History of Universe 69800813S06669, Rave's Earth

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No one truly knows how the universe began. This happened over way to much time for records to be kept.

The Stone Age

The Angels were a depleting race who span out into the galaxy in search of compatible races to breed with. Their technology so advanced they used resurrection technology to instantly reborn when they died but had lost the ability to reproduce with one another so anytime a resurrection failed they would of lost a person forever. They started cloning each other to make up for the lost of man power in there civilization. They where not attractive people. They manipulated their bodies with advance technology and mutations. Majority of them had animal heads and humanoid bodies. Some just adopted wings while others flew around in giant ring vehicles.

The Golden Age

Around 60000 years ago branch ended up on earth to find primitive monkey man. They saw that they were not only compatible but they were attractive to them in spirit and body. At this point man was only animals running around freely. They lived in caves and eat meat raw along with plants. The Angels lived in their spaceships over Earth for some time. They would come down reproduce and return. They thought that though free early man was still stupid and they doubted the survival of there offspring. Before humans succeed their was other races like orcs, trolls dwarves and elves who where all of spring of Angel manipulation. The elves where their favorite because there quickly adapted and reminded them of themselves the most. The elves got to much information form the angels and surpassed them till the elves where banned from Earth in spaceships. The dwarves destroyed themselves through the advancement of there own machinery and the lack of females while the more primitive orcs and trolls died out in wars.

The Silver and Bronze Ages

So they went to focus on the less extraordinary humans. They started to teach them to make tools and weapons. They taught them the healing properties of herbs as medicine. Humans saw a rapid increase in development over a short span of time. The Angels were pleased human prosperity so they went down to earth rule different sections of the planet. That explains the fallens Angels who were those of animal head gods like Anubis, bathomet and other religion. They saw that man was plenty and still not as smart as them. Man never new the truth of how they came to be. An arch angel named Lucifer told them that they were corrupting the human civilization for their selfish gain and it had to stop. So they decide to devide and went to war. The price of victory was one god to rule them all. This spiralled a forever religious wars in the once fearly peaceful animals man were. They decide to corrupt the name of Lucifer as told in misleading stories. For Lucifer did no wrong but wanted to install better policies for the treatment of man. He decided to take the fall if it meant a better outcome for humanity compared to that of other religions. So a good leader perished but his bloodline cursed to live in the underworld for all eternity. From his son Satan to another Hatred who sworn revenge on the Angels for their fate.

The Iron to Steam Ages

And as the original proclamated gods began to die out their demi god children took throwns and then their offspring of the same bloodline. We saw less and less communication with man until they suddenly stop visiting the Earth. Humans began to write down misinterpreted stories of what that use to be advanced science and medicine that they now believed was magic.

Morden Ages

And so humans advance in technology as all the other races before them but much slower. They reach a point that they created sentient life themselves to surve them. But it just created war. Humans never believed robots as to have a soul as them so the robots were considered objects. The humans soon found out they where not equipped to fight such beings.