GenoRave Act 4

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Act 4

  • Rave Vs Mars


The banished son of Hatred ie Satan is Hated. Hated is the Creator of all Martians. He and some demon followers settled Mars some thousands of years ago. He outleaved many of them and was treated like a god till he one day vanished. The ancient people Built a religion on him to follow but some grew in disbelief of his return and adopted a new way of life. There are two types of Martains. Hated resembles the Red Martian. And the Black Martians. They both reassemble demonic ants. Some have 4 arms.

The Martians have been at war for centuries over different religious beliefs. The Black Martians are taller and skinner. They believing that the dark vacuums of space grants immortality after death. They live on the surface using cloaking technologies hiding entire cities and practice stealth fighting styles. The Red Martians are more wide and muscular. Living underground usually amongst lava for light. They believe in Hated's return and practiced a rowdy warlike way of living.

Though some of their technologies are far more advanced than Earth's they are still primitive which is a result of years of war and lack of development. Technically the black ones were more advanced in technological break throughs. They are a Romanic race slightly evil and war like. There's no kids on Mars but egg sacks. They operate like ants. There's the queen, her two sisters and seven royal female servants. About a couples million male soldiers and a few thousand female soldiers. The non royal females are much more broad while the royal females appear more feminine. Only when the queen is replaced a female next in line to take her place. If a female soldier becomes queen she transforms more feminine over time. And the social pyrimd is reconstructed. Martian women are between 6-7 ft, men 6.5-12 ft. With rare exceptions.


Rave set of to build a mobile planet and defense colony. He turns to Mars to mine raw materials for for his army and discovers the Martians living underground. He is immediately taken to the Queen. She welcomes him in as they would treat royals or highly honored. The Queen sees Rave as the only suitable spouse match her greatness. Rave betrays her when he takes full control with all final says. She would lead under his leadership and he made her look soft to the public. This contradicts Martian laws. No one should ever rule above the queen. The Martian revolt with a surprise attack damaging portions of Rave's forces. The Queen confest she secretly ordered the attack. He uncovers the secret plan to invade Earth. Rave is angry but doesn't attack her directly. She understands his power level is far greater but she is not afraid of him. Instead he plan to make her watch as his slain equivalent damage to their forces. He kept her obedient by threatening to hurt her close family. That's when she caved to his win so war broke out Martain against Legion. She watches the war rage on captive from her bed chambers in a spaceship of Rave's with her sisters. Rave believe faking her punishment would make the Martians forfeit. In turn the Martian abandon Rubi. They say that she is weak and a slave to her feelings for Rave. Rubi is really angry and attack Rave off screen. She says that before him she fought battlefields but he turn her into a common house wife. Rave doesn't fight back just ignores her. Rave is out numbered and losing resources. The Martains have the advantage of spawning endless numbers from the ground and the retreating into hiding. He knows he will lose if this keeps up. So he plans to blow up the entire planet of Mars. Poor Rubi is helpless as she watches down at the planet from his ship. She cries out begging him to stop and cursing at the same time and it is unnerving. She cannot even understand his lack of expression. Rave feels a brush of emotions as he halts the attack with a hand gesture...

...Vagabond, time travel cowboy. Vagabond intervenes as he teleports into the room. He casts Rave into a portal that sends him back in time to die due to the lack of technology to keep him alive. This creates the Orc And Troll Saga. After a month in the past Rave returns to that very same point in time that he left. To them he had only gone for a few seconds. He returned with a few new friends.

Time Travel events here:

Vagabond is shocked that Rave didn't die. He had survived using dwarven tech and fix their unfinished time machine. (It was old, abandoned, low tech and rusty with only had one use capable.) Before anything said..

...The laser is shot through by a red flash of fire. It is The Sun God, Hated. The laser rendered useless. Hated has returned to save the Martian's his people. Rave and Hated are evenly matched in power. The wars stops to spectate a battle of gods. They hover in the sky.

Hated gets angrier and more demonic and bigger to a point his body is almost ready to exploded. Rave burns energy leeching out souls from his own soldier to keep fighting. Their sacrifice is honored. Both of them collapses in exhaustion. Rave has to stop or he will end up wiping out all souls in radius. But Hated has a little strength left. Rubi comes from no where to protect Rave, Stabbing Hated with her force swords. An explosion of blood as he shrinks bleeding out like a broken dam. The Martian take Hated away defeated. The Immortal Legion confirms Rave safe recovery in cyberspace as he faded from reality. The war is over.

Legion ships withdraw from Martian airspace. Hated and Rave come to a peace agreement but promise to fight again personally to settle a true winner. Rubi and her sisters fly back to earth with Rave. The Martians that come with Rave were station somewhere in Africa. They found it more beautiful that the barren planet Mars.

Vagabond only spectates the last battle. Upon return to Earth he reveals the timeline change to Rave.