GenoRave Act 2

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Act 2 Human War, Again

  • TV Clown, Murderous Wackie Jackie
  • Agent Orange Propaganda, Purple Heart
  • The Atom Bomb Awakens, Tin
  • Reflection

Act 2.5 The Anti-Vax Generation

  • Rave finds The Anti-Vax Generation (Children of War)


Hear No Evil

"We know evil. But evil is not just for the atheist. To everyone religious and contrarian needs a way to justify their evil. In time to kill they kill in the name of god. Every contrarian believed that his acts are most righteous. And when the damage is done they tell themselves they were acting for a cause. So who is god? All but just another absent father whom has killed more people than people than Lucifer. Who is the holy oppressor? So deny your your bodies. Tell yourself that your own thoughts are sin. Punish yourself. Or hear my warning, forget the invisible men above you and look to your brothers. Together we may achieve what the gods don't want us to believe. Evil, or is it just man who justify them.

No audio. Night. Lighten. Wind and coming drizzle in the grey cloudy evening sky. A massive Legion air ship crash lands on a farm. Legion soldiers jump out one by one in grimness. Rave gets out in slow motion. A young girl picking flowers in the tall grass looks up to see Rave looking back at her. She runs to her parents house. It is her parents farm. Rave asks about the girl. The parents try to deny having a child. Rave threatens to shoot them. The daughter comes out offering her flowers to him. Voluptuous, pink hair, ears and horns of a cow. When asking about her the parents explain she is not a mutant but an alien born this way dude to the wife's unfaithfulness. Rave offers coin for her. The parents didn't seem bothered they been longing to get rid of her since the day she arrived. Rain. (The girl is Shelle Belle btw.)

Shelle Belle arrives on Legion Island with Rave on the Bludhouse-Legion Ship. Her eyes already contain the blue ring with suggest he already been with her and no other Rave Girl is with them. She is silent as a whole bunch of people talk to Rave as they land. Hellebore and Chastity comes up to him. Rave says, "Siren has gone off. Koi and I are after her but this version of me got separated in her storm." Hellebore finishes, "So yau took another girl." Chastity says, "Poor thing. I know what's it's like to have Rave force his evil soul upon you. Give her to me." Chastity escorts Shelle inside. Hellebore asks Rave, "Who is she?" Rave says, "A simple farm girl." Hellebore says, "Yau're particular arent' yau? Everything from princesses to common folk." They walk to get inside. Rave says, "Well she will be one soon. Funny thing. I read the mind of the mother and saw that she cheated on her father with a some cow creature. He obviously knew because none of them wanted her." Hellebore says, "And yau obviausly did? Yau dirty rat'. Yau." The other girls interact with Shelle inside. Chastity teases Rave by saying, "A farmer? Really loser? How is she gonna help you? You going to start exporting bananas monkey?" Rave comes back with quips, "Chastity don't try do deny you can wait to hug your mattress with her. You are certainly the biggest 'L' in the room." Chastity gasps. Rave explains, "She might be a better shot than you. Till then you're most likely getting replaced." Chastity says, "Fine. I don't care. I'll just hug my mattress with your girls while you slave away providing loser." Rave says, "I would punish you for that but Shelle already took care of me." Chastity walks closer and whispers softly, "Yuh sure?" Her hands on her waist would suggest jealousy. Rave kisses her and says, "You know there's always room for you." She pushes him away and walks off smiling like she doesn't care. Rave says, "Ah I'll let you have this one. Later I go rall on you. You know? Two tires." She laughs from a far. Yela comments, "Dah TT. Ha plenty varry yuh?"

Ordinary Girls

With the destruction of Dollhouse Miami Florida in the CIA bombing. Rave returned to Legion Island then he set up a new Dollhouse on the West Coast in California.

Night scene. Hellebore enters a gas station store at night. She looks a bit dumb and lost. She is wearing a white pleated skirt and a brown Bandana top. She is not use to this clothing or environment. Hellebore doesn't like the ghetto much or the little clothes she wears but she does all those things because Rave likes it. She will never her tell him directly when she doesn't like something he likes but try to show interest. As a vampire princess she is use to long traditional gothic gowns that Rave doesn't like. Her friend Cherry Bludnurse is already standing aside at the counter. Cherry is wearing a blue romper. The two girls metaphorically illuminate the room. You see that Hellebore is holding some change. The buy a box of wipes and and some candy. Then they go back out to the car. Rave is at the driver seat and there is fast food near the gear stick. They enter the car and Cameila is sitting in the back. Cammy says, "There is so much less crime here since we showed up..." Hellebore adds, "Except for the ones we actually commit." Cherry says, "I guess thugs are afraid of ghosts." They drive. Cameila advises Cherry in the back seat, "If guys talk to you don't talk back unless you want them to get hurt. Because Rave WILL hurt them. We are part of group A. You know what that means. We are Rave's evilest girls without conscious. Group 1 is not allowed to know the darker things Rave does. Okay." Cherry nods yes. Rave adds, "Group 1 know we kill bad guys but sometimes good and innocent people get involved. Group A has a hard time understanding how critical I must be if we want to be successful."

Meanwhile another Rave is experimenting on Shelle and Foxy. The girls lay next to each other on small hospital type beds in the nude. He puts nanites into Shelle like he has done to Foxy.

California Love feat. Dr. Dre (Dirty)

Next morning the girls practice. Chastity doesn't like that Shelle is a better shooter than her with smaller guns.

The girls go to the market.

Shelle Belle explains, "Rave gave me light magnetism. I can not only pull guns to me. I can now bend bullets as well are repel them." Chastity shouts, "I new it! That's how you shoot better than me. I call a rematch!" Foxy says, "What you talking about! You had future sight! She best you fair and square." Chastity shouts, "You're the squares!"

Chastity shouts, "Rave!" He is summoned. She continues, "I need enhancements!" Rave replies, "Nah you " are fine." She hits him. She shouts, "Not that. You gave Shelle magnetism?!" Rave says, "Chastity. Those experiments are dangerous. The only reason it works is because my spirit share your bodies." Chastity shouts, "I can summon you can't I?" Rave says, "You are not getting enhancements. It might mess with your oracle powers. My enhancements are only for the girls who lack incredible abilities like you." Chastity says, "Well you said I was incredible. I will leave you alone for now."

Shelle says, "Most you say everything in full caps?" Chastity gets angry. Foxy says, "Ohp! Here we go."

Yela and .... Meet up with them.

All girls are flown in to Legion Island.

In a dark room the girls walk in in Rave discussing with some scary Legion soldiers. Rave says, "Wait outside please. And close the door. We don't like the light." He looks at the soldier and says, "Continue." As of now the Growing legion army is a mysterious presence.

They see another group of girls waiting in another room too. Yela asks, "Dey make y'all wait too?" Deelihla says, "I don't know if I like this army." Jojo adds, "Yah. why would Rave keep secrets from us. Siren says, "To bad for you. Seeing Rave act boss like that makes me so hot." Shelle says, "What ever it is it's got his full attention."

When Rave comes out if the room the girls all treated him even more differently. Chastity kept breathing heavy. Rave says, "What are y'all afraid about? I haven't changed?" Yeka asks, "Is this new ting of yours gone affect our time together. I already share yuh wit other girls. I don't want to share yuh with them man taa." Rave says, "I'm hear, aren't I." He sits on the sofa. He says, "Chastity come." As he taps his leg. She shouts nervously, "Sir, Yes Sir." She runs over and gets on her knees. Rave asks, "What are you doing? I just want to chill in front the TV." She climbs unto the chair and picks up the remote. Other girls join them on the sofa. He says, "Just play some any * I don't care." Genie pushes herself between Rave and Chastity. Genie says, "I want to snuggle with you." Rave says, "Fine. I'll make more clones. But I need you girls to understand It give me a headache to command all of them all the time." Deelihla says, "Poor baby." Chastity says, "If you didn't want to be all there you shouldn't of have so many girlfriends. What? You think we would all just park in closet till you're ready for us again?" Rave squeezes her belly button. He says, "Don't forget I hold your acting up button." Realize that there is other Raves and other girls in the house doing different things while he is there at the same time. Siren says, "I hate TV." Rave says, "Hmm." Chastity asks, "What is hmm?" Rave explains, "Merlo just asked me to do a fashion show." Jojo says, "Cool. Let's do it now." Rave sighs. Genie pulls him to get up. Chastity says, "Move your butt Rave. There is going to be bikinis." Rave says, "You mean the plastic strap one that I like?" She replies, "Idk. You'd have to be there to find out."

Three Legion soldiers come into speak to Rave. Cameila says, "Good we need more judges. Rave is too bias." Rave says to the soldiers, "Men. This is a full on hostage situation."

So they all win. Rave says, "I was gonna do this some other time but since you're all dressed up..." Rave takes Yela by the hands and goes down on one knee. He says, "I never gave you your birthday present." Yela says, "That was years ago." He continues, "And all of you. I know we haven't been celebrating birthdays except for travelling, wild parties and sex. But there is something else I been working on." The Legion soldier hands him something. Rave puts the tiara on Yela head. He says, "You're now officially a princess. You are all princesses recognized by the world governments." They bring in more tiaras and rings. Chastity says, "OMG! Are those real diamonds?" Orio says, "Yes. We made a deal with dem dam Egyptians. But its nothing really." He puts a crown and then a ring on Chastity finger. He says, "Our hearts wed will strengthen all spiritual bonds. Unifying our souls in rituals our ancestors shared for generations." Chastity replies, "Yes. Yes I will marry you." Yela pulls Chastity and kisses her on the lips. Everybody cheer.

After they all have dinner in the hall. Tables sit four people. Smart Sai says, "Notice he called y'all princesses. Not queens. We will have no power as usual. Just like every princess does as they are told, nothing will change." Chastity says, "Give him a break guys. We don't want want the job he does. He is always watching while we get to have fun. How is that wrong?" Sai says, "Wow. That is really nice coming from you Chastity. I'm sorry I said something so foolish for once." Sixx says, "It's okay. You must be inheriting my stupid through the ring. Since you guys are all gonna be wives too." They laugh.

Rave plays with Proxi's ring finger. He says, "Well the ring material is almost indestructible. But we're gonna have to redesign a whole new gun hand transformation lay out or you're going lose plenty rings."

Grading The Mutagen

The Mutagen Is Sexist! The news post. There is more male super heroes than female one article claims. The male expert says, "Well if we talk about Haiti then you'd see than all the men have turned into savage beasts while the women retained an empire." The woman anchor explains, "Being that it's sexist men. Always seem to get stronger powers..." Rave appears in front the TV. The room is dark lit by the TV, dim lamps and cellphones. The TV gets fuzzy and the sound fades. "I was watching that.", Sai says as she sat on the sofa in her pajamas. Rave leans into her face and says, "I want you now." She taps SoNeko's legs that is across hers. "Move your big self. You.", She says. SoNeko sucks her teeth. SoNeko says, "Rave! Your are pulling my signal-a!" As she drops the phone ,crosses her arms and sit up. Rave says, "Imagine being a ghost yet finding a cellphone is the best way to spend your time." Ein jumps into Sai spot as she stand up. SoNeko says, "You're the one keeping us indoors. All you do is work lately. And no one gets to go anywhere unless Rave says it's okay." Rave replies, "The social media thing was your ideas. We are not normal people we can just go places. People get hurt." Rave brings Sai to Wiki's study. She is busy writing. She says, "Just a second." Rave asks, "What is this?" She nervously replies, "Nothing!! Just useless squabble." Rave takes it from her. She is too short to grab it back. He reads, "Slave Yo My Ghost?!?!... Your writing a ladies romance novel about me? Cool. Make me look cool." She jumps and grabs it. She says with her face red, "Don't read it yet. It's not finished." Sai sings, "Embarrassing." Wiki replies, "Keep it up and I'd make you the villain." Sai comments, "Weird magic creep." Wiki replies, "Dumb science broad." Rave says, "Okay. That's enough. You two better make up right now before you spoil my project." Wiki whispers, "I'm not touching her." Sai hugs and kisses Wiki. She wipes it off. Rave says, "What I obtained here is the direct chemical from the mutagen that gave all of us powers." He shows them the test tube in a glass in a next glass. Rave continues, "This is extremely dangerous. I don't know if you girls can handle this after that childish display." Wiki says, "I can handle it, Daddy." Sai says, "Oh Gaude. Lol. Is that your thing?" Wiki says, "I wasn't talking to you!" Rave says, "Hm. I think I'll just put it back till you two grow up." Cameila enters the room with another Rave. Rave says, "Cameila for gaude sake. Get your girls to mature up." Cameila says, "You don't punish anybody. Your really confusing on how exactly am I to do anything I'm to do." She folds her arms. Rave says, "Now Cammy believes I should punish you. Now who is on you side." Sai says, "Okaaaay. We'll behave. Gaude." Rave says, "You don't know it but I grade you all on your performance. This is why there are elite teams and decoy teams." Sai gasps with her mouth wide, "Raveee! You did not call me a decoy? I figure out most of your stuff." He says, "Yes. You book smart but young and foolish." She seemed hurt. Rave adds, "I don't mean it like that. I like your free spirit." Cameila adds, "See. You tell her one thing. She cries. You pull back your words." Wiki says, "And I'm the immature one?" Sai starts reading her papers. Sai reads, "He kissing me and suddenly my legs become weak..." Wiki grabs all the papers and stuff them in the desk. Rave says, "I'm beginning to consider henchmen instead." Cameila says, "Rave. We can do it. Trust me okay?" Rave says, "Okay. Don't get yourselves killed."

Meanwhile Rave implanted other Weapon Print users. Not all the girls can use it due to DNA or power structure. But he is working on getting out to everyone. Current users are America, Shelle, Foxy


So begins Rave's assassin network. He runs he seas with his Pirate Redwood and her crew. Spirits Siren and Koi help him to command the seas and storm. He has tree expert pilots Lemonade, Proxi and Kimbra. One pilot rookie America who hauls big trucks. Three bike girls Chastity, Wiki and Genie. All sexy female assassins. Plus the Bludhouse people forming into his new army and project managers.


It might look like Rave is leading the fight and doing majority of the work. But he is actually support to the girls that carry out his plans. In a sense because they are the ones that could be hurt not him.

Chastity says, "Ascend." Her hand sends magic crosses from her hand that spin around her and carries her up to the balcony. The crosses flew off and disappears as she lands.

America shouts, "1984, battle tank, print!" The tank appears over the enemy. It immediately drops with gravity. He dodges. It lands next to him. He says, "Ha you missed." Boom the tank explodes. The enemy is caught in the blast. He bleeding on the ground America says,

The Guy

A mysterious leader is revealed to be pulling the strings from an agency beyond CIA.


The US Government realizes how powerful Rave turned out to be. So they try many failed replicates. They go to try one more. The scientist says, "You forgot the key element to Roman Rave's power. He had a mental illness. Subject 16 is a ward of the state." A directive says, "You really plan on putting that kind of power in a ******* crazy person! Have y'all lost your goddam minds! I have an idea to fire all of you!!!" The scientist says, "But Sir... Subject 16 is already stable." The directive asked, "It worked?" The scientist replies, "Ask her for yourself." They go into the room. She greet them nicely. But something about the directive pompous self in business suit upsetted S16. She got a migraine and the walls cracked. The scientist explains, "This is just a minor set back. We give her Paracetamol." The directive says, "Paracetamol! You try to control a deadly weapon with Paracetamol! Shut this down right now!" S16 telekinetically pushed the table in the room. The director starts to run. Pop. She explodes him. The scientist asks, "Jessica?" Splat! She burst him all over the wall too. She puts on his clothes and walks out. As she walks alarms comes on red. She is dizzy and the noise trigger her headache. Armed guards run into the hallway. She blows them to pieces with her mind. She looks at the security camera. The guard watching her is strangled to death telepathically. Her hyper instincts feels the room is about to self destruct. She tears a hole through the wall that took a lot of strength. She ran and jumped! Slow motion! Boom the building explodes! She hears people in the building screaming as she falls from 20 stories. She uses telekinesis to slow her descent. Voop! She hovers on top another building. She runs on the roof then suddenly she faiths and falls into an ally.

She wakes up in a hospital. Her hyper instincts hears the nurse talking to some cops that inquire. She pulls and see her hand shackled to the bed rail. She shake the hospital. The cops run in the room. The two cops is shortly after seen running out. The bed flies as the building blasted by force energy. She escapes.

Rave while in bed with Kimbra gets a call from the Government. Rave says, "You'd think they would stop creating things that try to kill them but no. They never learn. They want me to stop it." Rave goes to the hospital and talked to the two cops. He get a discrimination of her by reading their memories through eyes.

Rave goes to these agency that created her for the government. One by one he reads their minds. They all tremble as he speaks. He says, "How many of you do I have to kill? What other secret organizations are you hiding from me? You guys tried to replicate me. That girl wrecked an entire hospital and a sky scraper. I'm guessing, y'all illegal tested in." And official says, "Lord Roman please. We have families."

Rave says, "I'm not going to kill." The exhale in relief. He continues, "Genie is..." Genie pulls out a sub machine from her cleavage and make swiss cheese of them. The government officials get a call that Roman has eradicated their partners. They says, "Oh no. We are next. Roman will kill us! Let's run to safe house Mexico!" Roman pops up through the phone. It turns out he made them make the call and got an instant teleport. Rave says, "Going somewhere Mr. President? You know you we're lucky enough to survive the Orange attack. Or was it you were hiding from day one when your country needed you?" The president says, "Please! I'm not behind it all. There are powers higher than me! I just didn't want to die..." He backs into a wall and shouts, "You SoaB! You kill me, another ******* takes my place!" Rave says, "Then I'll kill them too." The president feels his chest expanding. Genie says, "Roman. He has more information to extract." Rave stops. Rave extracts information from his mind. Rave says, "Don't go no where. Mr president." He flies away with Genie. She asks, "You have a lead?" Rave replies, "I'll have to tell you these guys are really in the dark about forces that control them. So I spared him." Genie replies, "Fine time to be an activist."


Rave and SoNeko confronts Jessica at dusk. They fight in a deadly force energy showdown. Rave says, "You hold my force abilities but lack all others."

Purple Heart enters the scene. Rave ask, "The president sent you?" Heart explains, "It has to be done Rave. S16 is to dangerous to keep alive." Rave says, "I'm getting real sick of you Heart. You served your country fine. You look young but your mind is old. Learn to see things beyond the rules you've embedded. She is not a Subject, her name is Jessica. I'm not going to let that girl die because of me." Heart replies, "Aren't you Casanova? Always the girls is it?" SoNeko asks, "Who the hell is Casanova. You old man with your outdated references." Rave explains, "I have no carnal desires toward that girl. I want to help her because she is like me. I read her mind. She is a good girl. She just wants to go somewhere she can be free. If she stays good in contrast to me. It proves there is good left in the world." Jessica hears what Rave said about her and says, "Rave is right. I was angry because I was weak and felt stuck but now I'm not anymore. I want to live on the beach. I don't want to harm anyone." Rave says, "Then go. Be the good I cannot be." She smiles at him the runs off.

Heart says to Rave, "One of you is bad enough. But somehow I trust you. I will not purse her." Telepathically Rave's final words are, "Jessica, If you ever need help. You know where you find me." She runs out of sight. As the sun comes up SoNeko changes back into a fox that licks Rave's face.

After learning to control her rage and bored of a peaceful life. Jessica turns to be a superhero.

The Forest

On Legion Island. A village. At the top mountain sits. The largest castle manor. Below a cave. Dark. Roman's first house. And old house. Replicated from the one he remembers. Inside it. The light. The light that is he. Around it. A steam. His old room. He is there. A tree stretches to look into the window. It is a treant girl. He opens the window and she stretches inside. The treant girl climbs over him. Her giant body crouch down fills the entire room. He sees her better as she comes closer to his glow. From her stomach drips sweet honey comb. Bees have made there home inside her. Her torso He touches it. A natural spilt from under her bosom, down. He asks, "Gaia?" She nods. She stretches out the window without a word and he follows her.

Night. He enters the forest behind the castle. Ein runs a head of him to Gaia. "Gaia?" He says again. Several different forest creature girls looked. They answers, "Yes Rave. We are Gaia." Cameila and Sai looks at it. Gaia says, "Just like many flowers. I can grow everywhere." Sai says, "As if these forests wasn't spooky enough with all the ghosts." Cameila replies, "Maybe this is a good thing. It's free surveillance." To the normal eye it is dark. But to Rave it is alive. In pulses he can sees Gaia's spirit moving in and out of each tree.

Creatures named Pumpkin Pauper and Fernel Spor takes his hand. Pumpkin says, "You want me to protect the castle sir." Fernel giggles. They are young like Gaia. They just want to play. Pumpkin creates a jack-o'-lantern that gives off light. She grows one to big and it explodes like a bomb. Fernel blows a kiss at Rave. He analysed it to be seductive spors. Rave thinks, "These powers are amazing. Wasted on adolescent minds." Gaia's dryad form comes floating to them. Rave asks, "They are all you but don't share the same personality but pieces of it." Gaia says, "Plant brain. It's not very developed." She continues, "I am the most mature so I will look over them." Rave says, "I got two machines versions of you indoors now a while bunch off you out here."

The forest suddenly become alive as spirits gather. As the come from all directions the forest becomes a light show to those who can see ghosts. Cameila explains, "Ghosts come from miles looking for Rave. Some want help and others just want to live in this forest. Not to mention this island's previous inhabitants." Sai says, "Eck. You're not scared because you're a zombie." Cameila mentions, "They can harm you because we share Raves ghost remember." Sai says, "How could I forget. From the very moment I slept with him I couldn't stop seeing dead people. I'm not scared but it's still a bit much."

The spirits dance and play with Gaia multitude of nymphs. Rave joins in the dance. She spins around with a girl and falls on the grass. Rave eyes glow that same light of every good spirit. The other Rave girls come from the house to join the spectacle. They have fun throughout the night.