Echo Ranger
Character Overview
Coming soon. Stay tuned!
![EchoRanger Charactershot001.jpg](/images/f/f5/EchoRanger_Charactershot001.jpg)
Physical Appearance
This human appears to be in the middle part of her second decade. Her heart shaped face is framed by lustrous black hair that falls well past her shoulders when it’s not tied back. Her ancestry is clearly of a mixed descent. Olive toned skin and darker hair speak to a mediterranean heritage mixed with obvious european physical qualities, but there is also a hint of Asian or possibly Native American as well. Her features combine nicely and give her a striking, if not exotic appearance that most people would find quite attractive.
Her figure is slender and her movements are clearly graceful. Her body has well toned muscles that point to a strong background in either athletics or even military training. Very few parts of her body seem soft at all. It’s as if years of constant physical activity has melted away any of the softer parts of the human form.
When she wears her ‘normal clothes’, they are cut to fit her figure exactly and are clearly made of a superior material. It’s pretty obvious that she doesn’t buy things off the rack in a department store. The same goes for her hair and makeup, they are always in flawless condition.
Personality notes
In no particular order
Good Vibrations: Musical tastes include a love of the Beach Boys, Red Hot Chilli Peppers, Foo Fighters, Nickelback, and although she won’t admit it… Saphire.
I’m not super, thanks for asking: She’s registered as a superhero, but only so she could legally continue to hone her military training on live prey… err, criminals. Her abilities are admittedly well above a typical human’s level, but she doesn’t fly, lift cars above her head, shoot lasers from her eyes, or any of the other miraculous things the heroes in Millenium City seem to do. It’s for that reason that she doesn’t feel like a ‘Superhero’, and despite the masked crime fighting she’ll probably never see herself as a legitimate hero.
Clothes snob: Always looks 100% when in her normal clothes and won’t tolerate even the slightest imperfection. If a shoe has a small scuff, it’s ruined. If her skirt has faded even the slightest, it’s useless.
Always ready: Though usually perfectly concealed, it would be very rare for her to not have some kind of weapon stowed on her body someplace. Most typical would be a blade or small firearm. She’s best with her bow, but doesn’t carry it around habitually. It only comes out when she’s ‘Super’.
Bigfoot!: As a child a strong sense of the supernatural was instilled in her by her Grandfather, to this day she has a healthy fear of anything that is related to the ‘Spirit World’. Beastly supers, ghostly apparitions, or anything god-like will instantly put her on guard. She’s deeply respectful of spirits and often hesitates to take action against them.
Too Sexy: She does value physical beauty more than someone who’s “A really good person”. She’d rather date a guy who’s handsome and a bit of a jerk, than a plain guy who’s nice. If she is to hang around the ‘average joe’, she’ll make sure he’s aware of what a proper dress code is. In this case, proper is what she finds appealing. This trait didn’t manifest until she was near the end of her military career. She never used to be obsessive about her looks, but at some point during her army career, she just got tired of being sweaty and dirty and looking entirely too ‘Butch’ all the time. She also grew to resent being referred to as “one of the Men” in the unit.
Loves a good plan: Hates typical jarhead thinking (ie “There’s a group of insurgents in the village ahead? Let’s go burn them out!”) and would much rather scout and gather recon then formulate a solid plan. The same thinking has carried into her civilian life, she’s a strategist at heart but lacks the true patience to do it fully. She’d be considered more of a reactionary planner, than one who plans for every contingency. She might plan for one or two of the most obvious variables, but that’s about as far as her planning goes.
Avoids the spotlight: Looking good and being admired for it is one thing, but to actually step into a true leadership role is something she is very reluctant to do. She is capable of issuing commands and orders, but would much rather just be a relay for the leader’s wishes than be the leader herself.
Holier than Thou: She’s always led a healthy lifestyle and isn’t afraid to point out other’s bad health habits, or use herself as a measuring stick for others to aspire to.
Who’s the Boss: They better be a competent one. Nothing is worse than following the lead of a clueless idiot. These feelings extend to civilian life as well. Nothing is a bigger turn off for her than to hear a guy utter “I don’t know”, or “I don’t care, whatever”. She appreciates a strong decision or opinion. Gathering opinions or asking for options from a team isn’t a weakness for a leader in her eyes, not acting and making a solid decision is.
Stick and stones: Believes violence is the only true conflict resolver. She’s seen enough peacekeeping missions and diplomatic solutions to know that it always comes back to violence. This belief mainly applies to national conflicts or conflicts of ideology, more than an argument at the grocery store or in daily life. However, a kick in the junk will end an argument awfully quickly… so… just saying. Despite this attitude, she doesn’t go out of her way to look for fights and definately is not a bully.
Get to the chopper: Loves to travel by air, preferably something small and maneuverable. Doesn’t mind commercial airliners, as long as she’s in first class or at the very least a good business class. Her biggest issue with economy class is the unwashed masses back there who’d rather ‘be comfortable’ during their flight, forget to shower, lean their seats back too far, or anything else on her long list of complaints...
Action Jackson: Prefers action to just sitting around. She’d rather be out wandering around Downtown aimlessly versus just sitting at home watching TV. At least Downtown something might happen. She doesn’t qualify holding a position as being inactive, she understands the tactical reasons and will do it for as long as required.
One time: If you’re going to do something, do it right!
Boys don’t cry: While she does her best to make sure everyone knows she’s female, all that time spent with the guys in her unit made her very comfortable with crude humor and colorful language. She’ll usually refrain from using it, but sometimes it will come out; especially if she’s had a few drinks.
Beach Bunny: Growing up in Tofino, she was very accustomed to the beach culture there. Surfing and spending many lazy days on the beach was a way of life. While she strives to be motivated and productive, if she gets near the ocean with a nice sandy beach, she finds it very difficult to not slip back into the mellow laid back lifestyle she knew growing up. It’s the main reason she keeps a small apartment in South Beach, Miami; for those times she truly wants to unwind.
Official Records
This will be split up into 'Super' and 'Civilian' soon. For now use your descretion about what you might know about her.
Real name: Ailish Delacourt
Aliases: Nothing official
Nationality: Canadian
Date of registry as a superhero: October 3rd, 2013
Current identity: Secret
Age: 27
Race: Human. Ancestry includes French National, Maltese, and Native American.
Hair/ Eyes: Black / Brown
Weight: 5’ 8”
Weight: 132 lbs
Places of residence: Millenium City, MI, USA. South Beach, FL, USA. Qubec City, QUE, Canada.
June 2003 - Completed high school in Tofino, BC, Canada. September 2009 - Completed 1 semester at Carleton University in Ottawa, ONT, Canada. Courses were a mix of business and marketing.
Military Record:
Enlisted: Canadian Armed Forces - September 12, 2004. Basic training - Canadian Forces Leadership and Recruit School in St-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Quebec. Designated unit: Echo Company Area of expertise: Reconnaissance Rank obtained: Major Medals and Awards: Purple heart - Awarded August 7th, 2006 UN Special Service Medal: Awarded October 19th, 2007 Member of the Award of Military Merit: December 12th, 2008 Queens Medal for Champion Shot: Awarded January 16th, 2005 Member of the Royal Victorian Order: Awarded November 11th, 2006 Command Commendation: Awarded December 12th, 2008
Police record: Nothing serious, a handful of traffic violations across a number of States and Provinces in the USA and Canada.
Notable Skills
Keen Senses: While not at a superhuman level, her sense of smell and hearing seems to be well above normal for a human being. Her vision surpases all her other senses and her ability to pick out details at a distance comes the closest to being a superhuman level.
Tracking: Trained in the ways of the Native American tracking, she has a well developed tracking skill. Unfortunately, this ability only serves her in areas where her target might leave a natural trail. In the wilderness, she can follow the most elusive of prey, but in an urban setting, she is next to useless.
High tech bow: Built to match the same specs as the one she used in the military, it packs a more powerful punch and has an advanced targeting system that can link to a H.U.D, should she chose to use it.
Nimble: She has always had a natural athletic ability and excelled at gymnastics and acrobatics. Her sense of balance is superior to almost any human and she once walked a tightrope on a whim, with no previous practice.
Pilot: Served as her unit’s pilot when required. She has undergone a complete training on standard jet engine and VTOL aircraft. She has a basic understanding of Helicopters, any attempt to fly one would be shaky, but she probably wouldn’t crash unless facing adverse conditions.
Lead Foot: Most of her ground based driving has been in military vehicles, in areas where rules of the road don’t exactly matter. While she can drive a car or motorcycle with a high degree of skill, she is best described as extremely reckless. Pretty much anyone who does get a ride in her car doesn’t ever ask to do so again.