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"Why trust your safety to anything else?"

Player: @Danton
Character Build
Class Focus: Tank
Power Level: Confidential
Research & Development: Confidential
Biographical Data
Real Name: A771-D Class Drone
Known Aliases: 'Drone'
Gender: N/A
Species: Artificial weapons platform
Ethnicity: N/A
Place of Birth: Argent Research Lab Millenium City
Base of Operations: Worldwide
Relatives: N/A
Age: N/A
Height: 24'
Weight: Unknown
Eyes: Red sensors
Hair: None
Complexion: Grey
Physical Build: Humanoid
Physical Features: Metal
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Identity: Mass Produced
Years Active: 0.5
Citizenship: Legal property
Occupation: Property
Education: Wide ranging programming
Marital Status: N/A
Known Powers and Abilities
Exceptional strength and resilience. Advanced combat AI.
Equipment and Paraphernalia
Powerful energy weapon mounted in torso. Auxiliary protective systems. Advanced sensors. High speed rocket
ReldinBox Template

Product Specifications

The following are statements from the ARGENT corporation's official releases regarding their product the A771-D Drone.

Physical capabilities

The A771-D Drone is an incredibly powerful machine. Fully capable of lifting trucks overhead without straining the chassis of the model, it is designed with this massive physical strength both for metahuman crime prevention purposes, as well as for search and rescue and clean up duties.

The metallic alloy that makes up the unit's armor plating is designed to be able to withstand high calibre gunfire without deformation, as well as resist high power energy blasts and explosives. Yet even with this it manages to be light enough to allow it to traverse urban environments using short range booster rockets without causing damage to the property of your city's residents.

Just how light is it? Each A771-D Drone deployed in your fair city will come with an aerial deployment unit. This fast craft can physically carry the Drone to where it is needed, allowing for rapid response. All possible thanks to ARGENT systems.

Electronic capabilities

One of the most common concerns voiced by our satisfied clients is: "But the Drone is an artificial intelligence, surely that leaves it open to invasion and reprogramming by any hacker." Not so, here at ARGENT we installed advanced electronic countermeasures to prevent any kind of hacking attacks. In addition, the A771-D Drone features a nearly completely closed off system, and so any hacking attack would need to be physical connected to the machine. No small feat, we can assure you.

When it needs to engage with an electronic device, a small, physically partitioned section of the AI is activated and a wireless linkup established. Without risking its own systems the A771-D Drone is capable of interacting with most electronic devices, allowing it to better perform its functionality of keeping your city safe.

Combat capabilities

Sometimes to keep your city safe, you've got to engage criminals in a fight. The A771-D Drone is programmed with enhanced combat subroutines allowing it to engage enemies while minimising collateral damage to significantly below the average established by metahumans. Utilising these subroutines, the unit can react optimally to approaching threats, while leaving open avenues of returning offense.

In addition to the above mentioned extreme strength and resilience, the A771-D Drone also possesses a multi-directional chest mounted energy blaster. With power settings ranging from a stun setting equal to your average everyday tazer (although at a significantly improved range) all the way up to a blast capable of knocking the strongest supervillains around, this defensive system can help your citizens rest easy, knowing this powerful protector is watching over them.


Physical appearance

The Drone unit in service in many cities around the world is the Mark 3 model. These units are of humanoid design, approximately 8 meters tall with a metallic shell. Across its chassis there are glowing red energy units that act as a combination of sensor system and auxiliary defensive system. The unit possesses a humanoid shaped head with a single red sensor between where human eyes would usually go. A symmetrical set of black painted sensors on the side of the head stand stand out on either side. A large glowing red mineral of some kind resides in the middle of its chest, from which its multi-directional energy weapon emits its attack.

Currently ARGENT are painting the drones green and black, but it is known they are manufactured with a silver and black colour scheme.


The Drone series of urban protection/pacification units have been pushed by ARGENT as the 'next generation of crime fighting and civilian protection'. This heavy marketing push has gained them some traction in a number of markets with cities paying a reasonable fee to rent the Drones and support teams necessary for them to operate within their jurisdiction. So far there are no significant complaints, and the Drone units are performing as advertised. Most cities are using them as a replacement of SWAT or metahuman assistance, making them act as a rapid response unit in the event of metahuman criminal actions.

The current unit in action (Drone MK III) is performing to expectations laid out by ARGENT. Despite being the third model in the line this is the first field action for the Drone, and Argent are promising regular updates to the hardware and software as new threats are discovered or weaknesses found in the Drone.

Drone MK I

According to literature the Drone MK I was a proof of concept model. Standing at about six meters tall it was generally to prove the potential of the design. Several of these Mark I designs are on display in the ARGENT offices.

Drone MK II

The MK II drone unit was a larger scale field test. Some components were simplified, and others scaled down to account for the potential for large scale production. However according to literature distributed by ARGENT some cost efficiencies were not fully implemented in this design and it was not considered for large scale production. However this final prototype was enough to justify a third design for mass production.

Drone MK III

The first production model, the MK III Drone, is the current up to date model of the unit.

Known Weaknesses

As of yet, PRIMUS analysts are yet to receive a Drone unit for examination. Without falling back on conjecture it is impossible to narrow down specific weaknesses the design may have.

Opinions and Comments

Relation with authorities


PRIMUS analysts are currently liasing with MCPD to find out their perception on the ARGENT Drone.


Until further analysis is conducted, there is no set perspective on the ARGENT Drone within PRIMUS ranks, and no official statement has been made.


PRIMUS analysts are currently liasing with UNTIL to find out their perception on the ARGENT Drone.

Civilian reception

There are numerous reports of medium sized towns accepting a consignment of two or so Drones to act as metahuman crime deterrant, and while these have only been called upon in a few cases to prevent metahuman crime they are typically well received by the population and perform acceptably in combat. Some metahuman backlash had been in the media at the time the release of the Drones, so an alternative protection was well received by smaller governing organisations and civilians at large. In addition, assistance in rescue efforts has resulted in solid, positive PR coverage.


Stay tuned for details

RP Hooks

  • There are current legal battles revolving around the ownership of several patents important in the design of the Drone.
  • Against all odds, this seems to be an ARGENT created machine that is fulfilling an admirable goal of protecting the public.