Beyond the Gods

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"A new Auxiliary Shadow?" I asked.

"Yep," Jun responded, caressing a mass of holographic data in his hand, which lit up the room with a cyan glow.


Another Auxiliary Shadow. Not like I needed another one.

I already had a Philly boy who would rather try and flirt with women than do missions, and a literal donut addict of a Hero who would get mad whenever I complimented her hair.

"Listen, Master Jun. I'm thankful for the things you've done for me, but I really, really, really don't need another Auxiliary Shadow. I work fine on my own. There isn't a single god I cannot defeat now with the weapons we've created together. So if anything, I could use another gun or something," I reasoned.

"Oh. Is that so? I guess I'll assign her to Outer Shadow Rollo then-"

"Wait wait wait. Did you just say her? Her? Like a girl, her?" I cut Jun off, my chest beating like crazy.

"Yeah. And she's pretty tall too, just saying."

I got off my knee and approached my Inner Shadow.

"Boy, you're pulling some dangerous strings here. What kind of girl are we talking about? I... I take back what I said earlier! We've got plenty of room at the Hope estate!" I stuttered like an idiot.

Jun smiled.

"Come on out, Infiltration Unit TX7F."

Infiltration... Unit?

The sound of high heels clicked in the background, as a curvaceous figure emerged from the darkness.

I realized my mouth was hanging open. Suspense filled the air.

No way.

Master Jun... you god... damn genius!

A pair of cyan eyes flashed in the dark, as TX7F approached us. She had a black skin-tight leather suit, and an incredible figure.

Her black hair was combed neatly across the front through a set of bangs.

Sure she wasn't blonde, but... damn.

"M- Master Jun... aren't you gonna introduce us?" I squeaked, my voice an octave higher than usual.

"Sure. This is Auxiliary Shadow Sigurd. This will be her codename. Notice how her codename is Norse themed? Just like the Outer Shadows. It's because she's special. I've designed her to be the perfect woma- er I mean Infiltrator. And she will be your closest Auxiliary."

I fell to my knees and knelt before Jun, slamming my forehead against the floor.


ALL PRAISE MASTER JUN GASKET! The Shadows whispered in unison.

The walk back to the Barracks were the most nerve-wracking moments of my life.

And I spent four years fighting deities with nothing but stolen firearms and scraps in the street.

"So... uh... Sig- TX- um... what do I call you?" I asked, nervously, turning to my new Auxiliary.

The android gave me a gorgeous, heart-dropping smile.

"You may call me anything you like. I shall accept it."

"Sex- er I mean Sig. Let's go with Sig. Short for Sigurd." Holy shit I was so nervous!

"Very well. From now on, I will be addressed by my Black Legion codename."

Did she... completely brush off my Freudian slip just now?

Awe... awesome!


Someone normal in this crib!


How long did it take?!


Long enough!

Goodbye, cockblocked life! Even if she is a robot, at least I still had my own waifu to greet me in the morning.

Sarah was fine enough... as far as looks go anyway.

But this one...

Sigurd walked into the barracks, standing at the door. Her hair shone in the lights.

This one is a keeper.

And I only had my supergenius Inner Shadow to thank.


"Yes, my lovely Sigurd?"

"What shall I eliminate first?"



"Haha, what are you saying? There's nothing to eliminate here, Sig. You're in my barracks right no-"

"My precepts are to destroy and infiltrate. I have now infiltrated the environment, by taking advantage of your desire to do naughty things with my body."

"HEY HEY HEY! Don- Don't phrase it like that!"

"Ayo, can't a homie play some 2K in peace without Bossman gettin' called out for being a horny piece of- holy Christ! chick alert! Chick alert! Alert!" Bryce screamed, stumbling and falling on his face in front of Sigurd.

Sigurd raised an eyebrow.

"This one has been compromised."

Bryce grabbed me by the shoulders.

"Bossman. Explain this. You never bring girls over. How in the hell did you pick this shorty up?"

"She's... my new Auxiliary. Your new colleague."

"I can see that. But..."

Bryce glanced at Sigurd, who approached the kitchen and inspected the knife, before slipping the blade into her... chest.

"This will be adequate for close-quarters combat," Sigurd noted, before turning to us.

Bryce and I made a squeaking sound that didn't sound very manly at all.

"There is a third person in this complex. My sensors detect an extra thermal signature."

Right on queue, Sarah opened the bathroom door and walked in on us, staring at Sigurd.

"Who- who are you?" Sarah asked, bewildered, before turning to me.

Her face looked like a dog that had been denied dog treats.

"Relax, Sarah. She's not your replacement."

Sarah's face turned red.

"Re- Replacement?! What are you trying to say?!"

Sigurd narrowed her eyes.

"Your magical signature is high. Your musculature is well developed. You are a Hero who specialized in the sword."

Sarah blinked.

"How... how did she know that?"

Sigurd then inspected Bryce, who began laughing like an idiot.

"Heheheheh... inspect all you like, Miss! Hell, I'll let ya inspect me all night!"

"Extremely unathletic. Lazy. Poor hygiene, and inferiority complex on the size of your own genitalia. You rely heavily on your metahuman ability to generate entropic energy from your cells. Defeating you follows a trivial procedure."

"BAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" I burst out laughing, pointing at Bryce "Uzi" Jones.

"Bro went and saw God after that roast! I'm dead!" I continued laughing until Sigurd glanced at me.

"I will be the leader of this group." The android said.

"HAHAHA- what?"

Sigurd walked to the far side of the room and stopped.

Her body positioning...

Her body language.

No way.

Was she for real?

Sarah took a step forward.

"Your... your name is Sigurd, right? Perhaps we can get alon-"

Sigurd spun around, pulling the knife out of my chest and hurling it at Bryce at supersonic speed, who was still shell-shocked by her roast.

Sarah and Bryce's eyes went wide.

But mine weren't.

I had already pulled out Draugr from my belt and fired a bullet, which soared into the air and shattered the blade into many tiny pieces.

I fired again, the bullet grazing Sigurd's face.

Sigurd dropped to her knees.

"A gunman, a sturdy swordswoman, and an energy projector powerhouse. The gunman cannot possibly be the leader. Of the three who could have reacted to that knife throw, only the gunman could protect himself. From my analysis, you, Outer Shadow Dainsleif, most likely do the majority of the missions for this cohort, while the other two remain inactive. This is not fit for a leader."