GenoRave Act 10

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Act 10 Expansion Outward

  • Space Adventures
  • Gods of the Universe
  • Vagabond Returns, Vagabond 3000
  • Legion Vs Galactic Federation (Vindicator Home)
  • The Seraph

Space Adventures

I am Lord Rave who has saved Humanity indefinitely. Now that the planet is okay and humans have achieved immortality with the Legion of me. I shall save the galaxy.

Moment of Clarity

Galactic Federation UPA

Who says the Legion doesn't have any enemies? They are just as powerful and galaxy conquering as Rave and Legion.

Chasing the Edge

Planet Arachna

Circle in the Drain

Legion vs Now's home planet Arachna

Vagabond Ultimate Form

Attach on Armada

As Legion advances through space an old foe is resurrected from the annuals of time. Vagabond is back and stronger than ever.

Metal Church
Method to Your Madness

Nothing more fun than having a time travelling cyborg seeking revenge on you for killing them in the past.

So the Legions ships are hauling *** outside the realms of time space as Rave fight Vagabond.

Vagabond says, "Remember when you mad me ill before I was born. And you killed my mother! Well you remember the car crash that killed you mother do you! Yes... I'm the reason you raised yourself Rave. Because I also set the radioactive unicorn on your father!!!" Rave replies, "There sacrifices honored. Humanity lives forever!!!!" Vag says, "I only kept you alive so I can kill you at your strongest!"

Big fight

Everyone Rave know get erased for existence.

Infinite Time Loop Run

We see not one but infinite Ultimate Vagabonds. Rave Trapped in a time loop make so many clones of himself he doesn't know if they are him now or of another time. We see Rave fighting himself as himself the monster that plagued Vagabond's past. Every time the time loop starts again Rave dies become the monster and more and more clones and monsters of himself pop up again and it is getting crowded. No way out. Just a big death match that goes on for days.

Rave says, "If I keep this up I'll lose my mind!! Of course! I got it!" Rave absorbs all his colons of all time including the monster him. Vagabond shouts, "Noooooooooo! You are to be trapped!" Rave says, "Its is you who is trapped." Vagabond look to a copy of himself and stabs it with anger. All of a sudden all Vagabonds start killing each other. Vagabond shouts, "There is only one!" Rave disappears into the crowd of Vagabonds. Vagabond Starts killing more of himself to find Rave. Vagabond stays trapped in the dimension fighting himself forever. Vagabond believes he is fighting Rave. Because Rave also absorbed a copy of Vagabond and turn to a mirror image of him.

The real Rave teleports to before Ultimate Vagabond popped. Rave with part of Vagabond in him can use his time powers temporarily. Rave looks into all Vagabonds and undoes the erasing act in every time altercation. Rave rebuilds the Genos from his own DNA coding but instead this Genos has temporal machines similar to rune in its mechanical body. This Genos goes back again and absorbs Vagabond. This Genos is trapped in the time line. Holy fucking shit! Vagabond has not been fighting Rave but programed decoys this whole time. The Real Legion Avoided the attack. They safely teleport the enter fleet around it. The more Vagabond tries to replay the mess the more he messes up himself. All Vagabonds Realises they lost.

Rave goes back in time to where the very first Vagabond was murdered by him and gives him the cure before he dies. All Vagabond ultimate Remove themselves from existence along with Temporal Genos.

The Seraph

Most powerful Angels Rave will face yet.