Aes Moineau

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Aes Moineau
Player: @FancyBadgers
Class Focus: Ranged Damage
Power Level: 40
Research & Development: Arms
Personal Data
Real Name: Jenna Moineau
Known Aliases: Aeslech, Daemon Siege
Species: Malkavian Vampire
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Age: Appears mid-30s. She’s closer to 700.
Height: 6’0”
Weight: 180 lb
Eye Color: Amber brown with yellow rims
Hair Color: Red
Biographical Data
Nationality: American citizen, native of old France.
Occupation: Assault Agent, Harper Security Solutions. Explosives enthusiast
Place of Birth: Nice, France
Base of Operations: She’s generally nomadic.
Marital Status: Married to Duke Verdian Vaungur (not to be confused with the Archduke!)
Known Relatives: Favorite descendants, Michelle Hell and Elise Centofanti. Childe/Son, Nathaniel Davenport
Known Powers
Power over the sensory aspect of the mind, heightened senses/aura sight, and stealth. (For people who know: Dementation 5, Auspex 6, Obfuscate 6)
Known Abilities
Adaptability, proficiency with modern firearms and explosives
Stinger RPG, Saiga SKS, Desert Eagle .50
((Character speaks French, but the player speaks very little conversational French. Forgive my Google Translate translations!))

In-Charcter Information


"Don't ask me who I am, for I am only The Narrator".

"As I recall, Aes was born Jenna Moineau in Nice, France to a woman named Chelsea. Nice woman. Completely out of her mind and was never far from arguing with the streetlamps or throwing sodden dogs through windows. Now, Jenna's father was a wandering Monster Hunter who wasn't aware that dear Chelsea was married at the time and had a penchant for infidelity. The Monster Hunter moved on after their tryst, and Jenna was raised by the Lord Moineau who thought she was his. He was never fond of his so-called daughter, but the straw that broke his back was the death of his wife. He blamed Jenna. His dislike brewed into hate. It was a convenient excuse that When she began showing signs of her mother's madness, he sent her away to the worst asylum in Paris.

During her stay, she withdrew into herself due to abuse of both a violent and sexual nature. It created a strong-willed persona known as the Daemon to rise up and protect Jenna by taking over in situations that warranted violent resistance. At first, the actions were purely defensive, but the Daemon slowly grew a taste for violence and blood and, as soon as she discovered how to get at the torches in the halls, fire. On the day that would have been her 36th birthday, the Daemon emerged during a sexual attack, broke free of her chains, and used them to strangle the offender. Her escape was nearly flawless, but when she scaled the walls... she abruptly found herself in the arms of a woman she recognized, but had only seen in passing. Moments later, her throat was ripped out. When she was brought back to consciousness by the woman's blood, Daemon killed her on the spot. With a torch, no less. It seemed that the vampire's innate fear of fire had not transfered into the new fledgeling. Without no knowledge of what was going on, she simply sat before the small inferno until a group of unwashed humans came to investigate the flames. She slaughtered the lot for her first meal and took to roaming the corridors of the asylum, using the whispers she now could hear from every corner to teach and guide her. For a decade, she slumbered in the catacombs and mingled with the chaos of the mad people dwelling there."


"It was a rainy summer night some eleven years later that a beautiful waif stepped foot in her lair. She bore a message to meet in the merchant district the next night. It was during that meeting that Daemon met the vampire Henri le Sangre, a very old man in a handsome teenager’s body. She became nearly obsessed with him. She threw herself into his cause, this relatively new thing called the ‘Sabbat’. Henri led their pack, and took the young Malkavian under his wing. He gave her a very well used morning star as a token of his affection, and thus she was his right hand, his lover, and his protégé. He encouraged her to hone her natural skills.

With Henri’s guidance and the pack by her side, she destroyed countless cities, killed countless enemies, set fire to a great many random things. After years passed, Henri found himself in a higher position of power, and the role of pack leader fell to Daemon. For her destructive nature, she became known as Daemon Siege and was considered a last resort after a while, due to her tendency to utterly destroy everything in her path. She didn't believe in taking prisoners for any longer than it took to torture the Hell out of them.

It was when she crossed the ocean to America in the 19th century that Daemon made a fatal mistake. She was to lay siege to a city known as Kitel for reasons unknown to even her. On that first night, as she was laying plans with her pack, she caught wind of a hapless young vampire girl who had wandered in on them. Marco de Medici, Henri's childe and Daemon's second in command requested that the girl be saved for him to "deal with" on his own. His request was denied, and the hot-blooded boy threw a temper tantrum that only slighted immortals can throw. He caused a burning building to come crashing down with Daemon still inside. Broken and dying, Daemon went into recession as Jenna had before her...and someone new emerged entirely: Aes Moineau.

Daemon was presumed to have met Final Death by all who knew her, and so Aes was free to wander the nearby wilderness. It was in the short week after the destruction of Kitel that she came across the girl Marco had wanted for his own. In a savage mockery of male humanity, he was defiling her in the middle of the forest. The girl didn't seem to recognize him, possibly due to the trauma of the city's destruction. As she watched, something maternal snapped in the Malkavian and she found herself rather suddenly dragging him off into the trees to break his bones. Years later, a similar situation with Marco's reemergence would result in his arm being torn off and repeatedly used to sodomize him.

She took to following the girl, named Paola, across the country. They broke from the nomadic refugees and settled in Oklahoma for fifty years. While things were looking comfortable, Marco found them again and learned of Aes's true identity. Their city was sacked and they once again fled.

After almost a century of following Paola, the two parted ways. Paola changed her name to Lia Salvatore and moved on to New Detroit (Millennium City), soon being hefted into her own political position among the undead there. She never lost touch with Aes, but was very surprised when the woman showed up unannounced and explosively at one of her buildings in the Westside district. Fearing the unpredictability of her surrogate mother, Lia appointed her to the position of Scourge. If she was going to get the urge to incinerate, bludgeon, and kill- she could at least be directed as a weapon. She used this time to embrace, love, and learn everything she could about weapons and explosives of all sorts. She learned a special love for the rocket launcher.

Between her duties as Scourge, Aes began to amass a following of her brothers and sisters. Malkavians flocked to the elder and their numbers began to grow in the city. Feeling pressure from the clan, Lia allowed them to select Aes as their Malkavian primogen. The position was taken with a grain of salt, as the old Malkavian knew she was already the voice and hand of her clan in the city. The title was only politics, of which she cared very little. Several months into the position, Lia vanished from the face of the Earth entirely. Many assumed her to be dead, but of course… Aes knew better. It was that point that Aes left for the desert and sealed herself in a mine shaft by blowing the entrance to kingdom come. Her death was long-assumed as well. The Malkavians largely withdrew from the city. The larger vampiric presence itself dissipated there.

Aes slept for almost two years, occasionally reaching out in her slumber to check in on her mortal family, descendants of a long line of pyrokinetic metahumans, magicians, and monster hunters. She stirred from her slumber to arrive in the city once more, taking up a fraction of her former hunting grounds deep in the heart of Westside. During her sleep, a werewolf pack had taken up residence in the territory. She took to playing nice with them and eventually working to keep other vampires out of the territory through flagrant acts of cannibalism and incineration in exchange for being allowed to stay. The Sabbat was attempting to get a foothold in the city at that time, and refused to comply with the wolves’ demands for acting in their territory. There were a few scuffles, much posturing, but nothing came from either side. The pack largely disbanded and the Sabbat faded into the background. The maternal woman inside her grew to love a young man named Nathaniel, whom she ghouled, and eventually Embraced. However, without enemies or handlers to encourage her violent tendencies, Aes once more slipped back. She spent three months in her old mine shaft, contemplating and sleeping while her childe traveled the world, following “the voices”."

Recent Events

Aes agreed to marry the Duke of Vaungur during a particularly brutal lovemaking session. She's also been hired on as an Assault Agent for Harper Security Solutions, but doesn't do it for the money. It largely keeps her boredom and inner destructive tendencies pointed in a direction that won't cause inconvenient consequences.



Everything about Aes seems to be built to stand out in a crowd. She is uncharacteristically tall and stands at least a head above the average woman. Her hair is a shade of fiery orange red that almost seems unnatural. She is solidly muscled, with supple curves and a thick waist. Her manner of dress is often outlandish and wild, leaning towards a preference of bright colors and decorative weapons. On occasion, she can be caught wandering in public without pants on.


She’s shameless and sly, often bearing a half-manic grin. She makes loud boasts of what she could do or what she would have done in her early days. But she rarely appears to be more than talk when among friends. When she’s out in the field, she’s a formidable foe against her enemies. She enjoys psychological warfare, torture, and explosives. She's often feared and avoided by fellow vampires due to her penchant for cannibalism. However, among friends and those she claims as family, she is a playful, motherly force. She tends to pull pranks on her favorite people.

However, it pays to remember that Aes is a clearly mad old vampire. She fully admits to setting her own family members on fire to “teach them”. She is also, in the end, quite selfish when it comes to those she cares for. It doesn’t occur to her that doing something to wreck their life might necessarily be a bad thing if it keeps them in her life.

Aes dislikes money, but through the years she has managed to amass quite a sum of it. She spends it on very little, and currently is funneling the majority of it into an account for her descendant, Michelle.




Cerberus Tactical Solutions

Harper Security Solutions




Strengths and Weaknesses

Strengths: Mental defenses, regeneration, adaptability, empathy. Unbondable to other vampires.

Weaknesses: Beyond the obvious distraction that her pyromania brings, or the ever-present danger that the Daemon identity will rear her ugly head again and wreak havoc, Aes's prime weakness is her age and diet. She's grown powerful beyond the point where human blood will sustain her. She has to seek out fellow vampires and supernatural creatures. On rare occasions, a metahuman's blood will be powerful enough to feed on. She doesn't often kill when she feeds, contrary to popular belief, because she might very well need that blood supply again.

Character Opinions/Impressions

((Feel free to edit and add your toons’ opinion/impression of Aes!))

"She means well. Usually. Despite everything, she's been there for me whenever I need her." - Michelle Hell, "Granddaughter"

"I still say the world would be better off without her." - Snowfall the Wolf

"This isn't the behavior I'm used to seeing from this woman. While still unpredictable and certainly dangerous, she has become far more calculating. I expect she's less likely to indiscriminately slaughter a population than she is to indiscriminately slaughter an enemy she's been told she can legally destroy. Small changes to make her existence easier." - Ramona Caro

"Aes in many ways is exactly the wrong mixture of many elements. Safe enough to be able to leave for five minutes, a barrel of laughs, but the only time Aes should every be off her leash at all, is when shes pointed at someone you particularly lothe, and you are behind every single defense you can muster, and allready running in the other direction." - Sajit

Out-Of-Character Information

Roleplay Hooks: She doesn't hide who or what she is . Older beings might recognize her, and anyone can be aware of her dubious reputation. She's rumored to have come back from the dead (DEAD dead) several times, and there are a lot of wild stories that may or may not be true about her.

Creator's Notes: ((Aes was born out of boredom one day in highschool, ten years ago. I had to TRIM a lot of information out of this just to keep it from being a million miles long!))