GenoRave Act 2.4

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Caramel Youth



At warm foreign resort in snowy region. Glass walls to see outside. The bedroom with girls in Rave natural habitat. Calypso explains, "The ancient people knew the significance of ear acupuncture and what they of jewelry should be worn." Rave says, "Chastity your mom knows so much. Just how old is she?" Chastity replies dismissively, "Ew. Rave! Gross. Don't call her that! Bad enough you do your rubbish but don't talk about it." Koi says, "So rude. I like Chastity." Siren explains, "You little girls need to understand we are goddesses. You need to except how gods procreate." Chastity explains, "Well that's how they died out. Any god that procreated with only weakened their bloodline." Ariel says, "Girl, shut up. It isn't that bad." Calypso says, "If you girl were born a few years early I would of traded you for two cows by the time you hit 13. At 16 you would of been married with 6 kids and I wouldn't have to deal with this." Ariel says, "God, you really are ancient." Koi picks up her phone. Siren says, "You need to out down that phone. Who you even texting? Your only friends are us girls." Koi replies Koi, "Well thank god times are progressive. Maybe I'll open a tiktac account and sell my pictures." Siren says, "So that is supposed to affect me how?" Rave adds, "Come on. Don't fight." Koi sucks her teeth.

Calypso goes to play in Rave's ear. She says, "You should put a diamond in your ear. It helps open your third eye." Rave kisses Calypso. Rave says, "This is why I love experienced people so much knowledge." Then he give Chastity a smooch to tease her. Chastity storms off. Calypso says, "Maybe she need to open her third eye. Her aura is very negative." Koi says, "Chastity wait. I hate this house." Koi follows her.

Punching Babies

Boss Baby, an evil gangster boss.


Rave says, "Koi, I need to take a leak." She replies, "But your a ghost." Rave explains "Yes but that wine goes straight through me." They go I to the men's stall. Another dude suspiciously watches them enter. Koi says, "It's not what you think..." Rave adds, "Mind your business or you might die with your head in a toilet." They guy shakes his head and leaves the bathroom. So Rave looks up as he is relieving his bladder, right. Suddenly he feels a hand touching him. Rave says, "Really Koi, this is the most disgusting place I ever seen aren't you worried you might contract something." She replies, "What you talking about. I'm out here." Rave looks down to see Boss Baby locked on to his tool tightly with a knife in the other hand. Boss Baby is a grown man gangster btw. Shouts, "Not again!" Rave punches him in the head the knife falls but he would not let go. Rave swings him onto the wall then smashes him in the stall door several times times till he lets go. Then held by a foot he violent smashes Boss Baby into every ceramic thing in the bathroom breaking them. Goes back to give him a swirly. Boss Baby bits his hand so he yeets him unto the wall. Boss gets up and says, "Oh no you don't!" Then runs at them with a sharp broken object like a horror doll. Koi screams and lightening blasts Boss Baby on to the mirror and it breaks. Boss Baby passes out. The one dude that thought they were going to do stuff in the public restroom hears sounds of the rumble and thinks, "What the hell are they doing in there?" As he squints his eyes at the door. Rave and Koi leaves the restroom. The guy goes back in to see the restroom wrecked. In his perspective he sees a naked beat up baby laying on the floor. The poor guy almost vomits.

The Lucifer Scope


SoNeko says to Ariel, "Ariel Wintour." Chastity asks, "Calypso... Who is my father? What was he like?' She replies, "I'm sorry Chastity. I don't remember who your father is... Or was." Chastity replies, "Okay then I guess I just don't have a last name. Calypso says, "My last name is Inanna." Chastity says softly, "Then my last name is Inanna then." Genie asks, "What's all this talk about last names. Half the characters in this show font even have real ones yet." Rave looks directly at the camera and says, "What is she talking about multiverse?... Remind me to get you head examined." Chastity shouts softly, "No! This is my moment. My surname is Inanna... Like my mother." Rave ask happily, "Hmmm. The goddess? And What are you the goddess of Chastity?" Chastity replies, "The goddess of big..." SoNeko says, "Oh dare." Rave giggles the come to question. He asks, "Inanna... How did you get that name Calypso?" Calypso replies, "I use to be a priestress for the goddess. We all had the same last name I think."

Rave picks up Calypso carries her to the bedroom and throws her on the bed. She gasps. Hellebore was laying there she seem a bit upset he dropped her so hard next to her. He says, "I don't now if to be happy or angry. You knew the Mesopotamiam gods and never thought of it until now. And right here in my reach is one of them." Calypso explains, "Yah. But that was so long ago." Hellebore shouts, "Ah-ya! I check my knickers regularly too to remember. Yau are to leav' her yau. I bein livin' longer than any of thes' *s too. It' leaves' the brain exhausted?" Rave explains, "Calypso is in so much trouble with me. I'm dig her brain till she spills everything." Calypso says to Hellebore, "Help." Hellebore agues, "Start' slow. Put' her on light' psychedelics. Yau can read her mind from ther'. If yau try to forc' it aut' she might' shut' down." Calypso says, "My god. Thank you." Rave replies, "No don't thank her yet." Rave runs his chin while staring at them on the bed. Calypso asks nervously, "What? Just kill me and get it over with." Rave says, "No no. I just thinking... What are the odds of me a god hunter and you the goddess ending up here together." Trying to calm him look Calypso explains, "I believe in destiny." Chastity walks in, "Gosh. What are y'all doing?"

They prepare. Chastity says, "You think psychedelics would help but it makes our minds foggier. Only Rave knows what he sees." Genie adds, "Reminds me of the metrixs when those guys bullshited about reading falling green numbers." Rave puts Chastity and Ariel next to Calypso on the bed. Chastity asks, "I'm about to find out your origins. Three of you at the same time gives ,me better insight." Chastity replies, "Yeh. But do you have to make it so sexual?" Calypso explains, "It's how the ritual work chastity." Ariel adds, "He may have to do it several times. Till the imaginary is clear." Calypso says, "We all know you love Rave Chastity. We all are. You think he has some enchantment on you but it's natural for a broken girl like you to be attracted to the thing that pulls you together. He is our super sexy guardian angel." Rave interrupts, "I'm more than just your angel I am you god." Ariel gives Rave a glance. Rave continues, "You faith has abandoned you. The nuns hurt you for their god so who is left but me to show you love." He starts them of with wine. It lets them relax. Even Chastity feel more lose as she starts to laugh. The ritual begin with a kiss then move to foreplay. Love making begins at a slow pace. Not too fast he must keep the girls in this inebriated state. If she finds release he'll lose the portrait. Images arrange in Calypso's mind looking through ancient days. The psychedelics reflect girls who has been possessed by their inner shadow. We find out Calypso's body is made of supernatural clay. That explains how she could shapeshift and not decay. Rave think, "If I explore her properties further I could learn how to replicate the perfect human body." Coming to modern day. He makes her daughters to share a mind link. Chastity's past is more ambiguous but the visions are clearer than others due to her oracle vision. Rave is about to see the Uriel's face. Chastity reaches summit resulting lose of clairvoyance as her eyes closes. Rave's vision is forced back into the material plane. Chastity apologizes, "I'm sorry." She stands up frantically. He stretches his hand to embrace her but she step back. She says, "I don't want to do it again." He explains, "It's okay." Ariel says to her, "No one expects you to prove anything. You don't have to apologize." Chastity shouts angrily, "What do you know? You were only born yesterday. I been a teenager since the seventies." Rave hold Chastity and says, "She didn't mean it as an insult." Rave make Chastity sit next to Ariel at the edge of the bed. Calypso is quite laying at the head of the bed. She reaches for a bottle of water. Chastity's eyes is red as she wipes the corner of them. Calypso doesn't say anything to upset her but hugs her. Rave says, "You cry because you're happy. It makes you feel vulnerable but no girl of mine is going to spend her time worrying." Eyes still red she looks at him with a smile. Rave says, "I know what you want." She says, "Okay. I'll do it again."

"Diz-Gustin!" Hellebore says while sitting in the living room reading a paper. Genie says, "Rave is not done yet?" SoNeko explains, "No they are still in the bedroom." Genie explains, "Notice when he is doing something important he retracts all copies of himself to focus on one thing." Kimbra says in joke, "Who you talking about Hell'? I can't tell if you're a evil vampire space princess. Because you look like a basic b." Hellebore explains, "I wasn't' talking abaut' Rav'. Yau know what' he does to smart' mauthings. Don't' accus' me of anyhting. If a girl calls him dirty he'll just' rub her faiss in mud." Kimbra laughs and teases, "Maybe I will tell him you said that just to see what happens to you." Hellebore explains, "No... I will kill yau after if yau try it. Tak' a look at' the news yau." She gets up and goes to show Kimbra the paper.

Just To Scare You

From Rome to Arizona, the Vatican owns a telescope and it's name will shock you. It is now called LUCI. But before that it was named the Lucifer Scope which is the same name as what ancient gods of Nibiru used on Earth to track their planets movement. We might what to note that Pluto no longer exists. That has always been Planet X which is Nibiru.

But why does the Vatican own a telescope? The church is hiding the truth about our extraterrestrial origins just as Constantine did thousands of years ago.

Mission: The Lucifer Scope

Night. Shipping container highjack and search. Hellebore (Black leather suit), Kimbra, Chastity and SoNeko. If it's an ordinary transport why does it have so many armed guards aboard.

Carcinization Of A Reptilian Lifeform

The Human Experiment

The evil malformations of Rave labs forever hidden from daylight. Proxi walks in as Rave sits in wall size screen working. She says softly, "Daddy." He replies, "Not right now honey. Daddy's working." She says, "I just want to sit with you... I'll be quite." He says to her, "I better not read your mind if anything is present in that skull of yours." Then nods to a chair behind him. She just sits quitely. He looks at her then she smiles so he shakes his head. He thinks to himself, "The human experiment. Not the one I'm conducting now but the one with these girls."

Rave begins the design of a new human body. This is only test phase but he starts with the male. The bones of the are compact under the skin. All internal major blood vessels are incased in bone. It's like the shell is on the outside. He then finds problems constructing the female. This is the problem angels/gods faced while being invincible metallic robots of reptiles. Rave derived it's impossible to make the human body invincible without sacrificing the sense of touch. Proxi is sitting quitely in the background watching him work. She beings to laugh. She says in a week voice, "You gonna turn people to crabs?" He points at her to signal her to be quite. She is not smart at all but she gives him an idea with that.

The Virgin Wizard


Two grown nerds enter Sirens pawn shop. Lance, 30, who looks like Micheal Cera and Derek, 40, who looks like Jack Black. They are friends just looking through junk. These men act like children. Lance comes across a dNd set. Lance buys it.

They go to Lance's mom's home they start playing it in the basement. Lance says, "I'll be the takes on the wizard." But his arrogant friend Derek replies, "No I'm always the wizard." So Lance chooses the Artificer. Derek lost and Arthur is about to role the die to continue to play. Derek destroyed the set. Lance says, "Dude. You broke my game! Really again?" Suddenly the broken pieces releases magic upon them. Derek became the Wizard and Lance became Artificer. Lance powers include the possession of two magic die.

The two big dorks go to the back to practice there powers on trees. They also do some other nerdy junk. Derek dresses up in a cloak and robes. He says, "It's time to go out!" Lance says, "Dude don't go out like that. People will laugh. This is why we don't get any girls." Derek says, "Nonsense, we have powers now. It's our time to rule!... We're your knight helmet." Lance says, "No." Derek says, "Where the helmet or I'll blast you with a fireball." Lance unwillingly agrees.

They go to the mall. Derek wants to impress this waitress girl he has been watching for a long time. That girl is actually Inertia. She is undercover as an icecream girl. But even with powers she is not interested. Inertia says, "I have a boyfriend." Derek goes to the arcade and cry. Then he gets mad and Lance suspects Derek might use his powers for evil.

At about 7pm dark, Derek goes back to creepily follow Inertia home. Lance keeps trying to tell him that this is a bad idea. He uses his powers to make them invisible. Inertia hears someone but looks back and see's nothing. She curves into an alley. They hide behind a wall. To their surprise they see her looking up a the eight foot figure that is Rave. Rave looks directly at Derek hiding behind the wall. Derek gasps saying, "A necromancer." Rave sees Lancing running away. Rave says to Inertia, "I told you not to get followed. Should I kill them?" Inertia replies, "It's just two dorks from the icecream parlor. The fat one has a crush on me. I told him I have a boyfriend." Ravs says, "So he followed you here? Creepy." Derek jumps out. He says, "It is I, The wizard. I will rescue you my sweet. And in time yoh will learn to love me." Derek does a belly dance with a fire ball in each hand. Rave says, "Really?" Inertia replies, "Oh yes. I think that one has powers." Rave says, "Oh no * way. These guys?!" Inertia says, "Rave. Don't kill him." Derek launches a fire ball while shouting, "Fireball!" The light flashes through the dark alley. Rave sees it coming in slow motion. Rave sends bigger force blast through it. It knocks Derek with his butt above his head. The cloak fall over to reveal. Inertia screams, "Oh my god. He is not wearing underwear! I'm literally going to kill myself." Derek says, "I'm a wizard. There be not undergarments in middle Earth!... That goes double for you mi' lady." Wink. Inertia says, "Rave I see why you hate magic." Derek stand up and manhole covers start to rumble. Three water hydras come up from the sewage. Rave says, "My gaude! That is *!" Rave walks up to Derek faster than he can react. Rave folds a fist in his arm. A swift punch to the gut. Picks up Derek, spins him around and throws him head first into the sewage. His fat belly gets stuck in the hole. Rave says, "Mhh, I was kind hoping he would of exploded from the water pressure." As he leaves with Inertia. Meanwhile Lance takes a bus home

The next day Derek is still half way through the hole with his garment less but in there air. A huge crowd gathers as firemen rescue him. The seen goes viral. 'Local Wizard Stuck in Manhole'. Derek turns of the TV. Lance says, "why didn't you just magic yourself out of there?" Derek says, "My hands was stuck, Judas. You totally abandoned me." They have a word fight. And Derek leaves.

Dark Lord of the Lands

Change To Original

Trap House Barbie

Legion Rave Mansion

Foxy walks to to Rave holding her cellphone in on hand. She says, "My friend need your help." Rave replies, "What friend?" Foxy explains, "It's Slip. Do you know he is transitioning? I told him you're a DNA and cybernetics expert. Maybe he can get something more natural from you." Rave replies, "I'm not a miracle performer. If he wants me to help him. He pays with his soul." Slip says over the phone, "He wants my soul? I can work with that." Foxy pleads, "Come on, If he was a girl you'd fly him out her by midday." Rave says, "Fine. I'll have Proxi jet him out do I can be done with this."

Slip arrives that afternoon holding a wheeled suitcase. He waves at Rave with a big smile and long acrilic nails. Rave gives him an awkward stare and a thrown. Rave says, "He's more feminine than I remember." Foxy explains, "I told you he is transitioning." She then laughs explains further, "I told him to wear his cutest to convince you." Slip walks closer and explains, "You could call me she if you like. It would really help me mentally to embrace who I am." Slip stare of into Rave's eyes. As Rave catches a glimpse of his iris he reads his thoughts. Slip is obviously attracted to him. Rave explains, "Look Sam. I can read your thoughts through eye contact. Some of the things you think of is... Maybe you should keep you theoughs private." Slip replies, "Oh my gosh. You saw that? I'm so embarrassed." Rave says, "It's okay. I seen worst." Slip says, "I can't lie to you Rave. You already know I'm really attracted to you. You're handsome, rich, powerful. You've always been kind to me and now you are my doctor."

They go to the lab. Sai assists Rave. Slip comes out wearing nothing but a white cloth around him. Rave unflatteringly says, "I told you to strip." Slip has a panic attack saying, "Oh my god. I am so nervous. I'm going to faint." Rave embraces Slip. Rave says, "I'm a doctor. Besides. I see people naked all the time. The silva you swallow. Your heart beat." Slip almost faint to his words. So he sits I'm on the bed and pull away the cloth. Rave explains, "Relax. You look good. How long have you been on estrogen? Personally I don't recommend much surgery. I can reduce your upper chest a tiny bit while increasing your hip region. I'm not going to change much in your DNA because these things could kill you." Slip asks, "And my chest?" Rave explains, "Let the estrogen run is course naturally. I decide if you need the later." Sai says, "Rave it sounds like you are modifying him for yourself. Careful Slip, if you end up looking to good Rave is gonna keep you." Rave explains, "I did say the price of your miracle is surrender." Slip gets nervouand has seconds thoughs. Slip explain, "I don't know Rave. You are really threatening at times. I don't know if I can serve you unscaved." Rave explains, "That will depend. Remember that boys will only get punched by me. So make up your mind now. Are you a girl or a boy?" Slip says, "I'm a girl. I want to be a girl. Please Rave I'm sorry I so scared. But I would love for you to help me become me." Rave explains, "The matter manipulation I'm about to perform on you bones is going to be extremely painfull. Unfortunately I need your cries to guide me. Your wakening will guide me hand." Rave explains more, "You new bone structure will permanently affect your powers. Your pending smaller ribcage will mean less air for running. The smaller dainty form make you a littler weaker and the rest of the body fat will just get in the way of fighting." Sai says, "Wow Rave?! You're saying women are weaker than men." Rave explains, "I only state science. Human women were not created for fighting. Sai, you know how easily little things could so easily hospitalize you." Rave hold Sai and says, "You're my baby." Slip adds, "I'm so jealous. I can't wait to look like her."

Rave slow expand and bend the bones of Slip into a more feminine structure. Rave even works on his cheekbones. Slip cried every step of the way. but eventually the job was done. Rave rubs slip hair back and explains, "Rest still. You may feel long term tightness in your chest. I am able to bend bone matter because it is closer to rock. But for your organs I cannot do with my power. Your internals will conform naturally over time and I will fill in the rest artificially with fat. If your new diet doesn't." Slip nods in pain. Sai says, "She's staying here? Like with us?" Rave explains, "I'll need to keep an eye on him." Slip says, "I would show you how greatful I am but I'm in to much pain to move." Rave says, "You'll be fine. As soon as you can walk. Your first order is work on those bikini lines. I doubt you'll find much stress by my pool." Sai shouts, "Hot girl privileges!" The pecks Slip on the lips.

A week later. Slip lays on her stomach. She is drinking something from a straw while. Too weak to move but Kimbra is tattooing her thighs. Slips says, "I'm already in all this pain yet allow you to convince me to get tattoes." Kimbra explains, "As a girl you should show more skin. You are going to ditch the full body suit and wear your logos like a woman. I put the lightning strikes on your thighs. And the wings on your back." Slip asks, "Let me see." Kimbra holds the mirror behind her. Slip gasps. Slip exclams, "You put Rave's name on my lower back. What are you thinking? He'll be angry!!" Kimbra explains, "Sorry. All the girls get branded. It's just my impulse." Slip says, "I want to get some sun. Escort me to the pool." Rave takes and observes Slip's face. He says, "You let Kimbra write all that shit on you face? What are you a trash rapper?" He notices Slip's personality change over time. Rave says, "I started this for Foxy but your my little project now. By the time you're feeling better will you stay with us willingly of must I force you keep your word." Slip says, "You're only saying that because I'm pretty." Rave says, "You look really bad too with those tattoos. I will train you to do my bidding." Rave retreats inside because he hates the sun. Behind his back Kimbra says to Slip, "Don't worry with Rave. He is * shallow. Rave is attracted to pretty things like a fly sees a lightbulb. I've killed a lot of people on Rave's orders. He will mess you up too."

It's unclear if Slip and Rave ever got physical but he does treat him sensually or like one of the girls. They started communicating through eye stares. It must of been that slip is still recovering from surgery that kept Rave away from him.

The Ghetto Gothix

Ancient Architecture
"In the 80s, The decline of society in sense started with technology. I qoute, there use to be a pride that came with being human that even the less fortunate would try to keep. People use to have sophisticated taste, Honor, values. These days everything is done for greed. Just like the invention of tool we made weapons then technology. Products went from being hand crafted with skill to being mass produced by machines. Angels of metal transformed into demons. Like the tools and technology that made life easier also lead to organized warfare. Miss use of ready information draining the spirituality of experiencing life.'
Modern Architecture
Don't believe me just look at how ancient architecture was done compared what we have today. We use to leave the roads in brick by hand. Now we poor black tar from a big dumper on sand. It's so bad that even costly things are just tacky scams. Just look at how we marvel at these ancient works of art and tell me if a single modern creation can be held to those standards in 100 years. Generations after us will tear down everything we build in our time. But not the ancient ones.

Rave wants to incorporate more ancient architecture and statues into his futurist technological building schemes.