GenoRave Act 3.13

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Kimbra decided to live stream her hot tub experience. This is unlike her to look for attention because she is usually introverted and keeps herself extremely committed to Rave. But she was in some private hidden resort built by him in the snowy mountains. Wearing a tiny black bikini the warm water streamed through the cold air. We already know kimbra looks just a little vampiric with her forced gothish smile under her high cheekbones. She held the phone in her hand as she the video went live. She was kinda chill just brushing back her wet hair forcing to read the comments that moved up quickly. She would say a mumble, say a few words and talk about random things that happened in her day that no one cared about. She's a top heavy girl in a hot tub so she had quite a few viewers. Armor18 commented, 'Where are you now?' kimbra replied, "It's private, my boyfriend, well Rave built it. We don't usually do public places." She takes the camera and spins around to show the mountain view. Rosy4lyfe being a hater commented, 'Lame, Your chest so fake it looks like he built you too.' Armor18 added, 'Your boyfriend must be pretty weak to make you stream like that. That ghost guy right? Rave? He might pay for you but I'll have you for free if we meet.' kimbra replies with a smile, "That's funny, you count take Rave. The rumors you heard about him killing a lot of people are probably true. To add he doesn't like us talking to guys. Unless your just a fan and don't really expect anything. It's just that this place is really * secluded so the internet is what we do for fun. When we're not doing something rude." Armor18 comments, 'He's a loser now and will be a * when I find you.' Kimbra laughs, "Oh ish, You should talk smack about Rave. You know he can come through the camera. Unless you're on a private network he could appear behind you right now." Cashmoni comments, 'Rave is a myth, I don't believe the ghost is real. It's just his gimmick to scare people.' kimbra says, "I'll summon him. Rave? Chat is talking smack about you..." Rave materializes behind her in the tub but his image does not appear on normal camera. He is invisible to the audience other than Kimbra. The chat hears a deep man voice laugh but they to see him. She looks back as if someone was holding her from behind. The viewing count goes up. Cashmoni comments, 'I don't see him. See, it's a sham.' Kimbra says, "Sorry guys, Rave's is mysterious. You should already know what he looks like." Armor18 comments, "Yah Rave? How much you pay for her boobs, I can get that for free?" Rave says, "Forget that, just one of her piercings is worth more than your entire existence. I made them by compressing real moon rocks into rare diamonds. You can't flex on my level." As he holds her left chest up to the screen. The viewer count sky rocket. The viewers see that Kimbra is interacting with an invisible man. Kimbra feel a little embarrassed Rave would do that but she likes the attention. Camera pans out to an omnious user watching Kimbra live stream. The mysterious creep breathes heavily.

Way!... Huge Guns

Out-post shoot out

Now, Synthrax, Eclips and some other girls engage in shoot out against the Sentient Robot Powers in syndicate with alien tech. So the robot enemies of before are somewhat stronger upgraded but fewer in number. There shield also uses anti- Rave poltergeist jammers to prevent his interception. Eclips is using a dark matter phaser gun given to her by Rave. Originally she doesn't use guns but it amplifies her powers using the same principle Rave replicated from the orb weaver. She can now blast her projectiles further and more concentrated. And keeps her at a safe manageable distance.

We see a giant alien spaceships thing in the distance and it leaves are many tentacles. Apart from the force fields around it the outside body is costed with a very thick amount of alien metal like the head of a crab with squid legs. Dekota, Tati and Christine relays from Intel the legs ads the only weak point.

Baby fires Synthrax's plasma rifle but the kick black breaks her shoulder. America asks, "How is that even possible, I thought Rave gave her the cyber super soldier boost?" Cameila explains while the shoot out rages on, "You see, Synthrax's guns are build specifically for her. Like anyone else but Now using her own gun will find it less useful than a club. But the problem with Synthrax gun wasn't necessarily that it's build to match her powers. It's that is was build to match her cup size. Yes, I just said that. Well, no one can use Metalslug guns cause they attach as part of her body. 50% is slug 50% is rock. Wiki has used Synthrax guns before because Synthrax is a bug but 50% of her biomech is plant and by wiki using her shaman insight she could communicate with the spirit inside. Wiki could fire almost 100% of all elemental based weapons. That her cup size is only 17% smaller than the largest shooter being Synthrax. 17 being a prime number makes her holster divisible by A prime number that is naturally greater than 1 that is not a product of two smaller natural numbers." America just looks at Cameila like she's crazy. Meanwhile Baby is still suffering on the floor and partially ignored. Kimbra says, "I knew you wasn't paying attention, all of our special weapons are designed to fit our body type except you girls who are similar composure not composite." America shouts, "* that, Is use anything... CODE:1984- 4th of July Uzi! Not even a mosquito can dodge this!" She screams and fires cover shots clearing the drones out of the way. Kimbra shouts, "Weapon print, CODE:4219- Ring me up a bazooka and load me the Father's day special!!!" Metalslug shouts, "No way! That's my move?!" The rocket fly, swirls in the air. Metalslug shouts, "No way I'm letting you out do me! Here come the after party over indulgence hangover. Bwaaaark!!!" A second blast is fired from her spit cannon. Boom! BAM! Contact with the syndicate swarm carrier's right set of legs. It cap sides. It shield goes down to allocate power for balance. Rave appears and says, "Bingo. It is over!!!" As he flies at them to utilize the moment for entry.

Guy legion troops pause and look up as Rave dart across the sky. Right there is his son Elite closest in frame with his brown hair. Giant legion mechas close the gap shortly behind him. Rave shouts, "Continues fire!" Legion continues to bomb the giant fallen ship base as he goes in." A leader robot of the Sentient Powers says, "God dammit, all our forces keep falling to Legion!" Rave is standing just behind him. The robot presses something. Silent lights from the outside as the ship begins to explode from the inside out. A pause before the boom as the stock wave fly over legion troops. Even slightly pushing back the giant mechas hovering in the air. But even the loud sound of the enemy death is blared out by the roar of legion soldiers cheer. Victory.

Rave looks out at the remnants of blast in the sky over his head and gets suspicious. Cherry takes Baby unto sickbay as Sunami keeps her company. Braille is on the ER now as one of the practicing nurses. Braille looks at Baby who is now laughing it off and says, "Great, just want she wanted, another excuse to keep her from doing jack*... I'm going to ensure she heals up as soon as possible."

Opposites Attract

Viewer Discretion advised

This one for the streets...

Middle-East Suburban

Backstory of the romantic relationship between Jada and Shakti.

Now imma take us to a flashback. We go back to the days when Anti-Vax kids had formed. And a little later the kids where becoming young adults. We step into a land of poverty, homeless kids living in a land torn by wars came together to protect those that couldn't defend themselves.

Jada real name was actually Jake and back then he looked male. His best friend name was Shakti and she was a tomboy. And though she was secretly a lesbian and he was secretly gay they had a crush on each other. But it's had not formulated into anything serious. While sitting in the steps Jake had told Jada that he liked her. She was sorry to tell him she was a lesbian. He was a little mad at her because she constantly lead him to believe she was interested. But then he decided to diss her, Jake said, "I'm gay too. I only liked you because you look like a guy. Come to think of it I think your too ugly for me." And she replied, "Well I would never love you because you hit like a * and someone has to save you all the time." They hurt each other feelings them laughed it off. They remembered why they were friends. After time of keeping secrets Shakti decided to help Jake come out to the others. From then on he changed his name to Jada.

Time passed. Shakti gave Jada money to help her get illegal female cybernetic transplant. Jada was fulling out her new body and Shakti was getting fatter too. Shakti when from looking like a tomboy to a slightly chubby adolescent. Never questioned where the money was coming from. Later Jada finds out Shakti had a secret older boyfriend or was sleeping with guys. So the girls fell out. At that time Jada would not what she was mad about. But was cold towards Shakti for some time.

When it came up Jada screamed, "You told me you wasn't interested in guys! I started to change my body because of you! Now your out sleeping with these old creeps." Shakti explained, "It wasn't my choice. I was a party I was drunk and he took advantage of me. And not only that, I'm pregnant. That's why I went back. He says he'd take care of the child." Jada replies, "Shakti why didn't you tell me? That makes him a bad guy. We could of best him up." Shakti explains, "You don't get it? I'm scared, even if he hits me I'm know I could beat him but the child, and I feel so embarrassed. You cannot tell the others." Jada says, "This is so *" Shakti further explains, "Don't feel sorry for me. I'm use it. Even if I liked girls, I needed money to survive so I got ot from men." Jada exclaims and gasps, "Baby noooo. You were barely even old enough. Now I'm gonna cry because I didn't know and I was so mad at you. Tell me that money you were giving me for cybernetic transitioning didn't come from them."

Right there on the step Shakti says to Jada, "I wasn't attracted to you when you was a guy but now you look more like a girl somewhere along the line I think I fallen in love with you. I wanted to help you get your surgery so we could be together." They kiss awkwardly then everything felt natural afterwards. They went inside and made love. Under covers Shakti says, "You should of known why I gained weight." Jada explains, "This has taken so much over my mental health, I like you so much then I didn't, I like you again then I completely removed you from my heart and now we are in bed together." Jada continues, "What we going to do about your man?" Shakti replies, "I don't know. I'm still pregnant. I don't think I should leave him." Jada replies, "*! And now I'm mad at you again. Tell me your not having the child!" Shakti explains, "Jada, it's my body! You're not even a real girl I don't expect you to understand." Jada feeling get mad hurt. Jada says, "What?! Are you dumb?! Shakti a child in this poor chaotic place? What are you thinking? Shakti you'll ruin your life!" Shakti says with sass, "My life? You're only think of yourself. You expect me to kill a child?" Jada says, "That's not what I'm asking." Shakti leaves. Jada thinks, "I knew it. She's just as stupid as all the other girls. This is why I don't like women."

Shakti wasn't present for a few delinquent rendezvous. Jada would make excuses and cover for her still. Later after beating up a villain. Jada goes yo visit Shakti. From the outside Shakti doesn't want to let her in and speaks behind the door. Jada says, "Come on DB, it's been a week you still mad at me for what? Caring about your future?" Shakti says nervously, "No in not mad at you. I'm coming down with a fever. That's all we good, I'll talk to you some other time. Jada was about to leave but then thought something was suspicious. So she went back and decided to sneak in through an open window. Jada finds Shakti with a busted lip. Jada gasps. Shakti nervously explains, "I was stopping a shop thief and the door hit me in the mouth. Jada exclaims, "A door hit you and you decide to hide from us? You lier, your boyfriend is hitting you!" Shakti says, "Well yes but I kinda deserved it, he thought Chibot was another guy." Jada gasps again, "You deactivated Chibot for a guy. Something is really wrong with your head. I'm reactivating him and telling." Shakti says, "No don't turn him on. He might flip out." Jada shouts, "Either I tell him or I tell the others!" As saying so Jada turns on Chibot.

Chibot reactivates and before Jada can even get a word out Chibot is already pissed shitless. Chibot growls, "Where is he!" And we get the feeling that Chibot already know that Shakti's boyfriend was hitting her. Shakti had turn Chi off just before it was about to eliminate her boyfriend. You see Chibot was a robot built by Shakti to protect her and serve as a father figure or mentor. As Shakti got older she was turning Chibot off more often because it had come to behaving really strick. The heat that comes from Chibot rockets as he began to hover could not of been any hotter than his glass forehead. Shakti doesn't answer and seems a bit afraid of Chibot now. Chibot says, "No matter, I'm hacking server interface right now to achieve his last position. Ah, he is here..." Chibot flies after Shakti's boyfriend. On punch from Chibot instantly kills the man. Shakti gets weak in her knees and Jada catches her. In the commotion she began to bleed and full passe out. Jada screams, "OH MY GOD!!!" as the blood is on both of them. Chibot says, "I'll get her to the hospital!" Fading out. Scene goes black.

Cut back to an empty funeral. "It's not like we can just not attend... That would be suspicious..." Chibot says. GoldTooth asks, "How's DB doing." Chibot replies, "Better." Jada asks, "She didn't come?" Chibot replies, "It's not your fault Jada." Yaniko says, "Jesus Christ! All of this is going on behind our backs and you two didn't tell us. We were family how could she be ashamed to tell us?!" Kobain says to Mousey, "Dam, Mille tell me of you to is leaving a secret double life. I need to know before I get to involved." Mousey replies, "Sssh, not the time Kobain." GoldTooth explains, "He's just trying to lighten the mood, we're burying some guy with our friends unborn child. This is pretty f-ed... Good thing we have a Kobain." Kobain says, "Yah, aI wasn't told moving bodies and coming up with an alibi was in the job description." Cavort Witch doesn't say anything appear from being annoyed to be there.

Jada and Shakti never got back together after that. They would only be together with the group and barely spoke to each other. Shakti was rightfully mad at her but Jada in a weird way had done the right thing in a touch circumstance. In a way I think Shakti would agree but would never admit it.

Later Jada meet Rook in Japan where she gets the final surgery. And DB had next secret relationship with Rave. Rook turns out to be a sympathetic bad guy regardless he dies and Jada joins up with Rave. Diving into Rave's philosophy he allows the girls to be together... and still seeing him at the same time? There's always tensions, especially since it's never fully addressed weather or not the other girls of Anti-Vax were seeing Rave. Is a sort of corruption that happened over time. And maybe best to avoid conflict.

And note again, people asks why he has so many different relationship or girls. And I explain, There is many copies of Rave as projected by hosts which more for him is better. He separates the crew and send them on missions or vacation. When he is a certain distance from himself, he loses the mind link. The tree within his dimension becomes fragmented almost like a different version of this tree. He variously entangles himself into relationships. Along with dealing with living on the edge of a headspace of madness, inconsistency and psychedelia, all of it happens like he is never fully aware till it's too late. And the final reason is simply because he can do what he wants.

Eyes Nailed Shut

Act 6

Three inches long, Crucifying nails, peirced right through his cheek bones but avoid the brain. Though lifeless eyes under his lids. His disciples will be saved. Head shaved and motionless on a stake. The secret weapon. Anti-christual magic. Man mounted upon a demons neck. An opponent.

Mitsudomoe Siren counter. Rave absorbs Deelihla's body and swallows Sirens soul. Combo mutation. Rave crucified to fight the demon. Black portals on Rave's wrists, a cosmic storm within. No eyes, White third eye within a portal on forehead.

What's even happening?

Flashback. Some days earlier.

Bright white background with a blurry shadow of what appears to be long alien humanoid. Rave says, "I been skeptical about sharing mind, soul and body with the girls. I keep like I been in them to long. Their memories are always from their perspective. So if I wasn't head strong my conscious would get too diluted and probably fade away and get buried in theirs. Chastity said I was sexist but having no physical body I didn't know it was possible. They perceive me as a man but more I stay out of mine the more I forget what it was like to be bounded by gender in my physical form. My appearance is only a temporary machine. And I have flashback of stare out through the women's eye. The eyes of Eve seeing her reflection in the snake's. That long shadow of a human. I can not tell weather it is male or female. What could it be? It's like the ghost of a serpent baring arms. I can almost understand what it is like to be everyone. Like Amun. Like a god."

She cursed the serpent to bare arms. Rave says, "That's it, religion wants us to forget we the humans are gods. They invented figures of good and evil to for their actions or lack their of. Just like I exist because the girls perceive me. These imaginery figures of gods and demons exist because mankind manifested them into being. We are creatures inside the mind of the vast cosmos."

Fogged my earthly vision but gained insight to realms greater.

Ha, funny. The more I give in to what they tell me is sin the strong I become, smarter. Let my story be evident. I am learning to gauge it.