Loyce Hal

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Black Legion Inner Shadow
Rank 2
Loyce Hal (Empire)
Player: Darwin
Basic Data
Class Focus: Ultimate Divine Demon Lord
R & D: Mysticism
Level: Immeasurable
Occupation: Ruler of Numerous Realms, Inner Shadow, Volunteer to the Church of Babel
Personal Data
Real Name: Loyce Hal
Known Aliases: Great Demon Lord, True Demon King, The Penultimate, King of the Reality Warpers, Master Loyce, Lord Hal
Identity: Loyce Hal
Species: Ultimate Primordial Demon
Age: Unknown
Height: 185 cm
Weight: 160 lb
Eye Color: White
Hair Color: White
Blood Type: None
Biographical Data
Birthplace: Unknown
Birthdate: Unknown
Nationality: Unknown
Current Residence: Isphixis
Religion/Faith: None
Sexual Orientation: Unknown
Marital Status: Unknown
Known Languages
Known Relatives
Known Powers
Divine Comedy Reality Warping, Fate Manipulation, Spiritual Resistance, Reality Anchor, Time Manipulation, Matter Creation, Matter Destruction
Training / Abilities

"Transcendence from the barriers of the metaphysical is but a mere glimpse to something far grander. To the point where the petals of what is real is but a mere comedy. A truly divine comedy."

- Loyce Hal

Great Demon Lord Loyce Hal, codenamed Empire, is the penultimate strongest primordial demon in existence.

UNTIL Case Report


The following Case File concerns an Existential Cosmic Threat Class capable of Vast Multiversal Destruction.

Access to this file without appropriate Cosmic Confidentiality Clearance is strictly forbidden.

Subject Briefing

Identification Code: ECTC_VMD 2694
Primus Assigned Alias: The High King
Threat Class: Extremely Cosmic, Multiversal
Risk Level: Unknown
Hostility: Not Hostile but classified unstable.

Statement on Containment and Control

As of current, there has been no method to effectively contain or control 2694 other than to keep the subject non hostile. Subject has been capable of predicting events and appears to transcend the human conception of time, leading to the advantage of foresight. Any form of containment has been deemed impossible, due to 2694's ability to either alter the reality around himself, or to forcefully destroy the containment.

Portion of Recorded Transcript between Chief Surhoff, Agent Luni and 2694

<Begin Log>

Surhoff: If, for argument's sake, we were to decide that your actions may lead to a threat to our people, what would you do in response to any containment attempts?

2694: Nothing.

Surhoff: Nothing?

2694: I will do nothing. Because I know from here onwards, your people will become aware that there is absolutely nothing you could do to contain me.

Surhoff: How so?

2694: Suppose one tried to enclose a creature in a cage. But the room is too dark to see. Too muffled to hear. Too rancid to smell. How certain will they know they have enclosed the creature?

Surhoff: I suppose... it would be impossible.

2694: And why is that, Chief Surhoff?

Surhoff: We wouldn't be able to know. Because our senses would be disabled.

2694: Yes. Because your senses have been taken out of the question. Now extend this scenario to the containment of me. I can take away your senses, yes. But I can do so much more. I can completely eliminate the concept of needing to smell, to see, to hear, to feel... the very concept that a human must require stimulus to experience the world around them, I can will that out of existence. I can even will the cage to not even exist in the first place. I can will that the need to contain me was never there.

Luni: Surhoff, we need to take the precaution that 2694's claims may not be true. It could all be a psychological disorder.

2694: You don't believe me, Agent Luni?

Luni: How did you-


2694: Belief. Trust. Your doubts play into the narrative that you don't see me as what I claim to be, and I tell you the truth, there are many here who feel the same way. I know it, because I have seen it. They doubt me, then they fear that doubt, and have attempted to contain me. I have killed your people many times. In many different ways. Through will. Through force. Through magic and through manipulation. The paths all converge to one, unless the belief is changed. And I can do that.

Luni: What are you talking about? To see? Are you saying you can predict the future now?

2694: How do you know we haven't already had this conversation? In the blink of an eye, I could have destroyed this entire universe, along with the people in it, and reversed the whole thing like it never even happened. Within that split second of indecision, Luni, how certain are you that I haven't already killed you but revived you immediately?

Absolutely under no circumstances, must any contact with Subject 2694 be made due to his unpredictable nature.


Subject 2694 is a reality warping entity capable of manipulation to a vast level. The subject claims its name to be Loyce Hal and had come to "investigate our world for potential". Upon being asked for further clarification, Hal provided none. Since then, Hal's whereabouts are unknown.