Maiiel (@Rhundas)

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Player: @Rhundas
Character Build
Class Focus: Melee/Ranged DPS
Power Level: Street level (30ish ingame as time of writing)
Research & Development: N/A
Biographical Data
Real Name: Maiiel Deveros
Known Aliases: Stormclutz
Gender: Female
Species: Tytarian Elf
Ethnicity: Tytarian Mainlander
Place of Birth: Tytaria
Base of Operations: Nowhere as of now
Relatives: None known
Age: Uncertain, closest estimate in human years equates to between 19-25
Height: Approx. 5'3"
Weight: Approx. 102lbs
Eyes: Blue, with pitch black sclera
Hair: Auburn
Complexion: Pale, smooth skin
Physical Build: Petite
Physical Features: Pitch black sclera, pointed ears
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Lawful Neutral

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Identity: Known
Years Active: >1
Citizenship: Tytarian
Occupation: None
Education: Unknown, seems decently educated
Marital Status: Dating
Known Powers and Abilities
Lightning-based magic
Equipment and Paraphernalia
A Laser Sword
ReldinBox Template

Allow me to open this page by thanking you, the reader, for stopping by to read what I've written. I hope that you appreciate the time and effort put into this page and have as much fun reading it as I did making it.
So yes, thank you.


About Maiiel

Maiiel is an extradimensional elf, from a land closeby, but far away. Despite being only a recent arrival to this plane of existence, Maiiel has left her mark in the defence of Millennium City, and in the affections of the one who took it upon themselves to make sure a shy and uncertain elf girl wasn't so lost far away from home. While her actions upon her arrival may have saved lives, Maiiel is either quite unaware, or quite happy in the knowledge that no one's made a big deal out of it. Attention, ugh, who wants it.


Maiiel is a rather reclusive personality, shy and uncertain of herself and her abilities. Typically she tends to avoid crowds and gatherings of people, preferring to socialise in small groups of friends, if at all. For the most part, she's an introvert, quite happy to be left alone to her devices, and uncomfortable outside of a very small comfort zone.


The word "clutz" does not even begin to describe Maiiel. While not the type to always be botching things up, when things do go wrong - which they do more often than not, sometimes - oh, do they go wrong. Maiiel has somewhat of a habit for falling places, even if there doesn't seem to be anywhere she could've conceivably fallen from. Her entrances are usually heralded by a long, drawn-out yell of surprise, followed by a heap of an elf landing somewhere in the close vicinity in varying degrees of discomfort or pain.