The Shadow Vine

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Content Warning, Course Language, Extremely Gore-y Violent Goodness, Suggestive or Sexual Themes


These are the main Shadow Vine bosses but there are a lot more. The appearances of some of these characters could be subjected to minor edits on different platforms.


  • Scariest character in verse will give you slow trypophobia death

The Botfly Queen

  • Lays eggs in your body that will hatch many tiny worms that will devour and ooze out till your carcass remains.


  • The many legs you fear. Powers include the ability to turn people to freak bug hybrids remove limbs and fuse with people he was turned to bugs. Foe will be conscious but Cackroach will have control of the body.

Monty Eyes

  • The evil stare that turns you to stone. Like a cockatrice he may preserve you for torture.

Rave and Monty locked in death stare. Rave extracted Goomba's (Madusa) body form his statued shell. Monty lost his powers and Hurexateaz orders World Eater to swallow Monty and turn him to digested matter. He is not fat but has a beer belly. His eyebeam are like multiple random electricity that don't fire in a straight line but surge all over the place in spirals making it more terrifying.

The World Eater

  • Swallows opponents and spit them out half digested to eat them again.

Horse Head

  • Some crazy thing you rather not have you. Can shape shift.


The grossest sickest bastards to ever exist. The Shadow Vine is a very powerful very unkillable evil that Rave gatekeep. He ensured they stay locked in their dimension.


Trapped in a dark dimension but recurring chance to return. Legion monitors first responses for any signs of there activity.


Long spikes, Rages, Sometimes resembles a demonized version catholic religion


Darkest dark dimension with literally no light. Stain glass type kaleidoscope realm constantly changing.


To consume all other dimensions in darkness and eternal suffering

The Shadow Vine


The Shadow Vine are very good re-occuring enemy that rivals The Immortal Legion strength.