Eclips2 Duella, Secretes beneath Ravenwood

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Words From The Author

Ah yes, a teen drama. A tale about coming of age into the world of superheroics. The young miss Duella also known as Eclips2 will be the center of it.

Knees together tightly, She raises her head from the desk. Then slams her face back down into a puddle of her own drool. It's a superhero school but still school non the less. School is boring. She's only been her a few days and already finds it hard to fit in. "Hey fatty, get my pencil under desk?" A guy sitting behind her asks. A big girl she eases the chair back a bit. With a head shake and a smile reaches down to take grab it. "Wooooo." The says causing the other boys to laugh. She points the pencil at him and and replies, "That wasn't very nice." She squints and continues, "I could dart this right through your head." The guys raises his hand to signal the teacher. Eclipse gets sent to the principals office.

He explains, "Threatening students her at Ravenwood Academy isn't to be taken lightly." She explains, "But I was harnessed he made sexual gestures at me." The principal replies, "Guys making gestures at you doesn't justify using your powers to threaten someone. Guys will make gestures at you. You have to figure out in your own just why they are making remarks at you? Take your dressing for example." She replies, "What? My dressing? Really? Your blaming me?" He gets up from his desk fold his arms and starts to whisper. She's replies, "omg no! Are you making a pass at me?"

Outside. "Psst' a voice calls under her but she doesn't see the person. Following the sound she looks behind a rock only to find a talking head.