Zhaocai Mao

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Zhaocai Mao☯︎
Player: @Dangerclose50
Zhao Making it Rain Art.jpg
"Zhaocai Mao, ya'll be finna'rememba'that name."
Character Build
Class Focus: Fire Martial Artist Chi Melee Hybrid
Power Level: 40
Research & Development: Mystic
Biographical Data
Real Name: Jennifer Cao Mui
Known Aliases: Zhao Mao
Gender: Female
Species: Half Human - Half Yaoguai
Ethnicity: Chinese-American
Place of Birth: Westside Detroit
Base of Operations: Millennium City, Detroit
Relatives: Luji Mao (Mother)
Age: 21 years old
Height: 5'6
Weight: Around 138lbs
Eyes: Lime Green
Hair: Black-Red-Blond mix
Complexion: Light golden tan
Physical Build: Athletic-Curvy
Physical Features: Snakebite & Navel piercing
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Lawful Evil

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Identity: Public
Years Active: 6
Citizenship: Chinese & American Citizenship
Occupation: Thief & Vigilante
Education: High School Dropout
Marital Status: Single
Known Powers and Abilities
Chi reading, manipulation and conjuring, limited levels of shadow magic and manipulation.
Equipment and Paraphernalia
Varies greatly
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Jennifer Mui grew up in the heart of Chinatown, a neglected corner of Detroit’s Westside. The eldest child of Lu Ji, an immigrant single mother, Jennifer quickly learned the meaning of responsibility. Life was tough, but Lu Ji worked tirelessly to provide for her children, holding down two jobs—waiting tables during the day and cleaning office buildings at night. Though their apartment was cramped and modest, it was filled with love, and Lu Ji always found time to teach Jennifer about their heritage and values, instilling pride in their identity.

When Jennifer was 11, her younger brother Hao was born. His arrival brought both joy and additional challenges. Lu Ji’s already limited resources were stretched even thinner, but Jennifer adored her baby brother and often helped care for him, becoming his second protector.

When Jennifer was 13, tragedy struck. One night, while walking home from the diner after a late shift, Lu Ji was caught in the crossfire of a gang shootout. A stray bullet ended her life, leaving Jennifer and two-year-old Hao orphaned. The police treated the incident as just another statistic, a common occurrence in a neighborhood plagued by violence.

Jennifer was devastated. Her mother had been her rock, and now she was gone. With no extended family to turn to and the foster system looming, Jennifer made a fateful decision: she would keep her family together at all costs. Refusing to let strangers raise her brother, Jennifer dropped out of school and took full responsibility for Hao.

The streets of Chinatown, already unforgiving, became even harsher without Lu Ji’s protection. Jennifer took on whatever jobs she could find to make ends meet, from cleaning homes in wealthier neighborhoods to running deliveries for local shop owners. Some jobs weren’t exactly legal, but Jennifer didn’t have the luxury of being choosy.

By necessity, Jennifer became street-smart and tough. She learned to navigate the gang-dominated landscape, avoiding trouble where she could and standing her ground when she couldn’t. Her focus was singular: keep a roof over Hao’s head, food on the table, and him safe from the dangers that had claimed their mother.

Hao, too young to understand the full weight of their situation, became Jennifer’s anchor. His laughter and curiosity gave her purpose, reminding her of the innocence she was determined to protect.