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Lukan 001.png
"He doesn't talk. Because he doesn't need to."
"The Preternatural"
Player: Darwin
Basic Data
Class Focus: Melee DPS/Tank
R & D: None
Level: 52
Occupation: Cosmic Supervillain (Daon's Faction, Current)
Personal Data
Real Name: Unknown
Known Aliases: The Preternatural, Lukan the Fierce, The Fierce, The World's Most Ferocious Fighter
Identity: Secret
Species: Creesemanist Human
Age: Unknown
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 210 lb
Eye Color: Unknown
Hair Color: Unknown
Blood Type: Unknown
Biographical Data
Birthplace: Unknown
Birthdate: Unknown
Nationality: American
Current Residence: Unknown
Religion/Faith: Creesemanist
Sexual Orientation: Unknown
Marital Status: Unknown
Known Languages
Known Relatives
Known Powers
Immense Physical Prowess, Invulnerability, Paradigm Shift
Training / Abilities
Master Hand to Hand Combatant

"From our oldest records, no one has ever uncovered anything about this man. He doesn't speak. He doesn't even have a backstory. Yet once he appears it's almost as if there's no need for any of that. He's a monster. That's all there is to it."

- Nighthawk on Lukan following his defeat to the supervillain

Lukan is a mysterious figure affiliated with the Supercosmic Villain Bobby Creeseman and is among one of the top hand-to-hand fighters currently known, with his combat prowess surpassing even the likes of Rukia of Ruin.

Lukan is considered so strong that among the Creesemanists that have been disclosed by UNTIL, the supervillain is the only Creesemanist to have been classified a Cosmic Threat. Additional eyewitness accounts from several superheroes as well as analysis of his DNA samples reveal that Lukan is human in nature, adding onto the scale of his abilities. To date, Lukan has defeated an uncountable number of well known combatants, superheroes and supervillains alike using his bare hands. Among these combatants include the famous vigilante Nighthawk.

Lukan currently operates under Daon of Corruption, serving as their bodyguard. This affiliation has been one of the reasons why UNTIL has been unable to contain the Herald of Corruption despite the Herald's significantly weaker combat power compared to the other Heralds of Creeseman.


Not much is known of Lukan's background, but from the limited details of the supervillain it can be surmised that Lukan was and still is a human who had somehow achieved a physical state far surpassing his biological limits. At some point, Lukan became affiliated with Creeseman, where the Supercosmic Villain enhanced Lukan to an even more lethal degree.

Lukan is currently affiliated with Daon, serving as their bodyguard. Numerous attempts at tracking and taking down the Herald were attempted, however all were thrwarted by Lukan who has now proven to be able to fight at the same level as a Herald.