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The All-Seeing
Eyes of the law
Character Build
Class Focus: Confidential
Power Level: Confidential
Research & Development: Confidential
Biographical Data
Real Name: Confidential
Known Aliases: Exray, Specs, Big-Brother, The-All-Seeing-Man
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Place of Birth: London
Base of Operations: Millennium City Observatory
Relatives: Confidential
Age: 29
Height: 6'1
Weight: 109lbs
Eyes: Pale blue
Hair: Brown
Complexion: Pale
Physical Build: Toned, lean
Physical Features:
██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██

Lawful Good

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██


Identity: Secret
Years Active: 2004-2006, 2011-present
Citizenship: British/US Citizen
Occupation: Actor
Education: Drama Degree
Marital Status: Single
Known Powers and Abilities
X-ray vision, generate x-rays from hands
Equipment and Paraphernalia
Optic visor, strobe gloves
ReldinBox Template


If you're reading this it means I've probobaly gone too far. Six months ago I was an out of work actor, now it feels like I rule the world. I got hired as part of a corporate scheme to make the general public more accepting (and more susceptible) to new surveillance methods. Smile for the cameras and arrest a few phony crooks, I was and am the poster-boy for CCTV. To everyone's surprise though, I found if you wear a mask for long enough it can become you...

I was set up, then things got out of control and now I'm in over my head. But what scares me is how different I've become, sometimes I can't even tell when I'm acting anymore. That's why I'm making this, a detailed biography and an explanation of my current lifestyle and techniques, if I ever take things too far you might be able to use this information to find some psychological flaw or chink in my methods to use against me.

Good luck.


Email from Doctor Darren Miles, head of I-Tech scientific development:

Dear John,

Let me just say that have a great deal of respect for you and the many philanthropic actions you have engaged in since the tragic loss of your son. However I feel that loss may have blinded you to what you are doing.

The latest prototype of the 'x-ray-camera' as it has been dubbed due to emitting high wave x-ray light, has to date caused more that a dozen cases of temporary colour blindness in test subjects, five cases of potentially permanent impaired sight and two examples of total blindness. This has gone too far.

If you had listened to me and not insisted on rushing the product to test phases I believe this could of been avoided. As it is, despite how invaluable these may have become to law-enforcement it is not worth the rising cost. I have destroyed all data on the construction of the x-ray camera and as of this email resign from I-Tech. Sorry it has come to this John but hopefully this will serve as a wake up call.

- Dr Darren Miles

The Final Report from Agent Hill Regarding Operation Over-Eye

Law enforcement, no matter how effective, stops crime but has little impact on preventing it. This was the conclusion that the NSA reached when they created operation 'Over-Eye' in 2010, a vast new surveillance project with the priority being to prevent crime more than to stop it. The reasoning being that most criminals are either desperate or not of sound mind, for both types the severity of the punishment matters little; to really make a dent in crime figures something about the general public's psyche needs to be altered.

"We are watching you." That was the tag line, it wasn't meant to intimidate, just to make people look over there shoulders every now and again, we tend to act more self-conscious and rational if we thing someone might be watching. The public however didn't react well to the new scheme, protesting and some riots meant we had to put the project on hold and rethink implementation.

In the world of the blind the one-eyed man is king



Abilities and Equipment

X-ray Vision

The cornerstone of Exray's crime-fighting and his citywide surveillance; combined with optic visor he is able to see over (and through) great distances as well as examine things forensically or in a different light spectrum.

Though admittedly seemingly quite mundane it can be quite a versatile power, listed are some of the common uses Exray finds for it.

Surveillance: The posters warning 'EXRAY IS WATCHING YOU' don't lie. Using his vision and telescopic visor Exray is able to see through objects and across many miles, meaning he can scout out locations or keep tabs on virtually anyone at anytime. He could be watching you right now.

Stealth: Exray's vision allows him to both see through walls and in the dark, both of which are useful for sneaking into complexes or up on unsuspecting enemies.

Weak-point search: Whether it's a chink in an enemies armor or their anatomy, a structural weakness in a building or even a blind spot in security, x-ray vision makes it that much easier to find.

Combat reading: While in combat Exray will often look at his opponents anatomy for an advantage; he can see a muscle tense before a strike, check an enemies heart-beat or see how much adrenaline their pumping, small things, but it can give him the edge in a fight.

The Observatory

Exray's base of operations; located in the heart of Millennium City the Observatory serves as both a secure safe-house as well as a constant reminder of Exray's ever watchful eye. Former HQ of Atten Inc, the Observatory is the hub of one of the largest surveillance networks in the world which Exray uses to monitor crime in the city and across the planet.

The telescope itself isn't simply for display and it rarely does it look at stars. Combining it with his vision Exray is able to look at almost any point on Earth; though more of a symbol than a practical tool the telescope has come in useful on more than one occasion and statistics show that crime seems to dip slightly wherever its pointed.

Strobe Blasts

Exray's main offensive tool, power-packs on the side of each of his long gloves generate high intensity x-ray beams which are then unleashed from his palm. Not fatal, the blasts are generally used to stun enemies or often to blind them momentarily. What they lack in damaging power they make up for in piercing as being x-rays they can move through all but the thickest of armors.

When on high intensity the blasts are an effective weapon but on other variations Exray has discovered they can actually have medical properties. Used on a more even setting the ray can deaden pain in the subject and it can effective for temporarily treating radiation injuries, while riskier he's found that in conjunction with his Exray vision he can use it to cauterize internal wounds which can save someones life in a pinch.

Optic Visor

Exray's visor is his most vital piece of equipment, built from the remains of the prototype x-ray cameras, without the advanced light filter across it tailored for his mutated retinas he wouldn't have access to x-ray vision and for all intents and purposes he'd simply be a normal man.

Besides simply enabling Exray's vision though the visor is built with a powerful telescopic feature its compact mirror technology means it has the power of a telescope and Exray can use it to look many miles ahead or even examine things on a microscopic scale.

Reinforced Gloves

In addition to housing x-ray generators, the hero's gloves also act as his main defensive piece. Going up almost to his shoulders they're made of a reinforced rubber designed to absorb impacts as well shield against radiation. Blocking a full swing from a baseball-bat would barely leave a bruise on his forearm and even most swords would have a tough time cutting through; being rubber it also knocks back any attack leaving an assailant more open for a counter.

Audio Equalizers

The first encounter against The Auditor left Exray completely outmatched, unused as he was to fighting someone with senses as powerful as his own. Primarily though he had no defense against the high decibel sonic attacks that his nemesis could send his way. A direct response to this, Exray's audio emitters automatically dampen any sound over 150 decibels before allowing it to travel through to his eardrum. They also have in-built comm devices allowing Exray to listen in on police radio and keep in touch with allys.

Rogues Gallery

The Auditor



- Enhanced hearing

- Sound manipulation

Former head of I-Tech, genius engineer and the true mastermind behind Exray. On the surface the Auditor seems like a megalomaniac, someone out for power and seemingly declaring war with the world, a Saturday morning villain right down to the laugh. In truth this is an act, John Barron is single minded, calculating and willing to sacrifice himself and others for what he believes is the greater good. He knows that as long of the public continue to fear him they will support Exray and his growing surveillance of the city.

The Auditor's crimes are almost always extravagant and attention grabbing, a sonic ray to wipe out the city or a subliminal audio signal to drive people insane, he will often use his engineering prowess to hijack radio signals and announce his plans to the public, they are designed so that Exray is the usually the only one who can stop him and should the hero fail, John has proved he is not shy about carrying them through.

After John Barron's son was stabbed in a robbery he decided to turn his engineering expertise to the security sector in order to make the world a safer place going to to ever excessive means. His relationship with Exray is a strange one, while Exray sees him as insane and makes every effort to arrest him but he's aware that he does need the Auditor to help keep public support, John on the other hand has actually saved Exray during one of his tangles with the 101 and has started to see him as the son he lost.




- Perfect eidetic memory

- Amnesia inducing weaponary

Its not clear, even to Exray when he fist encountered Mnemonic or how many times they've fought since then. Something of an enigmatic figure, Mnemonic is an extreme vigilante with an unparalleled eidetic memory which makes him a dangerous foe. Able to memorize a book or blueprints after reading it once, become a master of a martial from watching a training video and know someones moves off by heart after just one encounter, hes not a man you want to fight twice.

Mnemonic uses advanced electroshock weaponry such as tasers and shock-batons, when used correctly they can induce memory loss on their victims. He is of the belief that conventional criminal rehabilitation is a failure and most of his activities center around trying to wipe criminal's memories believing it will reform them.

A soft spoken man, he actually has no grudge against Exray, but has been forced to wipe part of his memory each time Exray looks through his mask. Its not known what his origins really are, supposedly the man woke up on an operating table with no memory but has never forgotten a thing since.

The Leech


- Enhanced taste

- Taste/drain life-force using hands

- Wall clinging

The 101

"Privacy is ours, we are not intimidated, we are not scared, we are watching back."

- Motto

The 101 is not a person but a movement, in direct response to Exray's campaign to keep all Millennium City under watch a group formed online consisting of one-hundred and one people dedicated to stopping him. Consisting of nerds, left wing campaigners and people in their parents basement, the group has none the less been effective, protesting, hacking Exray's Observatory system, even making organised attempts on his life.

They've been able to allude him due to their form of hierarchy, in that they don't have one, the 101 are leaderless and even the members don't know each other's identity due to their masks and voice changers, catching one has little impact. Their symbol is static from Exray's screens each time a camera is taken down.




Exray is a character I've been nursing for a while now, he grew from the idea of a hero trying to make the absolute most of an otherwise pretty crummy super-power. I really wanted to make a character who embodied something more than simply what they appeared to be at face value such as Iron-Man representing the cold-war arms race, Wonderwoman for feminism and many of Alan Moore's characters. Somewhere along the way he picked up a Big-Brother motif and turned into almost an opposite to V for Vendetta which became a lot of fun to play around with. I wanted to theme his rogues gallery around each having their own super sense to counter Exray's vision and tried to make them a little more morally grey than the run of the mill variants.

The concept started life as an attempt to make a radiant archetype without having to use a fantasy origin (silver player) while still making the battle animation's and colors fit. Originally he was a power-armor hero who fired microwave blasts but I decided to change it to x-rays as they were vaguely medical to better fit and the character grew from there.

Roleplay Notes/Hooks

  • Does your character need someone found or have someone watched? Exray has one of the largest surveillance networks available at his disposal and with his vision can do a stakeout from across a city
  • Right now 'Exray is watching you' posters are dotted all around Millennium City, perhaps your character has something to say about this?
  • Exray has a strict policy around fellow heroes and won't compromise their secret identity by looking through their masks/disguises
  • You might be surprised how many buildings in Millennium City were decorated with lead paint, it has a knack of stopping him from seeing plot ruining details
