Loyce Hal

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Hal 001.jpg
Black Legion Inner Shadow
Rank 2
"The Penultimate"
Loyce Hal
Player: Darwin
Basic Data
Class Focus: Ultimate Divine Demon Lord
R & D: Mysticism
Level: SS+ Rated
Occupation: Ruler of Numerous Realms, Creator of Thousands of Universes, Inner Shadow, Existential Omnicidal Destroyer, Deicider
Personal Data
Real Name: Loyce Hal
Known Aliases: The Great Demon Lord
True Demon King
The Penultimate
King of the Essokinetics
Master Loyce
Lord Hal
UNTIL Subject 2694
The Existential Destroyer
Pretty Boy Conqueror
Identity: Loyce Hal
Species: Ultimate Primordial Demon
Age: Unknown, potentially in the millions
Height: 185 cm
Weight: 160 lb
Eye Color: White
Hair Color: White
Blood Type: None
Biographical Data
Birthplace: Unknown
Birthdate: Unknown
Nationality: Unknown
Current Residence: Isphixis
Religion/Faith: None
Sexual Orientation: Unknown
Marital Status: Unknown
Known Languages
Known Relatives
Known Powers
Divine Comedy Reality Warping, Narrative Manipulation, Fate Manipulation, Spiritual Resistance, Reality Anchor, Time Manipulation, Matter Creation, Matter Destruction
Training / Abilities

"Nothing about what you are feeling is 'inconceivable'. That shaking in your existence, that trembling. That is called fear. Fear of a higher power. Your ego will not admit it, but your existence does. You are afraid because you have realized your mistake. The mistake of attempting to take over a world that is mine to rule. That is the concept I have added to the narrative of your character, Tyrannon, because you have chosen to make yourself my enemy."

- Loyce terrorizing Tyrannon the Conquerer

Great Demon Lord Loyce Hal, codenamed Empire, is the legendary Demon King, easily standing as one of the strongest Demon Lords in the history of Darwin's Great Akuma Universe, and potentially the multiverse of all time. Considered by many as the most powerful SS+ Rated Inner Shadow of the infamous Black Legion Organization, Hal tremendous reputation is succeeded by his feats. His followers are extremely powerful and numerous, due to conquering thousands upon thousands of universes, and creating countless more realities.

Powers and Abilities

"A power that rules, not just the domain enclosing oneself, but beyond. This is the strength our Master possesses, a strength necessary to not just conquer realms, but to rule it with indisputable power. You dare have the gall to boast about your power as a Demon Lord. But for every hundred worlds you've destroyed, our Master has destroyed AND created thousands. You are not at his level. Not ever."

Ultimate Primordial Demon Physiology: As the only Primordial Demon to reach the evolution stage of Ultimate Primordial, Loyce exhibits immense and borderline unparalleled power that has only ever been eclipsed by beings such as The Great Akuma and her trusted successors, offspring, and descendants.

  • Tremendous Physical Strength: Loyce has demonstrated nearly unmatched and immense levels physical strength. A single full power punch from Loyce was enough to completely disperse the volume of Kapstan 667 a supermassive black hole billion times the size of the Sun. Loyce's strength was to the point where he was able to deflect the strikes of Shosuke "The Devil Monk" Shiki's One Strike Kill style with only a finger, with little to no effort. Even with the combined efforts of The Skyworld pooling their energy into Archangel Erafil, Loyce was able to defeat the Demon Lord in four hits.
  • Unmatched Speed: Loyce is capable of performing unbelievable feats of speed, easily outpacing speedsters, and exceeding the speed of light by several orders of magnitude. When in battle, Yeling described Loyce as "moving so fast that he was practically invisible. By the time he had slowed down, it would be too late. There would be no way someone could react to his attacks no matter how prepared or sloppily he had executed them."
  • Immortality and Invulnerability: Loyce's durability has been described as nigh unparalleled. Capable of withstanding the combined magical unison of the galaxy's strongest mages and warriors during his crusade to conquer the world of Demon Lord Leon Valentine, Loyce's immense durability is layered onto his near infinite regeneration. Due to the combined effects of invulnerability and regeneration, Loyce is considered practically immortal to almost all opponents he has faced.
  • Tremendous Magical Power: Loyce possesses an extraordinarily high amount of magic power, so monumental, that even with fellow SS+ Rated Inner Shadow Jun Gasket using Stage Five Hachi, is incapable of quantifying. The sheer aura of Loyce's magical power, even when suppressed, is considered so overwhelming that lesser creatures such as Shadow Minions, and even ordinary human beings, suffer a sensation of "immense pressure from within their bodies". At higher levels of combat power, Loyce is capable of passively disintegrating entire planets and civilizations just from his aura alone, which he uses to intimidate and force servitude to those who deny their allegiance, particularly lesser Demon Lords.

Alogigenesis - The Comedy of Divinity: An extremely powerful and vast ability that enables Loyce to manipulate, create, and even destroy realities. It is unknown how Loyce obtained their power, but it was assumed that the power to warp reality was inherent to the final stage of evolution for a Primordial. This was the power that gave Loyce his terrifying reputation even amongst celestial beings due to his power to bend and shape the rules of the world around him in his favour. Loyce's mastery over manipulating reality was so skilled, that he had denoted the ability as "Divine Comedy", as he believed his mastery over a power so inconceivable and incomparable was "comical to divine proportions". Having defeated many reality warping entities during his conquest, Loyce was considered the "King of the Essokinetics". Using Divine Comedy, Loyce has been able to:

  • Neutralize the concept of a character's narrative, such as eliminating Apex Primordial Kon the Worldkiller's Absolute Dominion, which was a power that provided him with Infinite Strength.
  • Dethrone Queen Celesti, the goddess of her universe by destroying her concept of being the "strongest entity to exist no matter any conditions".
  • Create thousands upon thousands of universes while simultaneously destroying the same number of realities from a single thought.
  • Force Tyrannon the Conquerer to experience fear.
  • Create and destroy time.
  • Eliminate the concept of fate itself, changing the destiny of Hana Alzeron, who was fated to become the wife of Archdemon Jemiel.
  • Warp reality to whatever he wishes, regardless of reason.
  • Transcend narratives and realities.
  • Outsmart countless narrative and reality bending individuals in a battle of "reason" and "law bending".


"There is no satisfaction to being the penultimate. And even if one does experience what is like to be at the top, can they really stay this way for eternity? I have the power to change narratives and realities. But despite how much I try to eliminate the concept of being unsatisfied... I fail each time. This is the flaw behind my character. This is the flaw my cruel author has put on me. I don't want to just die, Yeling. I want to cease to exist."

- Loyce Hal

Nihilism and Desire for Mortality: Loyce has repeatedly stated that he does not find satisfaction in his power. And due to his immortality, he cannot be killed even if defeated. This degree of nihilism was such to the point where Loyce contemplated repeatedly battling and defying Lord Ginga and Hakah Mah in hopes of being destroyed for good, though the effort only left him defeated and on the brink of death, but "not quite there". A large part behind Hal's defection from his responsibilities as an Inner Shadow to provoke Hakah using Yeling has been for this reason. Despite this level of nihilism, Loyce has at times, hesitated in finding ways to end his existence due to his subordinates, which he has taken a mentoring role to.

The Great Akuma and Lord Ginga: Despite possessing the immense reality warping power of Alogigenesis, Loyce has admitted that he is incapable of defeating neither the Akuma or Ginga, due to the two being capable of neutralizing and withstanding Loyce's Alogigensis reality warping and narrative bending attacks. This passive ability also extends to the children of the Akuma, such as Mahyako, Avalon, and their descendants, including Diana Avarice, Hakah Mah and Yeling Mah. Due to being immune to Alogigenesis, Loyce must resort to his Ultimate Primordial abilities, though despite the handicap, has proven to be still an extremely difficult and borderline impossible opponent to put down.

Darwin / User Cathollicr: Loyce's author and creator. If chosen to do so, the very concept of Loyce being immortal could be eliminated entirely by changing the narrative of Loyce being incapable of using Alogigenesis on his own mortality.