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Player: Araknid95
Tezla Full.png
Biographical Data
Real Name: Taranee Jones
Known Aliases: Tezla, Tez
Gender: Cis-Female
Species: Enhanced Human
Ethnicity: African-American
Place of Birth: Vibora Bay, FL, USA
Base of Operations: Millennium City
Relatives: Confidential
Age: 26
Height: 5' 8"
Weight: 134 lbs.
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Dark Brown
Complexion: Dark
Physical Build: Slim
Physical Features: Star Tattoos On Arms/Chest
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Identity: Secret
Years Active: 3
Citizenship: Millennium City, US, Earth
Occupation: Superhero, Mechanic
Education: High School
Marital Status: Single
Known Powers and Abilities

  • Electrokinesis
  • Electric Teleportation
  • Electromagnetic Levitation
  • Enhanced Strength

Equipment and Paraphernalia

  • Skintight Suit
  • Goggles
  • Hoverbike

Physical Attributes
Non-Physical Attributes
MaekadaBoxSlim created by @Maekada

Background and Origin

Early Life

Taranee Jones was born on May 11, 1976 in Vibora Bay, Florida, to parents Maia and Vincent Jones.

Her father was an engineering professor at the local university, and often assisted experiments in the campus lab. He also, however, was frequently away on sabbatical. Taranee spent most of her time with her stay-at-home mother.

Taranee's early childhood was quite uneventful, until the age of eleven, when tragedy struck, and her world was turned upside down.

Taranee's parents were tragically killed one night in a car accident, leaving Taranee alone. Per her father's will, she was left in the care of his colleague and good friend, Professor Jackson Wise. Though shaken and grief-striken by her parents' untimely death, she attained a sense of normalcy with her surrogate father, who did his best to raise and teach the young girl.

At age sixteen, in the midst of spring cleaning, Taranee discovered a misplaced letter to her father among a few of his old belongings. It's contents were quite shocking: its message was threatening, mentioned debts owed by Professor Jones, and was signed by a Dr. Phillip Adder. Most concerning was the stamp--the insignia of VIPER.

She brought the letter to Wise, who, after a failed attempt at deflecting, was finally forced to tell his young ward the truth.

Taranee's father, as it turned out, secretly worked for VIPER. The time he spent away on "sabbatical" was in fact time spent working on projects for the nefarious organization. The pay was plentiful enough that his wife and child were well cared for, but it cost him his moral integrity. Eventually, feeling guilty, and wanting to distance himself from the organization for the sake of his family, he tried to back out, and that's when he received that threatening letter. Mere days later, he and his wife were dead--an apparent accident, in reality an assassination, engineered by VIPER to punish him for trying to leave.

Wise explained that he, too, had had history with VIPER, but that he had successfully left many years ago. He had been attempting to help Taranee's father leave, as well, when they were killed, and had been protecting the girl from further retaliation.

Shocked and appalled by the knowledge of bother her father's and surrogate father's dealings with such a criminal enterprise, Taranee ran away that night, packing a bag and leaving under cover of darkness. By the time Wise knew she was missing, the girl was long gone. Without any means of support, however, Taranee quickly had to resort to desperate measures for survival. Though she balked at her father's sordid past, and the evil dealings of VIPER, she felt justified in turning to petty crime here and there to stay afloat.

Criminal Career

What at first was a matter of survival quickly turned into something more. Taranee's crimes began small--shoplifting, picking pockets, dine-and-dashing. But she wasn't always successful at evading consequences, and spent many a night in jail.

It was during one of these stints that she first met Daniela Rivera, another youth like herself who was driven to crime as a means of living. Daniela, however, had bigger ambitions, and had more serious crimes in mind. When the two were released, they forged a partnership, and began a year-long spree of crime.

They started with burglary and auto theft, then escalated further, committing several counts of armed robbery. At the height of their careers, they were pulling off full-on heists together, and became so skilled as to evade capture for months.

During this time, their partnership grew as well, from professional to romantic. The two of them were madly in love, a Bonnie and... Bonnie... for a new era. Together, they were unstoppable. Blinded by love, and addicted to the thrill of the criminal lifestyle, Taranee didn't even consider, at least consciously, that she was following down the same path as her father, in falling into criminal enterprise.

There were, of course, certain points on which they disagreed, such as the use of violence: though always armed, just in case, Taranee never once harmed anyone over the course of their crime spree, while Daniela had fewer compunctions, and took no issue in hurting those who got in their way. Fortunately, Taranee was the brains of the operation, and carefully planned their heists such that violence was never necessary.

Sadly, no plan is perfect, and one fateful night, Taranee's plans went astray in a way that would alter the course of both young women's lives forever.

The Vibora University Incident

On August 3, 1985, Taranee and Daniela planned a rather unusual heist. Rather than stealing money or valuables, they were hired by a mysterious client (their identity yet to be confirmed), who tasked them with the theft of data from Vibora University. They would have to sneak into the school's science lab, download the requested information, and get out, ideally without being spotted or tripping any alarms.

Taranee was, understandably, uncomfortable with the idea of carrying out a heist so close to her home, and at a location so steeped in history for her. But the money was too good; with the amount they were being paid for this job, they'd be set for life. Daniela even implied the idea that the two of them could settle down, and retire from their life of crime together.

Thus convinced, Taranee finally agreed, and the two of them drew up the plans. The university laboratory was no easy mark; with multiple layers of security systems, breaking into the lab would prove to be a difficult task.

Taranee was no slouch when it came to planning, however. She managed to hack her way through the security systems, allowing the pair to slip inside undetected. Soon, they were securely in the school's lab, and were well on their way to another successful heist. Unfortunately, however, in all their planning, there was something she'd failed to plan for: late workers.

As they were downloading the data, a movement out of the corner of her eye spooked Taranee, who whirled around, drawing her pistol. To her horror, she found herself leveling her weapon at Professor Wise.

A tense moment passed, as the professor stood with his hands in the air, and Taranee stood, hands shaking as she aimed her gun at the man who had raised her. She knew that his presence threw the whole plan out of whack, and that the only way to salvage the situation would be to eliminate their only witness... but she couldn't bring herself to shoot him.

Daniela, of course, was less hesitant, and with her girlfriend paralyzed with dread, she drew her own weapon and fired at Wise. Fortunately, he was quick enough to duck, and her bullets didn't find their mark... but they did ricochet off the metal wall, and hit something else.

Nearby, Professor Wise's latest project was sitting on a table, plugged into the wall: an experimental ion generator, fueled by tiny amounts of nuclear material and capable of outputting millions of watts of electricity per minute. As the bullets struck it, they breached the containment field, and arcs of electricity began sparking out of the machine, one of which struck Wise in the chest, stunning him.

Daniela called to her girlfriend to run, and made a break for the door herself. But Taranee was unable and unwilling to leave her adoptive father behind. Dropping her gun, she ran to assist him, helping the weakened man to his feet. He told her to run, to get herself to safety, but before she could even register his words, the generator exploded catastrophically.

The blast hit Taranee directly as she shielded Wise with her body, and knocked them both unconscious. The shockwave decimated the building, reducing it to rubble.

Daniela, who had gotten clear of the building, ran to dig Taranee out of the remains of the building, and was able to carry her to safety before emergency crews came to investigate. Taranee remained unconscious for several days following the incident, during which Daniela kept the pair of them hidden in their hideout.

Confession and Arrest

Taranee awoke a few days after the incident, Daniela hovering at her bedside. She was badly bruised, and had suffered a minor wrist fracture, but otherwise was unharmed. She did notice, however, an odd buzzing noise that seemed to come from within her head, and felt oddly... energized.

Daniela explained that while she was out, Taranee had been... sparking. Blue shocks of electricity would arc from her skin on occasion, and Daniela had to be careful when touching her or risk getting a shock. Daniela seemed slightly concerned about this, but also intrigued.

She'd heard of people gaining superpowers before, in similar incidents, and the idea that Taranee might have developed some of her own spelled good things for their growing criminal enterprise. With an electrokinetic on their side, there'd really be nobody who could stop them!

Taranee, however, wasn't concerned with that at the moment. She had to know if Professor Wise was alright. Daniela was reluctant to say anything, and deflected her girlfriend's inquiries at first, but Taranee wasn't to be dissuaded. Finally, Daniela relented, and told her what she'd heard on the news.

Firstly, it seemed that they'd gotten away scot free; the authorities had no idea there was anybody at fault for the destruction of the Vibora University science building. They chalked it up to an accident--one of the experiments misfiring. The only casualty... Professor Wise.

He was still alive, fortunately, but in very bad shape. The explosion had rendered the man comatose, a state he remains in to the present day, and even if he were to awaken, it was unlikely that he would ever be able to walk unaided again, thanks to spinal damage suffered in the building's collapse.

Daniela framed this as a good thing. Wise was, after all, the only witness to their crime, and he'd likely never be able to tell anyone. But Taranee was wracked with guilt. This was her fault. The person she loved most in the world was nearly dead, and it was because she'd gone astray, and turned to a life of crime. Even as Daniela carried on, making plans to discover the extent of Taranee's power and best use it for their exploits, Taranee knew what she had to do.

Late at night, while her girlfriend slept, Taranee placed a call to the Vibora Bay Police Department and turned the two of them in. Officers raided their hideout and arrested both Taranee and Daniela, who was, of course, bewildered and furious.

In time, the entire story was revealed. Taranee confessed to everything, from their meeting to the university incident. Daniela Rivera was sentenced to a total of thirty-seven years in prison, while Taranee received a lighter sentence of 15 years, for her cooperation.

Taranee still didn't feel great, of course. She felt guilty for Dr. Wise's condition, was heartbroken at the end of her relationship with Daniela, and now she was alone in the world, and about to spend a long, long time in prison.

Being as she had become superhuman, she was immediately sent to Stronghold Prison in the Southwest Desert, while Daniela was sent to Florida State Prison. But as fate would have it, neither woman would serve out their full sentences. Two years into her sentence, Taranee was visited by a man claiming to be an agent from UNTIL, with a rather intriguing offer.

Redemption and Heroic Beginnings

The UNTIL agent identified himself as Director Jason Graham, head of a very special program within UNTIL. He explained to Taranee that his program, called Project Angel, sought out superpowered individuals with criminal records, and offered them a chance at redemption as heroes.

Given the emergence of her powers, and the cooperative circumstances surrounding her case, Taranee was an ideal candidate for the program. If she agreed, UNTIL would train her in the use of her powers, assign her to a task force, and employ her as an agent in the field for a period of time. In return, UNTIL would take care of her criminal record, and guaranteed her amnesty for her actions. It would be a chance to start anew, and all she had to do was say yes.

Taranee felt she had a responsibility to atone for her crimes, and had been fully prepared to sit out her sentence in Stronghold. But she realized that perhaps using her new powers to help others might be a better way to pay back her debt. She agreed, and within the week, she had been released from Stronghold into the care of UNTIL.

At a top-secret UNTIL facility in Kansas, Taranee was taught to control her powers. She learned quickly; after a few weeks, she was able to release electric current from her fingers with ease. Within two months, she had learned to focus her power into arcing bolts. At six months, she discovered she could levitate and move at speed by interacting with the earth's electromagnetic field, and at the end of her first year, she had learned to transform her entire body into electricity, allowing her to teleport short distances.

By this point, feeling that she had mastered her abilities sufficiently, Project Angel deemed her ready for the field. She was assigned to a special team called Division Seven, consisting of other superpowered ex-criminals under the supervision of UNTIL soldiers and overseen by Director Graham himself. It was at this point that she was also assigned a codename: Agent Tesla, named for her electrical prowess. She wasn't fond of it.

For two years, Division Seven was sent across the globe to handle various threats. As Agent Tesla, Taranee was instrumental in several strikes against VIPER, the prevention of a Qliphothic incursion in Southeast Asia, the apprehension of a would-be despotic ruler in Bolivia, and the evacuation of New Orleans prior to its destruction at the hands of a supervillain-generated hurricane.

Through it all, Taranee was noted by Project Angel as being compassionate, efficient, and eager to help others. At the end of two years, Division Seven was deemed ready for graduation, and its members were recalled to Project Angel headquarters, commended for their service and their efforts at rehabilitation, and at last released to enjoy their newfound freedom.

Taranee, though, wasn't ready to call it quits. She'd learned to love the thrill of heroism as much as she'd loved the thrill of crime--even more so, in fact. And besides, she still felt the gnaw of guilt at the thought of what she'd done to Professor Wise, and even though UNTIL considered herself pardoned, she did not. She decided, shortly after leaving Project Angel, to devote her life to the benefit of others.

Taranee moved to Millennium City, feeling she would have the most opportunities there. She crafted a costume and persona for herself; the name "Tesla" had grown on her a bit, but she still wanted to put her own flavor on it. Thus, she made her debut as the new superhero Tezla, and has since been administering her own electrifying brand of justice in Millennium City, hoping that one day, she would be able to forgive herself for her sins--and that the Professor would one day be able to forgive her, too.

Powers, Skills, and Attributes



Power 2 - Not every hero HAS powers, of course, in which case the powers section can be deleted.

Power 3 - Just take everything from the HR tag above the Skills section, up to the "Powers" sub-header, and delete it. You can also edit the Main Header to take the word 'Powers' out of it as well.


Skill 1 - Skills are the things your character has learned to do, or has an innate talent at doing.

Skill 2 - These skills can be as mundane as painting, to more fantastical things such as enchanting items.

Skill 3 - If your character has no particular skills worth noting, feel free to follow the same directions as shown for the 'Powers' sub-header on how to remove this section.


Attribute 1 - Attributes are physical or mental traits, separate from powers in most cases, though possibly enhanced by them.

Attribute 2 - Attributes can be things such as flexibility, or being naturally acrobatic, or good eye-hand coordination perhaps.

Attribute 3 - Again, like the last two, if you have no use for it, delete this section. You can also ALTER the section if there is something missing that you would find more fitting.

Gear and Equipment


Weapon - Gear and equipment are the things your character carries around and uses. These can be things like weapons and armor.

Armor - Feel free to use this section to name and describe the gear that your character uses, if any. Be, again, as lengthy as you like.

Gadget - If this section does not apply to your character, feel free to delete it. Also feel free to add more sub-headers as they apply, such as for a vehicle, perhaps, and that vehicle's statistics.



This section is specifically for a spouse, lover, or some other form of paramour. Feel free to use any of the formatting from 'Friends/Allies' below.


Put any friends or allies your character may have in here. You may give them descriptions or simply list them. To make a numbered list, simply place a # at the beginning of each new line:

  1. This guy
  2. That guy
  3. Some chick

For a non-numbered list, put an asterisk instead (the lines are optional. Simply remove the HR tags if you wish to remove them):

  • This guy

  • That guy

  • Some chick

Or, you could even use a smaller sub-header for each person, effectively creating a small section on them, like this:

That Guy I Know

Put info on the friend here.

That Chick I Met

And here.

Some Dude at the Bar

Don't forget this one.


Put any rivals or enemies here. You can give descriptions, or simply list them. Same idea as the Allies and Friends.

General Perception

Put here the way your character would be perceived by the general public. This means, the things that the general public would know, how the media would portray them, things people might know without ever having met the character.

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