June Lucia

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Juneleesung 002.png
Black Legion Auxiliary Shadow
Rank 48
June Lee Sung
The "Jubilee"
Player: Darwin
Basic Data
Class Focus: Life, Magic, and Energy Debuffer
R & D: None
Level: A+ Rank (True Jubilee)
C Rank (Psychologically Suppressed)
Occupation: Vala's Vessel (Current)
Black Legion Auxiliary Shadow (Reporting to Aaron Hope, Formerly)
Personal Data
Real Name: June Lee Sung
Known Aliases: Jubilee, Coal Monkey (By Aaron), That Little Korean Loli (By Bryce)
Identity: Secret
Species: Human
Age: 16 (Current)
14 (Before first death)
13 (Meeting Aaron Hope)
Height: 5'4" (Current)
4' 11" (Before first death)
Weight: 79 lb (Current)
83 lb (Before first death)
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: White-Blonde (Current)
Blonde with Blue highlights (Auxiliary Shadow)
Blood Type: Confidential
Biographical Data
Birthplace: Confidential
Birthdate: Confidential
Nationality: Korean
Current Residence: Jun Gasket's Barracks (Formerly)
Religion/Faith: Unknown Faith
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Marital Status: Single
Known Languages
English, Korean
Known Relatives
Unnamed Father (Deceased), Unnamed Mother
Known Powers
Magic Jamming
Soul Manipulation
Training / Abilities
June Lee Sung is a character from Darwin's Great Akuma Universe

"Hope manifests everywhere. But Hope itself cannot be used to hurt others. Hope is kind. Hope is warm and sweet. And I have become the manifestation of the strongest aspect of Hope there is. Vala's Heart. By manifesting her at the fullest possible extent, the further I am from wishing harm on others. This entire narrative has been to Vala's advantage. Your grief and your wish to see me again... to your wish to see me alive and well. My smile... everything about me...

...everything about me is a lie! I'm the most dangerous threat to The Black Legion!

- June revealing her true nature to Aaron

June Lee Sung was a C Rank Auxiliary Shadow to The Black Legion Organization under the codename Jubilee and reported to SS Ranked Outer Shadow Aaron Hope. Due to being Aaron's youngest and closest Auxiliary Shadow, Aaron affectionately referred to June as his favorite Auxiliary Shadow, and as such, June was one of the most important people in Aaron's life, as she was the one to help Aaron come to terms with the death of his late girlfriend, Jessie Lane.

Specializing in Magic Jamming and Soul Manipulation, June was capable of severely weakening, and at times, inflicting lethal damage to her enemies by draining their life force. The extent to which June's abilities were capable of reaching was never fully explored, but when June was psychologically broken by Baron Dallas for several months, part of her true power as The Jubilee fully manifested, allowing her to fight on equal grounds with Aaron Hope when he was still an A+ Ranked Outer Shadow. However, Aaron was arguably extremely reluctant to hurt her.

On one fateful mission involving the assassination of Jekyll the God of Warfare, June, Aaron, and her fellow Auxiliary Shadows were brutally defeated due to Jekyll's immense might. In a desperate attempt to allow Aaron, Sarah, Annelise, Bryce, and Robbie to escape from Jekyll, who used Vala's Mark to inhibit the Shadows, June unleashed the full power of her Magic Jamming Ability to nullify Vala's influence. However, the sheer amount of power that coursed through her body caused June to remain frozen throughout the duration of their escape, allowing Jekyll to land a fatal blow to June by shooting the young girl in the head, killing her instantly.

June's death was one of Aaron's most heartbreaking and difficult losses in his entire career, as her death haunted both Aaron and June's fellow Auxiliary Shadows for many years. Aaron in particular, harbors an extreme grudge against Jekyll as well as himself, believing that he had gotten a fourteen-year-old girl killed on duty under his orders.