Vince Sternhammer

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Player: @Bluesmun
Character Build
Class Focus: Tank
Power Level: 31
Research & Development: Arms
Biographical Data
Real Name: Vincent Amadeus Sternhammer
Known Aliases: Vince, Vince Sternhammer, Mr. Sternhammer, Dr. Sternhammer, Doc Hammer, Black Hammer
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Place of Birth: Brooklyn, New York City, New York
Base of Operations: Millennium City
Relatives: Olga Sternhammer (mother, deceased), Brock Sternhammer (father, deceased), Adolf Sternhammer (brother), Petunia Sternhammer (wife, deceased)
Age: 63
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 295 lbs
Eyes: Grey
Hair: Black, greying
Complexion: Tanned
Physical Build: large, imposing, meaty
Physical Features: Amazingly well-groomed mustache
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Lawful Good

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Identity: Secret
Years Active: As hero: 23 years

As reporter: 40 years

Citizenship: American
Occupation: Reporter
Education: College graduate, Doctorates in English and Journalism, Minors in Journalistic History and Superhuman Relations
Marital Status: Widower
Known Powers and Abilities
Immense physical strength, near invulnerability
Equipment and Paraphernalia
Black Hammer
ReldinBox Template



Born to a family of refugees from East Berlin, Vince Sternhammer grew up on the streets of Brooklyn. By the age of 14, he was working weekends on the docks under the management of his father. By 16, he was balancing high school and full shifts to help support his family. A typical life for a second generation German lad in America.

Vincent, strong from his years of working on the docks, was larger and tougher than most boys his age. It was child's play for him to fake being two years older to enter the war. It would pay better than the docks, and he'd be able to see a part of the world that he wouldn't normally. It would keep him from being trapped in the neighborhood of his birth. So, with a few other boys from his block, he joined the Marine Corps, went through boot camp, and began his first tour of duty in Vietnam.