Skyline: Sins of the past, sins of the present

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Skyline: Sins of the past, sins of the present is a group roleplay story for The Adventurers supergroup put on by @Heavywhirlwind89. The purpose of this page is to provide a reference to the characters, events, and lore that take place around the story. Enjoy!


  • Skyline/Trevor Holt: Brother of Courser and heir to the "Skyline" moniker. Eager to prove himself but

slow to trust others, Holt was given superhuman physical attributes (strength, speed, constitution, stamina) to resist the deadly effects of using Polymorphite in direct proximity (I.E. a suit made of it). Donning a modern, unique take on the Skyliner armor. The suit carries an onboard A.I. that allows limited use of the Polymorphite to manifest a hoverboard that's directly tied to the A.I.'s systems, seemingly giving the board a mind of its own.

  • Tectonic/Vincent Bronzolis: Sponsored enforcer of Steve Orton's "Advanced Defenders Union" (A.D.U.). Former

stick up man and recently released prisoner. Wears a suit that allows control over earth-based minerals (dirt, clay, stone, etc.) Independantly minded and cunning, Bronzolis is weakened only by the tempermental chip he carries on his shoulder.

  • Langston Hawthorne/Skyliner: Brilliant engineer who discovered "Polymorphite". Eventually creating a super-

powered suit made from the cosmic-based metal and donning the moniker "Skyliner". Prominant in the 80's, in the early 90's his health began to slowly decline from the deadly metal and as a result retired from heroics. Creating a government-funded program called "The Hawthorne Foundation" that supplies military tech, and home consumer products safely using the Polymorphite in various ways. Recently deceased, Langston left the leadership of the Foundation to his daughter, Dierdre. The Skyliner moniker being modified, and revived by Trevor Holt.

  • Steve Orton/Laughing Coyote: Former UNTIL Black Ops agent turned government contractor. Orton was in charge of

overseeing the safety of a pre-Skyliner Langston Hawthorne during his discovery (and mastery) of the Polymorphite metal. Opportunistic, shrewd, charming, and intelligent. Orton has obsessed over owning and controlling the coveted metal ever since its discovery. In his later years he's used his deep, secure government contacts to create the A.D.U. (Advanced Defenders Union) which is dedicated to creating government-regulated superheroes. He uses his sway to hide the "Unions" true purpose, the acquisition of Polymorphite and destruction of the Hawthorne Foundation. And with the recent death of Langston Hawthorne he's more eager than ever to achieve his goals.

  • Deirdre Hawthorne: Daughter of Langston Hawthorne and his late wife, Melinda. Deirdre has the intelligence of

her father, mixed with the even-tempered and perceptive traits of her mother. She exemplifies the term "Over-Qualified" as she was raised to carry the responsibilities (and burden) of her father's legacy. The Hawthorne Foundation now being led by her leadership, she's slow to believe in the arrogant, sometimes abrasive Trevor Holt. But despite this is a warm, charming woman well-versed in both conversation and business.

Items, resources, and tools:

  • Polymorphite: A strange, seemingly impossible mineral found in a fallen meteor by Langston Hawthorne in 1982. Polymorphite appears in its raw form as rough, cube-shaped portions with a platinum material to it. But when refined it changes to small, thin individual squares! But what truly makes Morphite so unique and coveted is when powered (and programmed through a platform) it's capable of changing its form to the will of the user. However it comes at a deadly price, prolonged use at close proximity will eventually spread an uncurable disease within the user. In recent times however The Hawthorne Foundation has founds ways to use the technology more safely. Such as: Military stealth drones that can flatten to surfaces and active-camouflage themselves to avoid detection, authentic perpetual motion clocks, and high-end home entertainment products (speakers, festive lighting, etc.) among other things. Highly desired for its almost limitless uses, many have tried over the 50 years it's been known. As will many more in the times to come.

  • A.D.U. Heavy chopper: