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Player: @VitalityPrime
Super Group
· Other Affiliations ·
Real Name
David Gadley
Variant, Vitality
Millennium City
Legal Status
Marital Status
· Known Relatives ·
Physical Traits
Apparent Age
Body Type
· Distinguishing Features ·
Powers & Abilities
· Known Powers ·
Superhuman strength, speed, stamina, durability, and flight
· Equipment ·
· Other Abilities ·

"Nearly all men can withstand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power."

-Abraham Lincoln-


David Gadley was born with his abilities but did not fully understand them until he was an adult. After his hometown was attacked by a powerful robot, which was only stopped when David intervened, revealing his true potential, David left for sometime. This time was cut short when the attack of Michigan took place. David embraced his powers and went to help fight the alien invasion.

Early Life

David was always aware that his strength was beyond normal humans but he never knew how much stronger he actually was. The only one who knew of David's true abilities was his best friend Nate.

Not long after David's superhuman potential was clear, a powerful robot attack his hometown, clearly focused on killing David. David was pushed to his limits as the fight destroyed most of downtown. The fight ended as David, seemingly flying for the first time, smashed the robot into a nearby building. Using all his strength, David punched right through the robots head, destroying it and bringing down the building with the force of his punch. Minutes went by, as the dust began to settle, before David dug his way out through the rubble. Shocked, dazed, and confused, David just left.

After watching everything on the news about the attack...David realized his purpose. David realized then that it's not about having power, anyone can aquire power. It's about having the power to do whatever you want and choosing to do good. David knew, for the first time in his life, why, and made his way to Millennium City.

David fighting the Qularr

DoD and GDA

Sometime after the events of the Qularr invasion, David was contacted by the Department of Defense. David began working for the U.S. government as their secret weapon, where he started using the alias, Vitality. They enable him to be where he is most needed.


David's best friend Nathan showed up in his hometown with apparent super strength and durability that he did not have previously. Nathan explained to David that he was behind the robot that attacked him. He agreed to a deal with Teleios, to set up the fight between David and his robot, in attempt to get a sample of David's blood for his experiments. Using David's blood as a catalyst, Teleios was able to create a serum that gave Nathan superhuman strength and durability. Nathan attacked David, but the fight ended quickly as David easily overpowered him. Nathan escaped after the fight and went back to Teleios. Wanting him to increase his power levels, Nathan agreed to become Teleios' Ultimate Being of Power. Teleios' new experiment combined the serum, that used David's blood, with Draysha compound. Nathan's size and muscle mass increased exponentially, dramatically increasing his power. With his strength levels now incalculable, Nathan betrayed Teleios and completely destroyed the facility. Nathan, now going by Ultimate, began to recruit his very own army, somehow giving power to those who are loyal.


The Department of Defense needed Vitality's help to set up long range sensors out in space. He was to fly the sensor out far beyond communication range and active the sensor.

While Vitality was out in space, Ultimate made his move. He and his minions began an all out assault on Millennium City. The number of Ultimate's followers, alone, was enough to overpower most of the heroes in the city, let alone PRIMUS and the police force. Ultimate didn't even have to get involved, as the power and numbers of his followers were more than enough to take over downtown Millennium City.

Every hero that tried to help were easily taken out, until DE:LTA arrived on the scene. Kontrol, Sarge, D.A.W.N., and Crescentwave were the first members to arrive. They quickly turned the the tide, taking out most of Ultimates minions with ease. Just as the DELTA members were seemingly about to get things under control, Ultimate made his appearance. The four DELTA members tried to slow him down, but they were eventually overpowered. Ultimate sent them all flying back with a thunderclap, as more of his minions came and subdued them. Ultimate turned to Delta and gave the word to kill them. Ultimate turned around to walk away and was met by claws strong enough to draw blood, as Cavalier and Cliff-Side stood in front of him. Cavalier jumped back and Cliff-Side met Ultimate head on at full force. Cavalier quickly took out the minions holding the rest of Delta as Cliff-Side did what he could to keep Ultimate busy. Kontrol, Sarge, Dawn, and Crescentwave were injured, but ok, as Cavalier jumped back into the fight against Ultimate and his seemingly endless number of minions. Cavalier was out numbered by the minions but was holding his own. Some of the minions were seemingly just falling over, unconscious, as Cavalier looked up and saw Mentella. The three fought Ultimate and his minions for as long as they could before the power of Ultimate and the numbers of his followers were becoming too much. Mentella tried to subdue Ultimate with her mind, but something was blocking her. She then tried to mentally contact Vitality out in space, just as Ultimate was able to throw Cliff-Side, smashing him into Cavalier.

Vitality was just activating the sensor when he get Mentella's message, and flew back to earth. Ultimate was walking towards them, ready to kill them all. As he was getting closer, a loud BOOM was heard. A split second later, Vitality flew in and smashed Ultimate across Millennium City.

Nearby buildings were destroyed as the two fought each other with all their power. Realizing the destruction, Vitality flew into Ultimate, taking the fight to a large open area in nearby Canada. Few words were exchanged as the two powerhouses continued their fight.

Eventually, the power of Ultimate proved too much even for Vitality, as he began to take the upperhand. Ultimate continued his assault on Vitality and dominated the fight. Ultimate tells Vitality how he is the only obstacle in his way, the only one able to stop him, and after he kills him no one will be able to stop him, before unleashing a devastating punch that sends Vitality across the area. Beaten and broken, Vitality contacts DELTA and the DoD, advising them to stay away from the area. As Ultimate walked closer, Vitality flew out into the upper atmosphere. Closing his eyes, and gathering all his strength, Vitality and shot straight down to earth, flying faster than he ever had. Vitality smashed directly down onto Ultimate, causing a massive earthquake.

When DELTA and the DoD arrived on the scene, they found their two bodies in the epicenter of a 950 ft crater. They were both alive, though badly injured and unconscious. Vitality was taken to a government medical center, where he stayed in a coma-like state for five days. Ultimate was taken to a secret underground facility where he was locked in a stasis tube.

Fighting Ultimate

Brace for Impact

Downtown Millennium City was being rebuilt after the catacalysmic fight with Ultimate destroyed most of the area. PRIMUS was called in to stop a man going crazy, blaming Vitality for the death of his family during the fight with Ultimate, demolishing the rebuilding work that was being done in the neighborhood. PRIMUS was able to subdue the man and lock him up in the Westside Prison.

This man's name was Eric McClendon, a mutant with the power to project concussive energy blasts. His mutant powers surfaced during the emotional breakdown over the loss of his family. His initial, limited, control over his powers allowed PRIMUS to stop him. He was freed from prison by ARGENT, who planned to use him. After the escape, ARGENT began training him to control his powers, and used him for missions to help them steal intelligence files from PRIMUS and UNTIL. Eric was loyal to ARGENT, but never wavered from his hatred of Vitality. Getting revenge was his main goal. ARGENT promised that as long as he helps them, his payback will come.

The plan to draw out Vitality began. ARGENT created a suit of armor that amplified his abilities. Their attacks on PRIMUS and UNTIL became more frequent, with Eric declaring himself Impact and making sure he let everyone know his hatred of Vitality at every scene.

Well placed clues pointed to a warehouse for their next attack. Vitality, and DELTA agent Joule, arrived alone when it became clear that the warehouse was abandoned. The reason for this was simple, Impact wanted Vitality, nothing else. Vitality and Joule were met with an few dozen ARGENT, and easily subdued them. Vitality told Joule not to fight, and tried to talk Impact down. Impact didn't let him finish his sentence before releasing a massive burst of energy, nearly destroying the warehouse. Vitality fought him alone, holding back, as he continued to try and get through to Eric. As the fight went on, Impact became increasingly angry, increasing the magnitude of his powers. Realizing that things needed to end before any serious destruction could happen, Vitality sent Impact crashing to the ground with one punch. Vitality pleaded with him, apologizing for the loss of Eric's family. He confessed the guilt he felt for the lives lost that day, and admitted that he is responsible for what happened. Impact looked at him with rage, and then began to breakdown sobbing. He showed no restraint as UNTIL agents came and took him in.

The Vanguard of Earth's Destruction

"They are coming..."

Powers and Abilities

Super Strength
Vitality possesses superhuman abilities as a result of his unique physiology including superhuman strength, speed, stamina, durability and and is capable of flight under his own willpower. Vitality's abilities seem to increase and decrease in accordance with his level of confidence and determination.

Superhuman Strength: The upper limits of David's strength has been theorized to equal a force greater than that recorded on the Richter scale.

Durability: David is nigh-invulnerable to almost all harm. He can survive the vacuum of space, and has shown to be immune to most radiation. However, repeated punches of great force such as those from Ultimate can harm him over time. If he is harmed, however, David is able to recover from injuries more efficiently and quickly than someone with a normal human healing rate.

Flight: David has the ability to fly. Like his strength, the upper limits of his flight speed is unknown. He has been able to fly from deep outer space to earth in a matter of seconds.

Lung Capacity: David can hold his breath in space and under water for long periods of time. It is theorized that he can survive nearly 6 days on a single breathe of air.

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