Bludhouse Special

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Act 1

Mature Warning: 18 Plus, Gore, Adult Themes

The Invasion of Space Vampires. They are the Bludhouse Clan.

The story starts a few nights ago. Increasing numbers of people has been disappearing. Closes contacts say the last to be records of them is at night clubs partying. Rave and his crew is at an underground club hotspots investigating the matter. with Poison and Foxy. By this time Foxy has dropped the name Foxybat. She wears a black version of her suit to show that she is now with Rave. Poison calls Synthrax on her communicator. Synthrax says, "I can't believe Rave is making me do this. I'll shoot him in his friggin frik." Foxy says, "He can hear you." She replies, "On no. I didn't mean it. I'm sorry. I swear I wouldn't say it again. I promise" Rave laughs and says, "I keep warning you about your language." Foxy says, "Know Rave when you told me about vampires in the underground I was thinking you're joking. Now you better not let no vampire bite my neck." Synthrax says, "Ready." She laced the vents with garlic bases alien spores bombs. She tries to move. She says, "Um. Um. Umm ummmmmm! I'm stuck! My friggin boobs are too big!" Rave laughs, "Relax. I'm coming to get you." Rave ghost clone comes from her eyes and phases her out of the vents. Synthrax asks, "Why is this even our problem? Is not like they can get into Dollhouse." Rave says, "Dollhouse or not vampires are bad for business. I can't have them eating up the local customers." The garlic bomb silently triggers. It makes air toxic to the hidden vampires are the club. Rave cashes them. When Rave asks, "Where did this vampire outbreak come from." The vampire told him, "A few nights ago I was clubbing with some chick I met. She told me about and after part in the Bronco. So I followed her the next thing you know I thought I was being set up. Like a muggin or something. Wasn't that. They took the girl on some flying saucer thing. Then I woke up with a bite on my neck. They didn't come from underground or the mutations. The vampires came from space man." Rave gets up walk a few feet and says, "What kinda drugs y'all got over here in Bronco?" The vampire gets up, he asks, "So that it. I can go?" Rave says, "Yah you can can go..." Rave explodes the guy with telekinesis. He continues, "...Go to hell." Rave looks up at the night sky them sighs. He flys up to check it out. Up In space he sees an armada has taken Earth's orbit. They orbit in synchronicity with night making them shadowed from the sun. Maroon long ships with spikes on the tail. They are a sophisticated clan.

Rave flys back down. He tells the girls, "The nut was right. We got bloody vampires, in space, j**** ******** ******!"

The next three vampire Rave encounters are wearing dark red stealth op suits. One is a girl. The two others jump into a small aircraft to escape. The girl jumps but he pulls her back by her with telekinesis. "Lady Hellebore.", One if the guys shout. They jump off to get her. They pull out lightsabers. Rave just force smashed them together. They hit together so hard they pass out. Rave sees Hellebore for first time she was wearing a skin suit. Rave thinks, "Lady Hellebore? Her suit. It's breathing like it's alive. It's is! My ghost senses indicate multiple separate beings." He asks, "Is it the zero gravity? You alien girls always seem to have really huge..." She wasn't having it. She duel wielded a living sword and a light saber and attacked him. Voops vaps! She spun around. He jump back. He kicked of the edge of he living sword. He felt or cramp his foot. "Ah this blade saps the life force out of whom ever it touches." Rave says, "That's quite the weapons you got there. And your suit. It's an attachment of living bodies! Just like your sword." She doesn't reply. He says, "So you wanna stay silent. Huh?" She tries to blood bend him but it doesn't work. Roman has no blood. He replies, "My turn " He pulls her by the feet with telekinesis. She sticks her blade into the ground to hold on. But he is too strong he drags her. He grabs her by one foot as she is on the ground. She kicks him with her other leg. Rave says, "Ah! The suit is feeding of my life force." Rave tears her off her suit. He sees it is a beautiful vampire girl. She looks at him rather embarrassed to be naked. He walks up and punches her in the head. She knocks out. Meanwhile the other two escape back to their ship. Synthrax says, "Should I blow them out of the sky?" As she holds a rocket launcher. Rave says, "Nah let them go. This one is important." As he looks at Hellebore.

Rave takes Hellebore to a base were he can examine and interrogate her. Rave puts her on a bed in shackles. Unconscious he injects little tubes and wires into her. Chastity is chosen to help due to her medic skills. Chastity says to Rave, "Ooo. A thick vampire girl. Just your type Rave. You want her don't you?" Hellebore suddenly wakes up she panics and starts blood bending Chastity. Rave notices and takes control of Hellebores mind. As he enters her mind he learns this power only works on blood havers. As precautions only robots will overseer her. They put her in a holding cell instead. Poison says, "Well she recovered and still won't talk." Rave replies, "She doesn't need to. I'm going back in her mind soon. As soon as I start to read her him she forces herself to pass out. I believe she is a princess and has special powers. Just like her weapon. She was the only one carrying a living sword."

Rave talks to Hellebore. She doesn't reply. He pins her down on the table by her neck and force his way into her mind by eye contact. She snarls at him. She try to fight back but he pin her down with telekinesis powers. Rave says, "This one is strong. And extremely dangerous." He sees flashes of inside her ship where she talks to her father. Rave says, "Her father is the king. They plan to feed of the entire planet like a blood bank! Their numbers are... Omg! We can't win this!!!" Hellebore closes her mind off and runs to her bed like a wild animal. Rave walks to the glass where he talks to Poison. Rave says, "She is really good at blacking off her mind." Poison says, "Not good. You got a plan Rave?" He answers, "I always do. But you're not going to like it. I have to bed the girl then send her home. She would take me inside her ship once she is a carrier of my soul. She would not be able to speak out because I will erase part of her memory till I'm ready to act. The longer we keep the princess might initiate a full on attack we are not ready for." Hellebore over heard Rave's plan and says, "You cannot do this. It's not right to lay with me against my will." Rave replies, "Now she speaks. I suppose it's right for you to blood farm the entire planet like slushy machine till there's nothing left and leave. I plan to save this planet. Your rights mean nothing to me." He climbs over he as she backs into a small space on the bed. She says, "Alright. You have my permission but you're not gonna win." She bites his lip. Scene cuts to spirit whispering almost inaudible.

Hellebore returns to her ship. She approaches her father's throne room surrounded by a pool of blood. As she blinks the blue ring in her eyes hides itself. "Where were you my daughter." The BludFather asked. She replied, "I don't remember. I was being chased then I blacked out." BludFather shouts, "YOUR WERE BESTED BY AN EARTH HERO!!! WORTHLESS!!! YOU ARE NOT MY KIN! You're your mother's child. That part of your gene will never be stronge enough to sit on this throne!" He signals his followers to bring in the two ops that was with her. Her turned them into living furniture and they where suffering. Hellebore began to cry literal blood. She said, "I don't know what happened. It will not happen again." BludFather replies, "Right you will not fail me again. You are just lucky you are still apart of my blood. I'm demoting you back to princess. You don not belong with my soldiers. Get away from me!" Hellebore matched back to her room angrily. She began to throw stuff around. Rave made himself present to her as he caught a chair. "Who are you?" she asks, "... Your face seems familiar." Rave replies, "I'm your Guardian angel you must tell no one about me or I will never return." She replies, "What mind game is this?" Then she felt a cramp in her lower stomach. Rave held her back up. She says, "I'm fine!" Rave says, "Don't believe me? I can make you stronger. But you have to be not for you father but yourself. To do that I can help you kill him. I can put you on the throne, Princess. I can help you prove you are better than him." She says, "An angel. What kind of angel wants me to kill my own father?" Rave replies, "I'm in your head princess. These are not my thoughts but yours... Hold out your hand." She does. Rave levitates all the objects in her room and kisses her. He says, "Unlimited power. Just for you. Tell no one. Be the queen you need to be." She replies, "Yes. I want it. I want you to make me stronger. Help me kill my father." He slips one side of the blouses off her shoulder and caresses her red hair. She says, "Are you even real? Can you beat him?" He says, "Yes but we must wait a bit. I need to learn his weaknesses. Tell me everything about your ship, your people." Roman romances her in the idea of love. Love she never knew existed before. At a young age she was taught to be cold. Her father murdered anybody she ever liked infront of her. This was the first time ever she was able to get close to someone.

Rave reports back to the others and himself on Earth. Rave says, "I've discovered that vampirism is a disease that causes organisms to crave hemoglobin. It was an effect of a newly tested immortality medication. It happened to their planet ages ago till their population went out of control and consumed all life. They took to space to find sustenance. Consuming planet after another then moving on when they exhausted their fleshy resources. The leader he can blood bend and can regenerate instantly form any attack. It's the fastest heal factor I've ever seen. He can also straight up suck the soul out of his enemies in seconds at a 25 ft range. And blood bend any lesser life forms like nothing. So that narrows us down to just a few. What's worst they turn their enemies they don't like into living furniture or tools. My advice is to just attack them in space before they can attack us first. Since they haven't launched and invasion yet I believe they operate better in stealth and are just waiting to increase their numbers. Me and Infin8te will go after the leader with the Genos. The good news is they hate sunlight." Infin8te says, "You want me to trust you again Rave? What you gonna do this time? Command his fleet?" Rave replies, "You know that is such a bad idea. I already have his daughter." Power Womz asks, "I don't suppose your feelings for this woman would get in the way." Rave replies, "No sir no, ma'am not one bit. Just doing my job siiiir!" Rave brings to leave. He says, "Redwood, America, Come. I missed the two of you." Power Womz asks Infin8te, "Is he always such an A." Infin8te says, "Yes. We can't trust him. Unfortunately he's one of the best." Womz asks, "I know right. Why doesn't he find me attractive?" Infin8te says, "You have the rendezvous information." He frowns and flies away.

Infin8te, GenoRave and Womz fly up to combat the leader. These are they strongest heroes they know at hand. Proxi, Gaia and Poison are the only girls Rave take with him. Any other hero with blood would not last very long. Rave takes them straight to the leader. They all fly so fast they don't trigger any alarms. Unlike the Vindicator fight Rave knows what he is dealing with. The other Rave let's the team in through Hellebore's quarters. Hellebore asks, "Roman. Who are these Earthlings?" He says, "My back up." She became aware and replies, "Your were lying to me! This isn't about me. You only want to kill my father and stop the invasion!" She tries to punch Rave and run away. Rave just holds her doen with force. She tried to blood bend them. Rave says, "That isn't gonna work I know all your weaknesses." She growls Rave shuts her mouth. She grows so angry her skin begins to cut up all over and burn. Rave says, "Okay so this is new?" Womz says, "Control your girlfriend. She will alert the guards! Just kill the vampire already!" Womz is frightened by what she is seeing and dives to hit Hellebore. Rave says, "No!" And pulls Hellebore out of the way towards him. Womz accident punches a hole in the wall and this alerts a lady servant of her called Cherry Bludnurse. She sees this abs scream. As Cherry runs away vampire guards poor in. Rave says, "Womz I suggest you stay on Infin8tes defence. Your the weakest of the 3 of us. I already have three to look after." Womz says, "Defence? I can help MYSELF! Araaaah!" She punches through the horde of vampires. GenoRave goes with Infin8te to find the BludFather. The other stays to deal with Hellebore. Hellebore regains her memories. She says, "I trusted you and you used me. For once in my life I thought that men had changed. You're all the same!" She screams, "I cannot fight you! Your powers are far beyond mine. You going to kill me?" Rave replies, "You are the one hurting yourself. I did not lie to you. I promised to kill your father and put you on the throne. I'll will. But you have to trust me." Rave suppresses her down. Defeated she says, "Trust. Why would I ever again?" Rave replies, "You're a wicked blood sucking vampire and your still alive. That's because I like you. I don't want anything to happen to you." Cherry comes back with a gun saying, "Miss Hellebore?" Hellebore says to Rave, "Don't hurt her! She is just scared... Cherry put down the gun and come to me." Rave simply pulls the weapon out of her hand to cut things short. Hellebore grabs Cherry. She ask, "Princess why are you aiding the enemy?" She replies, "Long story."

They arrive to the BludFathers throne room to say the fight already began. Genos, Infin8te and Womz standing around the Vampire King. Womz seems a little injured. The BludFathers turns to the entrance to see Rave holding Hellebore at the waist. Hellebore looks at Rave. Rave says, "I can't have you running off and doing anything stupid." She says, "Why? Let me fight him." Rave replies, "See what I'm talking about. You cannot match me and I can't match him alone. What makes you think you stand a chance?" She says, "I'm not alone. I'm with you." BludFather says, "My own daughter has committed treason. No wonder they got in here undetected. You know I always wanted a guitar but I got a daughter instead. I guess I'll have to make you into one." Hellebore backs up a bit as if to run away. Rave tightens his grip on her side. He says, "I know you're scared but you can't back down now." Rave moves his ghost self over and behind her body as she mimics the movement of his limbs. They take a fighting stance. Hellebore speaks in synchronicity with Raves demonic voice, she says, "It's over father. I will have your throne." Rave technomanced two big swords into her hands. Infin8te squints. Hellebore side flips at her father. Bim bam! She cuts him he fuses back. Genos tackles. Understand that GenoRave and Rave over Hellebore is now fighting her father. The others join in. Gaia says, "I'm done analysing the blood sample. All tests confirms a match. Synthrax is in her way now." The BludFather looks at her confused. Genos grabs the BludFather at his back to hold him in place. At moment another Rave carrying Synthrax phases through the wall like a flash. Synthrax says, "EAT THIS!!!! CHHAAAAA!" She stabs the BludFather Father with a big syringe. He slowly began to turn to ash. He says, "How? But I was to be immortal?" Rave says, "Your daughter. I been testing her blood for weaknesses since the day I captured her. I only need a small dose of yours I had Gaia collect during this fight to confirm that it was a match." Vampire guards begin to burn as well. Rave continues, "The. I had another crew release an airborne version on your ship while you were distracted. But Hellebore is fine. I started her with small doses of the antidote weeks ago." The BludFather drops to his knees as he reaches out to Hellebore, "Daughter please, give me your blood." She watches him suffer on the ground and starts to cry. Rave takes Hellebore by the waist and leader her to his throne. She sits on it. Genos walks up to the BludFather on the ground, "DIE!" Genos hits the body in the head so hard it blows into dust leaving a gash in the ground. Hellebore's tears of blood falls in her lap as she looks down. Rave say, "Be strong my queen." Infin8te says, "Rave! I don't like this! You know that woman belongs in a holding cell!" Genos replies, "F*** *** Infin8te. Why don't you hold our B**** instead." Rave says, "I will watch over the woman. I'm already testing a hemoglobin alternative for her and the rest of her people."A small portion of vampires survived. Especially the stealth ops who was wearing breathing gear.

Infin8te tackles Rave who was standing at the throne. GenoRave tackles him back. They wrestle and fall into the blood pool. Rave says, "You are an idiot. I have it under contrrrrol!" Infin8te is stronger and trys to drop Rave in the shallow pool. Womz says, "Infin8te stop! Look at the princess she is just a scared little girl. If Rave says he got it he got it! Look at the options. Let them go they either die or comeback. Or you could imprison all that people for the rest of their lives. They might have done bad things but they only wanted to survive. Just let Rave help them." Rave smiles and says, "Thank you. He's just jealous of my thick pale girl. At least at least this way we can have peace." Womz says, "I can't believe I found you attractive Rave. What was I thinking?" They check the ships. Rave establishes himself as their new ruler at the side of Hellebore his soon to be wife. He takes all the ships to Legion Island where they start a settlement. Rave says, "My new legion of Immortals. How about Immortal Legion." Hellebore replies, "I would like that my king." MetalSlug comes up from the ground and asks, "You are bringing people here now? Can I eat them? Just one." Rave says, "I doubt you'd like the vampirey flavor much. Stay in you mash and be a good girl. I will not have problems in this new paradise." She replies, "I'm joking." Rave says, "Your not." And smacks her bum. She dive ps into the hole from which she came and shouts, "I'll be back for supper!" Hellebore surprised asks, "You like crazy girls?"

Rave's hemoglobin treatment reduced the burning effect of the sun on her people.


Blip blap bloop.




