that actually liked him.
  • Ghost Owl: Another mentor of of his from the Moonlighters, taught Nick to be more stealthy.
  • Kay: Fellow New Yorker and hot, especially for a blue chick with a tail.
  • Fei: Upbeat, crazy zombie girl. She's a blast to hang out with.
  • Ripclaw: Loud, cranky, pain in the ass, yet one of the few people that actually liked him in the Moonlighters.
  • Astraea Ling: She's like a more strict combination version of his parents.
  • Kris: Totally had a crush on her.


  • Eidetic Memory - Nick has what is commonly referred to as Photographic memory, meaning he can recall images, sounds or objects in memory with great precision.
  • MCMAP - Nick's father, David, is continually teaching him the techniques he learned from the Marine Corps Martial Arts Program. MCMAP draws influences from several disciplines including boxing, jujitsu, judo, sambo, krav maga, karate, aikido, escrima, arnis, hapkido, taekwondo, kung fu, and kick boxing. He is nowhere near a master of MCMAP but with several years of training under his belt he definitely knows how to defend himself.
  • Acrobatics - After an accident with the Moonlighters that left Nick with a large amount of the bones in his body shattered (healed thanks to a trans-dimensional space princess, no really, I'm not kidding) he took up acrobatic training as a means to rehabilitate himself.
  • Detective Training - He payed attention to his father's work as a detective and has received some training for his Father, Mr. Blank, Swordsaint, and Ghost Owl. He can judge angles of bullet holes, has a keen eye, and most importantly knows how to handle evidence to safely get it to the people that actually know what they are doing.
  • Legal Knowledge - Thanks to his mother being a Lawyer for the last 12 years, he has a basic knowledge of the legal code.


  • Taser Bo Staff - The two ends of this staff can be electrified to aid in taking down opponents. The staff itself can also disconnect in the center to form two large batons.
  • Taser Tonfas - Similar to his staff, the ends of the tonfas are also electrified.
  • Cobolters - The cobolters are wrist mounted bolt launchers hidden in his gauntlets. They can be loaded with several types of trick ammo including Cryo Bolts, Napalm Bolts, Taser Bolts, and Tracking Bolts.
  • Shuriken - Nick carries three types of Shuriken, normal bladed shuriken, explosive shuriken, and sonic shuriken.
  • Thermal Heating Discs - The "THeDs" have many uses and he has used them as a heat source in the cold, melting through armor, and superheating the floor beneath an opponent.
  • Grapple Gun - A gas powered grapple gun used to reach high places or to grab opponents.
  • Smoke Bombs - Small orbs that release a thick black smoke to blind opponents.
  • Anaesthetic Gas Bombs - Similar to the Smoke Bombs but instead of smoke they release an inhalational anaesthetic to knock out opponents.
  • Hard Light Shield - Experimental technology that he acquired from Oddity, this small device mounted on his bracer can produce a hard light shield.


Only Human: He has no meta-human abilities, he is a normal person.

Depression: Regularly deals with this, causing him to have low self-esteem and to retreat away from friends and family.

Loner: He really prefers to work alone, not out of distrust in others but in himself. He blames himself for Rachael's death.

Quick Temper: While he does make an effort to control this it is really easy to get under his skin.

Rogues Gallery

Oddity: A member of the West Side Maniacs, she broke in and stole a large amount of experimental ARGENT technology and had her first run in with Cobalt. Since then she's stolen Lemurian Tech, Tech from the Harmon Labs, and VIPER tech as well.

ARGENT King: A power armored brute of an enforcer sent out from ARGENT after both Cobalt and Oddity as they both have stolen ARGENT technology. Oddity has a plethora of stolen ARGENT weapons, Cobalt has a reusable hard-light shield taken from Oddity.

RP Hooks

  • Local High Schooler, so you may know Nick in his civilian life.
  • Former member of the Moonlighters.
  • Trains at Carl's Gym frequently (even wears his mask while doing it).
  • Currently a Member of New Vigil.



  • Used to be known as the Cobalt Kid, but he dropped the 'kid' and took up 'Crush' in honor of his former partner Rachael Clark (deceased).
  • Even though his father wants him to join the military after he graduates high school, he actually wants to go to Culinary School, become a chef, and eventually open up his own restaurant.
  • Despite his age (17), he is currently a Sophomore in high school following his two years in juvenile detention.
  • His cousin Vinnie got him a '68 Chevy Camaro as a gift for his 17th birthday, he promptly got it painted blue and dubbed it the Cobalt Cruiser.
  • Works at Lithium Labs, he is contracted to test out the gadgets they are making for Police Departments and are the source of his equipment.
  • Plays rhythm guitar in a Metalcore band named 'Fierce Temptation Foundation'.
  • Likes physical activity, goes to the gym any chance he gets. Mostly does strength and endurance training, be he also spars from time to time.


Have an opinion about Cobalt? Leave it here.

Personal Soundtrack


Actor: Johnny Simmons

Cobalt Crush WIP.png

Newvigilbanner2.png e
Leaders: Mercy
Senior Members: Arcane SquireBee
Natural: Temudjin
Magic: Cheapshot • Jinx • Kid Harrier • RedTorrent • Virtuoso • VisageWhitecloak
Mutant: Bloodline • Boy Wonder • CelerityLionfish • Magnetar • Mineshaft • Skips • Turbo • Unstoppable
Science: EmberPrankensteinXenergy

@Keioseth's Characters v  d  e
Heroes: KeiosethKeioseth IICobalt CrushStarlancerAscheVoukashinKanaloaCrimson MageBruno McLeodJace McLeod
KwiksilverArcturusDrystan ZaubereiBoun TakashitaSkyraider
Villains: RenegadesRenSysRogues Gallery
Places & Things: ACE SuitThe Garage
Groups: Freelancer Industries