Thomas Park

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Thomas-park 003.png
"The real fight starts when it hurts."
Yeonwoo "Thomas" Park
The Tenacious
Player: Darwin
Basic Data
Class Focus: Melee Tank
R & D: Arms
Level: 40+ (Theoretically Boundless)
4 (Formerly)
Occupation: Runner (Formerly)
Powerlifter (Formerly)
Ravenswood Academy Superhero Student (Formerly, Did not graduate)
Vigilante (Current)
Junior Laboratory Inspector (Current)
Personal Data
Real Name: Park Yeonwoo
Known Aliases: The Tenacious
Wannabe Solo Leveler
The Failed Athlete
Clown (By Bobby Creeseman)
Tenacious Tommy
The Strongest Tank of all Mankind
The Biggest Eyesore Ever (By Rukia)
Identity: Secret
Species: Human
Age: 27
Height: 5' 9"
Weight: 166 lbs
Eye Color: WIP
Hair Color: WIP
Blood Type: WIP
Biographical Data
Birthplace: Calgary, Canada
Birthdate: WIP
Nationality: Korean Canadian
Current Residence: Renaissance Centre
Religion/Faith: Protestant Christian
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Marital Status: Single
Known Languages
Known Relatives
Unnamed Parents
Park Jun Ho (Ancestor, Deceased)
Known Powers
Unknown Limit Breaking Power
Training / Abilities
Fastidious Eye
Technological Knowledge

Park: You take what you got! As little as it is. And you turn it into something big! That is what it means to be an athlete. And a superhero.

Creeseman: Yet you have failed all your life. I have watched you through the eyes of my Heralds. Everyone pulls ahead of you, despite sacrificing less. How can you still have such faith in a world that will never love you-

Park: So what? So what if everyone is better than me? More talented than me? Better looking than me? They can condemn me for being Korean. For being short and being ugly and being weak. They can condemn you for being gay. That's THEIR business. But if even YOU can't love yourself, who in this world will?!

- Thomas Park vs. Bobby Creeseman

Park Yeonwoo, also known as Thomas Park is a vigilante operating in Millennium City who sometimes works alongside the members of Grainger's Team. Originally a failed athlete due to the limitations of his body, Thomas had a fateful encounter with one of Bobby Creeseman's Heralds, Rukia, in which the Herald of Ruin had seemingly killed the former. After miraculously surviving the ordeal, Thomas's body unlocked a unique and strange ability that allows him to push past his limits through sheer grit and willpower when near death, and to resist the effects of Cut Destroyer without the dependency of Celestial powers. However, he does not have full control of the power.

Thomas is the first person in history to have survived an attack by Rukia with the intention to kill, making him a target of both the Supercosmic Villain, as well as his older sister. Thomas is also believed to be crucial in UNITY's plan to stop Creeseman once and for all.


Many years ago, an extremely wealthy and talented North Korean general named Park Jun Ho received a curse that condemned his bloodline from producing successful sons, for which every son to be born would be plagued with the curse of never reaching Jun Ho in success or would result in a stillborn. As a result, the Park bloodline produced mainly daughters. Due to Jun Ho's pride, the general remained adamant that all subsequent children retain the surname "Park" to keep his bloodline intact for years to come.

When Yeonwoo was conceived, the child was found to possess a brain tumor, with the doctors predicting that the child would have a very high chance of becoming a stillborn. In a desperate attempt to appease the curse, Yeonwoo's father suggested aborting the child and hoping for a daughter, however, Yeonwoo's mother remained adamant about giving birth to the son and allowing him to live. As a compromise, the couple sought out Christianity and joined a fellowship, in which countless hours of prayer were arranged for Yeonwoo's birth to go successfully. Yeonwoo's birth was met with a miracle, in which the child displayed signs of life and the tumor mysteriously disappeared. As a result of the gratitude the parents had for the faith, Yeonwoo's father decided to give his son another name, Thomas, after one of the apostles of Jesus Christ.

Powers and Abilities

Due to being a son born in the bloodline of Park Jun Ho, Thomas initially received the generational curse in the form of a brain tumor that put his life at risk. Miraculously, the tumor had disappeared allowing Thomas to be born and to live his life, however, the curse would instead manifest through crippling asthma and other medical conditions that have compromised his body's ability to develop.

Despite Thomas' fierce work ethic in his dream to become a tank like his role model, Terra, the aspiring hero was met with countless failures as his body refused to improve in response to his training and diet. This led to Thomas possessing a significantly weaker body compared to other superheroes, including those who did not possess any superpowers. When Thomas enrolled in Ravenswood Academy, Socrates noted that Park was only able to achieve Level 4. Upon leaving the simulation and entering the Powerhouse, the trainers were incapable of pushing Thomas's body beyond the Level 4 mark, with almost every other superhero achieving Level 6. As a result of this, Defender advised Thomas to abandon his dreams to become a superhero for his safety.

"Ask yourself, Thomas. Is the strength you want for others, or for yourself? Must you really become a superhero if the only goal you have is to become better than the Thomas Park that was yesterday?"

- Terra to Thomas after his expulsion from Ravenswood Academy

Above Average Athleticism: Thomas' admiration for Terra has been foundational to his desire to become stronger in spite of his limitations. This admiration has manifested in the form of a fierce desire to train himself consistently. Though the results of his training have been relatively lackluster in comparison to other highly trained individuals in the superhero scene, Thomas' conditioning was still respectable considering his background.

  • Above Average Strength: Thomas' main forte in his athleticism is his strength. From multiple years of weight training, Thomas has built a strong array of muscles allowing him to bench press around 100 kilograms, deadlift 140 kilograms, and squat 125 kilograms. When Thomas was attacked by several members of The New Purple Gang, the athlete was strong enough to throw an Earner and momentarily trade blows with a Hired Muscle, however due to his low stamina, the spike in adrenaline caused Thomas to be overpowered quickly by the larger and stronger enforcers until Terra arrived to save him.
  • Average Endurance and Stamina: Thomas' biggest weakness is his stamina due to his asthma. Though Thomas runs consistently, the athlete noticed that his body is incapable of running any longer than 20 minutes before "gassing out", even if it is a light jog.
Thomas trades blows with a Hired Muscle despite being outmatched in strength

"You stole that homeless girl's coin pouch. You beat her and humiliated her. If I fall I'll get back up! If I bleed I'll wipe the blood away! If I break my arms I'll use my legs! If I break my legs I'll use my face! AS LONG AS THAT GIRL IS CRYING I WILL NEVER BACK DOWN!"

- Thomas Park refuses to go down for the sake of a homeless child

Indomitable Will: As a result of his upbringing, Thomas has an incredibly strong willpower that allows him to withstand immense degrees of physical and psychological pain without surrendering. Before awakening his power, Thomas was able to take the hits of a Hired Muscle without going down and was able to hold his own against several members of Purple Gang despite being outnumbered and outmatched in strength. It would be this quality that attracted the attention of the superheroine Terra, who at the time supported Defender's decision to admonish Park from pursuing superhero activities, but would slowly recognize the boy's extreme levels of grit and determination. What would start out as Terra suggesting Thomas train as an athlete, would eventually transition to her supporting the boy in trying out to fight crime under her tutelage.

Fastidious Eye: Thomas developed a habit of being incredibly detail-oriented in response to his job as an inspector. When Thomas was in Ravenswood Academy, though the hero trainee was incapable of taking down any Qularr, Socrates noted that Thomas had identified the weak spots of every alien in the simulation that would theoretically allowed him to defeat them in one blow if not for his conditioning. When Thomas helped the simulation Defender fight Black Talon, Thomas found a way to completely bypass the supervillain's armor by noticing a structural flaw in the side, defeating the villain with a crowbar in two strikes, a feat that surprised even the artificial intelligence.

Technological Knowledge: Thomas is very proficient with technology, being an inspector of gadgets and robots in his biotechnology company. His phone is heavily modified to allow the device to track his heart rate, and accurately measure calorie consumption of his body. Later on, Thomas also invents a device known as Gauntlet, which interfaces with his nervous system to attempt to learn more about his limit-breaking power.

Rukia Arc

When Creeseman learned of Thomas' fixation on the villain's older sister, Jennifer, the younger brother decided to lure Thomas into a trap by using his Herald, Rukia, who was identical in appearance to the latter Creeseman. Rukia, realizing that Thomas was only Level 4 accepted Bobby's request, lured a lovestruck Park to her bedroom, and proceeded to viciously beat the superhero trainee. Thomas, betrayed by who he still believed to be Jennifer, attempted to fight back through willpower, but the gap was far too overwhelming. Moments from losing consciousness, Park activated a homing beacon from his phone to alert nearby superheroes for help.

Thomas' disappearance from training was met with great concern by Terra, who decided to track down Thomas, picked up his distress signal, and rushed over to Rukia's location. Barely saving Thomas, the superheroine and superhero trainee duo faced off against the Herald of Ruin, but Rukia continued overpowering the two despite Terra's intervention.

As the duo continued fighting, Thomas began to reflect on his weakness, realizing that no matter how much he tried he would never improve, and that willpower alone was not enough to win fights. This belief overtook the young superhero upon witnessing Rukia killing Terra right before his very eyes. Terra's final words to Thomas would be to live. However, these words were cut off as Rukia proceeded to impale Thomas as well, seemingly killing the duo. As Thomas lay on the ground dying, Terra's final words continued to resonate in his head, along with the words of the curse of Park Jun Ho, condemning Thomas' existence, and finally, the words of his parents revealing his brain tumor. As Thomas continued to reflect on his life, the young hero miraculously got to his feet, much to Rukia's shock, who sliced at Park again with Cut Destroyer, but the blade was incapable of severing his body, becoming lodged in his ribcage. A battle-crazed Thomas then pulled Rukia in, crushing her arm to the Herald's chagrin and disbelief. Rukia managed to yank Cut Destroyer out of Thomas' body, but a piece remained embedded in him, as his body strangely absorbed the piece of the scythe. Sensing that Rukia had taken damage, Creeseman ordered her retreat, which she did reluctantly. Thomas would later pass out from exhaustion and grief over the death of his role model and older sister figure.

Upon regaining consciousness, the doctors at Mercy Hospital were astonished at the fact that Thomas had completely recovered and that he had no permanent injuries aside from a strange black scar from where Cut Destroyer had sliced his side. Following Rukia's attack on Thomas, the superhero realized that there would be times when his body could push past his Level 4 barrier when near death or at moments of crisis.

  • Indestructible: When Thomas' power activates, the superhero enters a state where his durability greatly exceeds his limits. Roy, one of Thomas' trainers in the Powerhouse, recognized this power as being similar to the Active Defenses used by the superheroes out in the field. Still, Thomas' version of Indestructible seemingly lasted much longer which baffled the Powerhouse Trainer. The damage reduction his body takes was such to the point where Park was capable of withstanding strikes of both Teleiosaurus and her Hatchling as a Level 10 superhero, a feat that was considered impossible. However, upon Indestructible's expiry, along with his power activation, Park loses consciousness and is incapable of fighting for at least several days.