Loyce Hal

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SS+ Rated Inner Shadow "Empire"
Loyce Hal (Empire)
Player: Darwin
Basic Data
Class Focus: Ultimate Demon Lord
R & D: None
Level: Immeasurable
Occupation: Ruler
Personal Data
Real Name: Loyce Hal
Known Aliases: Great Demon Lord, True Demon King, The Penultimate, Master Loyce, Lord Hal
Identity: Loyce Hal
Species: Ultimate Demon
Age: Unknown
Height: 185 cm
Weight: 160 lb
Eye Color: White
Hair Color: White
Blood Type: None
Biographical Data
Birthplace: Unknown
Birthdate: Unknown
Nationality: Unknown
Current Residence: Isphixis
Religion/Faith: None
Sexual Orientation: Unknown
Marital Status: Unknown
Known Languages
Known Relatives
Known Powers
Divine Comedy Reality Warping, Fate Manipulation, Spiritual Resistance, Reality Anchor, Time Manipulation, Matter Creation, Matter Destruction
Training / Abilities

"I conquered worlds. I easily defeated heroes. Gods. Monsters. Angels. Spirits. And even fellow Demon Lords. Hero Andrew Tengen and Demon Lord Frey's world was taken by me, as I overpowered their world's greatest beings. Demon Lord Erafil's world was conquered by me, after I destroyed heaven with my magic. Demon Lord Leon Valentine's world was ravaged by an Outer Shadow, and in their peril, the Demon Lords amassed great power to never lose again, only to be crushed by my hand. I have been conquering worlds for many years now. My power only ever grows with each nation I annihilate."

- Loyce Hal

"Hakah may be the strongest Inner Shadow in the Black Legion, but Loyce is by far more dangerous. Because whether it is power, strength, malice, intellect, or even influence. He has it all. He isn't just strong, Yeling. He is complete in every regard. He is the very definition of a Demon Lord. Of evil."

- Twilight urging Yeling to reconsider fighting Loyce

Great Demon Lord Loyce Hal, also known as codename Empire, is an SS+ Rated Inner Shadow to the Black Legion. Possessing tremendous magical power, Loyce managed to conquer three magical realms, and rule each one as their respective Demon Lord. His followers are both extremely powerful and numerous.

Loyce himself, is an overwhelmingly powerful being in his own right, even amongst the Inner Shadows, to the point where his very presence strikes fear and intimidation from many. He is currently the second strongest Inner Shadow, and the third strongest member of the entire Black Legion, his power surpassed only by SSS Rated Inner Shadow Hakah Mah and the SSS Rated leader of the organization, Lord Ginga. Due to the fact that the only people able to surpass his power are SSS Rated, Loyce is even stronger than SS+ Rated Jun Gasket, making him the strongest SS+ Rated Inner Shadow in the Black Legion.

According to the Voice of the Worlds, Loyce is considered the highest tier form of sentience to take mortal physical form in any dimension. He is the Ultimate Divine Demon Lord of the realms Isphixis, Raehafil, and Johal, ruling each realm as its strongest, most powerful being to ever exist. Because of this, Loyce has also amassed numerous Demon Lords who have sworn loyalty to him due to the overwhelming gap in power. These Demon Lords have acted as his Outer Shadows on several occasions, and their armies, directly assimilated under his loyalty.

Loyce was also the superior of the First Hinokami Holder Aelienne the Firebird, before her betrayal to the Black Legion.


Loyce possesses the largest following out of all the Inner Shadows in the Black Legion. This is due to his consistent conquests to take over worlds that he deems useful to him, overwhelming and ruling each as their penultimate strongest being to exist. Loyce's armies are numerous, and for a time, a portion of his military force was enough to pressure SSS Ranked Hakah Mah for a brief time at her full power, allowing Loyce to execute his strategy in defeating Yeling's younger sister.

Outer Shadows

Directly Reporting to Black Legion

Tommy Riordan: A S~ Ranked Berserker Class. Riordan's real identity is Fenrir, the Norse Wolf God responsible for eating the Sun during Ragnarok. Fenrir was killed the first time, and reincarnated in the form of a human being by the identity of Tommy Riordan, a University undergraduate studying electrical engineering in the University of Iowa with no recollection of his identity. Riordan is capable of manifesting percentages of his former power, usually through a means of projections of a monstrous towering wolf capable of mass destruction. After the passing of Riordan's parents, Tommy decided his life was no longer worth living, and accepted Loyce's offer to become his Outer Shadow to find meaning to his existence. Tommy is the most active member of Loyce's Shadow Force, and rarely spends time off. Tommy has a phobia for tall women, which interestingly contrasts with SS Ranked Outer Shadow Aaron Hope, who has a tall women fetish which he appears to be very proud of.

  • Powers: Demonic Wolf Manifestation, Immortality
  • Age: 22
  • Species: Reincarnation, Part God, Part Jotunn
  • Main Strengths: Nigh infinite regeneration, in his Wolf Form, can easily destroy legions of enemies quickly
  • Main Weaknesses: Low strategic skill, easy to be manipulated, evident immature mindset

Andrew Tengen: A S~ Ranked Warrior Class. Tengen was formerly the Hero of the Dual Cleavers, but eventually abandoned the title when the world he was destined to save achieved peace, rendering the skills and power he had amassed to save the world from the Demon Lord Frey unneeded. Unsatisfied with his mundane life as a job hunter, Tengen decided to join Loyce's army after learning that Frey had become tamed by the Superior Demon Lord, seeking powerful opponents to fight for the thrill of battle. Tengen is given the codename Tourmentus due to his ability to keep getting stronger and tougher the more his body sustains damage, and his endless days spent fighting in Loyce's Gladiator Ring to become stronger. Andrew is the least active member of Loyce's Shadow Force, only ever taking a mission if it involves fighting someone stronger than him. He is the self proclaimed rival of S+ Ranked Outer Shadow Shosuke Shiki. Andrew is obsessed with American Football due to it being a high contact strength based sport.

  • Powers: Heroic Blessing, Physical Ability Escalation
  • Age: 17
  • Species: Isphixis Human - High Elf Hybrid
  • Main Strengths: Extremely proficient combatant (one of the few Outer Shadows to be able to keep up with Shosuke Shiki's One Strike Kill style temporarily, until the Devil Monk increased his attack pressure and overwhelmed him), Theoretically infinite potential as Tengen continues fighting
  • Main Weaknesses: Brash and reckless personality, extremely self centred and will only take action if it involves fighting someone stronger, poor team player

Vicki Harriet: A S Ranked Stealth and Ranged Class. Her codename is Onyx, but prefers to be addressed by her surname. Harriet is the reincarnation of the twelfth Remnant of Paladin Decen, formerly Lena Soni. After being killed by Prime Aspect Mogul along with the other thirteen Remnants, the Twelfthborn was revived by her inherent ability Timeline Anchor, losing all recollection of who she was in her past life and was picked up by Loyce after months of wandering the world alone. Reborn as an Outer Shadow by the name Vicki Harriet, Harriet possesses two power-sets. The first power-set being her ability to manipulate and channel the energy of the Underworld, which is further enhanced by Loyce's blessing. Harriet is capable of shadow travel, and shadow binding, as well as possessing the ability to go invisible and erase her presence. The second power-set allows her to transform into her angelic counterpart, with the ability to manipulate the light of the Skyworld. Harriet is capable of celestial healing, blinding, and manipulating celestial flame which rivals Hinokami. Harriet is moderately active, and spends her time in the Champions Universe to hunt down Cosmic threats alongside the heroes of the world. Unbeknownst to the Outer Shadow, her supervillain nemesis in this universe is none other than Fraser Soni, Harriet's biological brother from when she was Lena Soni. In this world, her blessing from Loyce is removed, and her power is severely reduced. Harriet is disgusted by Hakah's frequent hookups with random men. Harriet is a very serious individual, who puts her mission before all else, and has at times had lapses of heroic obligation, which often conflicts with some of her tasks as an Outer Shadow. Loyce believes Vicki is the most mature out of the three Outer Shadows of the Black Legion regimen, referring to her as his star.

  • Powers: Super Ebon Void Conduit (Enhanced by Loyce), Celestial Transformation
  • Age: 19
  • Species: Remnant Reincarnation
  • Main Strengths: Detail oriented, pragmatic and problem solving mindset, highly intelligent and analytical. Possesses a reliable well rounded skill set that enables her to do a variety of missions from stealth, to reconnaissance, to assassination, and elimination. Considered the closest to the perfect Outer Shadow.
  • Main Weaknesses: Occasionally memory lapses to her old life has made Vicki somewhat mentally unstable, possesses a heroic mindset which can sometimes clash with her mission prerogatives

Formally Reporting to Loyce

Frey of the Furies: A S Ranked Warrior Class. Frey is the Queen of the Furies, and formerly the Demon Lord that terrorized the world that Tengen was destined to save as the Hero of the Dual Cleavers. After being defeated by Tengen, Frey lost confidence in her ability to be a Demon Lord, and offered herself to Loyce, serving as his subordinate and advisor. Frey commands a legion of furies, and wields two pairs of wings that she uses as bladed weapons. She directly reports to Loyce's Astral Spectre that inhabits Isphixis. Frey has an obsession with stuffed animals, frequently collecting them in the mortal realm through the grabber game, and stashing them in her room. Aaron Hope once set up a DS33 to record Frey playing with her stuffed animals and broadcasted it to the Black Legion. Upon being discovered, an embarrassed and infuriated Frey has since vowed to kill Aaron on the off chance that he betrays the organization.

Fallen Angel Erafil: A S~ Ranked Swordsman Class. A Demon Lord who once conquered and ruled Raehafil. Erafil overthrew the heavens and slaughtered all of the angels before being cast to the mortal realm as a fallen angel. Erafil ruled the realm with pride until Loyce discovered the realm, and defeated the Fallen Angel easily. Erafil now serves Loyce as a subordinate, much to his indignation. Erafil wields the Skysword, one of the strongest swords in existence due to its ability to slice entire countries in half. Erafil harbours a grudge against Outer Shadow Aaron Hope and his Auxiliary Shadow Bryce Jones for calling his Skysword a "heavenly wiener", and vows to kill the both of them even if it means his life is ended.

Leon Valentine: An A+ Ranked Spellcaster Class. A Demon Lord who once served in a Council of Demon Lords in the realm of Johal, until eighteen of the twenty Demon Lords were slaughtered by Shosuke Shiki. Shocked by Shiki's tremendous strength, Valentine joined the Black Legion by accepting Loyce's offer in an attempt to become stronger and live up to his title as a Demon Lord.


Kingdom of Hal - Black Legion

The Kingdom of Hal is Loyce's main operating kingdom provided to him by Lord Ginga of the Black Legion. The Kingdom itself is home to Tourmentus, Fenrir, and Onyx, along with their Auxiliary Shadows. The Kingdom of Hal also possesses the main source of Loyce's Shadows.

Stationed in the Kingdom of Hal, are Demon Lord Frey's armies, which are comprised of higher demons, and furies. These furies are stationed in the throne room, recorded to house approximately 26 thousand Furies and 46 thousand Shadows.

Loyce's Kingdom of Isphixis

The Isphixian Nation of Hal possesses the armies of Demon Lord Frey at its fullest, now completely under Hal's control and command. The armies of Inoh are comprised of Frey's brethren, the Furies, Superior Demons that terrorized Isphixis until they were stopped by Andrew Tengen. In addition to the Furies, Inoh possesses Higher Demons who are tasked as soldiers who mainly specialize in aerial combat and magic.

Loyce's Kingdom of Raehafil

The heavenly soldiers of the Skyworld in Raehafil, which were either destroyed or forced to serve under Demon Lord Erafil, now serve Loyce, acting as his sentries in Raehafil. These winged warriors specialize in pure melee combat.

Loyce's Kingdom of Johal

Loyce's army, directly taken and amassed from Demon Lord Leon Valentine, is stationed in the Underworld, and are comprised of undead, which specializes in necromancy and overwhelming the enemy through sheer numbers. Though the soldiers of Valentine's army are not as powerful as Erafil or Frey's, their numbers are gargantuan, and possesses a wide breadth of weaponry, from sword and shield, to magecraft, to archery, and modern military munitions.