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Mungo, or Humungor, as he is known by the citizens of Earth, is an enormous alien being from the distant planet Nox Postrum, wielding immense strength and resilience due to the harsh environment and crushing gravity of his home-planet. The Mungorites are a peaceful and social race of omnivores despite their terrifying size. Humungor is a towering behemoth when standing next to the average human and could very easily cripple a full grown man with ease. Humungor was sent to Earth to help the fragile inhabitants defend themselves from extraterrestrial attack, but he also often acts like it's a vacation, enjoying the strange Earth pastimes, like knitting and flower arranging and doesn't see how these activities are often seen as effeminate. He doesn't mind, however, and no-one dares bring up the subject in Mungo's presence. He is the peak of physical perfection for his race and has the best military training and conditioning, a tireless defender of the weak and vulnerable, his one burning hatred being those that bully others. His downfall though would be that he's not the sharpest tool in the shed and is very easily disorientated. Humungor tries to avoid violence whenever possible, but if someone is in distress he's usually the first on the scene. He tries to fit in with Earth culture as best he can, but always sticks out like a sore thumb and doesn't do doorways very well...
Nevertheless, Humungor is a capable and stalwart hero, and uses his strength wisely to help defend the fragile inhabitants of the planet he's grown to love so dearly.
--Overwhelming Strength!-- Mungo's enormous stature and dense, alien physiology, intense physical training and genetically enhanced musculature allows him to lift weights your average superhuman couldn't even dream of, in excess of 81,100,000,000,000,000,000 (81 billion) short tons! (This is the maximum observed weight Mungo has been able to lift, and was so exhausted after this ordeal, he was hospitalized, laying in a coma for 3 and a half months.) His strength scales with every minute he's in battle, as Mungorite adrenaline releases enhanced ATP, making his musculature denser and more powerful the longer he's stressed!
--Durable!-- Mungo's race, the Mungorites, are extremely resilient and durable, and they have to be to survive on a planet that closely orbits a binary star system. Mungo can endure hardships that would outright exhaust anyone else, can breathe underwater for up to seven days with a single breath, survive in the harsh vacuum of space (although the cold would severely debilitate him, as he's ectothermic) and bathe in pools of boiling lava as if it were nothing but warm water! He also has the remarkable ability to be unaffected by radiation, as early Mungorites evolved under constant radioactive bombardment by their suns, and developed a unique blue melanin, that blocks UV light and also evolved a tough, lead-like epidermis that blocks out most forms of lethal radiation!
--Didn't feel a thing!-- Mungorites possess the unique ability to block receptor signals to the brain, and therefore have an extremely high tolerance to pain! The same goes for Mungo, who can take a tank missile to the face without it so much as stinging!
--Not the Sharpest Tool in the Shed.-- Mungo is pretty lacking where it come to the intelligence department, and can be easily tricked, fooled or conned by his enemies and will pretty much believe almost anything he's told!
--Who goes there?-- Mungo's perception is terrible and he is very easy to sneak past, even in plain sight. This makes it incredibly easy to disorientate and confuse Mungo and gives his enemy the element of surprise without his trusty companion Frit by his side!
--Feeble Mind.-- Mungo has practically no psionic protection, and without his companion Frit to block attacks, his mind can be very easily read or manipulated, even turned on his allies!
--Whoops!-- Mungo doesn't have the best hand-eye coordination in the world, and is pretty fooled into smashing through walls or falling over things, being the clumsy galoomph he is!
--Hey Presto!-- Magic does not bode well for Mungo, and has very limited, perhaps no defenses against the arcane arts!
--Brrr!-- Mungo, like all Mungorites, is ectothermic, meaning that he does not have the ability to regulate his temperature like mammals do, or he is 'cold-blooded'. Simply by decreasing the temperature, Mungo is easily defeated, as his body goes into a state of hibernation until the temperature is raised again. He can be incredibly vulnerable in this state. Countermeasures have been devised, however, as Mungo has inbuilt heating filaments in his armour that keeps the temperature at a constant. This system, however, only has a limited battery life, and can't be run for extended periods of time.
--D'aw!-- Some might think Mungo, with his towering stature and his rippling musculature to be a bloodthirsty warrior. The opposite is true, however, as he is utterly and completely defeated when it comes to cute things. He has a terribly hard time fighting anything that is fluffy, cute, small, a girl and or looks defenseless in any way, shape or form.
--Not the horns!-- Mungorites have the bizarre disadvantage to be able to be directly manipulated by their horns, and a quick tug on them would bring him utterly under the control of anyone that takes hold. This can be a catastrophic disadvantage, as he could be manipulated into fighting his allies, or even innocents against his will!
--Scaredy Cat!-- Mungo is utterly terrified of two things, being shrunk (shrinkrays, shrink spells etc.) and jelly. (The wobbly kind, not the spread.) Both of these stemmed from traumatic experiences from his past, and Mungo will probably flee for his life at the prospect of either one of them.
Mungo is often regarded by his peers as a gentle giant, a kind-hearted monster, one that would go out of his way to help a person in need, no matter the situation or the danger it would inflict on himself. Despite his enormous stature and scary alien features, Mungo is the friendliest person you could ever meet, and loves to smile and play games, although, he can be a bit rough around the edges at times as he goes about his friendly tomfoolery, often to the discomfort of any unfortunate person who he happens to set his sights on. He has no qualms simply stomping over to people and introducing his jolly self and has an awful habit of smothering people in hugs, as he doesn't see what the big fuss is when people scream at him as he scoops them up from the ground (often against their will) to say hello. Even though Mungo means no harm by his playful shenanigans, he often experiences alot of backlash from people, especially humans. I mean, you try being picked up from whatever you're doing by a giant monster and try not to freak out. He much prefers to play with and snuggle people, rather than hold a decent and meaningful conversation with someone, as his attention span is incredibly short, and he soon gets bored with things that don't immediately appeal to him. In many ways, he could be compared to a child, or a puppy-dog, a giant, seventeen tonne puppy dog.
Although, Mungo's playful nature soon changes if he finds out about someone being picked on, and very quickly goes from snuggly behemoth, to rampaging titan, hellbent on mangling whatever poor soul upsets his friends...
1989 (E.S.Y): Mungo is paired with his symbiotic companion, Fritulous Zipiad Zoriforinorinax on his first birthday. The young pair get along fantastically, a new lifelong friendship begins.
1990 (E.S.Y): Mungo and Frit attend nursery for the first time, and learn new things. Mungo shows signs of infantile Acromegaly, which makes him tougher than most of the children in his class, something he may be exploited for at a later stage in his life.
1992 (E.S.Y): Mungo and Frit attend school for the first time, and Mungo's courage and compassion is put to the test when a feral Grek' Beast roams free in the school, trapping his tiny friend, whom he saves from certain death by dragging the dangerous beast away, risking his life at the tender age of 5.
1993 (E.S.Y): Mungo is kidnapped in the night by scouts from the Hand of Hygrathx, an infamous band of space pirates and raiders, that travel from planet to planet in search of resources to offer their deity. Many attempts to harvest the rich stores of Neutronium had been made, but all had failed due to the vigilance of the Gladitorial Forum of Nox Postrum. Mungo is subject to many sick and twisted experiments to enhance and augment his strength and resilience.
1996 (E.S.Y): Three years has passed since Mungo was abducted, and he is becoming increasingly stronger, and more resilient as he is augmented and changed into the ultimate killing machine. He is fed a cocktail of psychoactive drugs, to increase his rage and desire for battle, suppressing his happy, friendly nature, and transforming him into a bloodthirsty abomination, a weapon, suitable for the use of the Hand of Hygrathx.
Enemies. Grrr.
Friends and stuff.
"Ever since I have come to Earth, Humungor has probably been my best friend. He is perhaps not the sharpest potato in the bowling alley, but he is kind and good to have by your side in a fight! He sure meets some strange people though." - Honeycombando
"Mungo is...Oh whats that Japanese word.....
Seriously though, He's a giant Frog Teddy bear that doesn't know his own Strength, I'd have him step on some robots for me if it were cool with him, Seriously though Mungo. Never stop." - Power Outage
"Mungo would be SO huggable, if I could actually reach my arms around him." - Vixen
"Friendly, fun loving, very protective and probably one of the best friends you could hope to have around these parts." - Shift
"I like him 'n all, but I think he'd look better with some skulls on his armor. Maybe some machine guns... And thermonuclear missile launchers! Yeah! With NAPALM!" - Double Down
"Boop." - Boop
"Designation Mungo has been my companion for exactly 28 years, 11 months, 173 days, 91 hours, 42 minutes and 33 seconds, and in that short time-frame he has blossomed into the kindhearted, benevolent Mungorite specimen I have the pleasure of sharing the designation friend. I recall when he was but a youngling, and how even then he showed compassion and care to those around him, even if he was sometimes a bit reckless, and my interactions with him often ended up with me thoroughly exhausted or shoved in a pocket somewhere. The best companion a Spriztin like myself could hope to possess." - Dr. Diminutive
"Eh, ah've only met 'im a few times. Seems like a nice guy an' all that. Fuckin' huge though. He'd be a welcome addition tae the force, that's fur sure." - Angus 'Heed' McNab
"A curious creature, one of an enormous stature, and of an equally gigantic heart. Never have I seen one with such a beastly countenance to be so kind and generous. I feel honored to say that I know this dear old boy." - Sir Figaro Fogg
"Big froggy! Akara and Poofkins love big froggy! Bye bye big froggy! Akara thinks of you!" Akara waves frantically - Akara
"Beware of tha' deadly Mang-o, who sneaks 'round the club and assassinates his enemies with deadly rib-breakin' hugs! BEWAAAARE!" - Pillow