GenoRave Act 4

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Act 4 Rave Vs Mars


Hated, the banished son of Hatred ie Satan is Hated. Hated is the Creator of all Martians. A god who abondoned his people long ago. Hated looks like the Red Martians. There are two types of Martains. They basically reassemble red and black demonic ants. Some have 4 arms.

In the past during Hated's absence, the red and black Martians have been at war for centuries over different religious beliefs. The Black Martians are taller and skinner. They believing that the dark vacuums of space grants immortality after death. They live on the surface using cloaking technologies hiding entire cities and practice stealth fighting styles. The Red Martians are more wide and muscular. Living underground usually amongst lava for light. They believe in Hated's return and practiced a rowdy warlike way of living.

Though some of their technologies are far more advanced than Earth's they are still primitive which is a result of years of war and lack of development. Technically the black ones were more advanced in technological break throughs.


Rave goes to mine raw material on Mars and discovers the Martians living underground like ants. They welcome him but Rave betrays the Queen and siezes control. The Martians hate that Rave placed himself above the Queen. They revolt but the Queen is held captive by Rave so they abondoned her saying she is weak. She got very crossed with Rave but couldn't match his power level. She watched the war from his space ship talking nicely but plotting. Martian women are between 6-7 ft, men 6.5-12 ft. With rare exceptions.

War rage on. And Rave is losing because the Martians have the upper hand in their homeland. Rave pulls out the planet destroying satalite to blow up Mars. Rubi is really crossed she hits him and begs but he doesn't stop. Rave excuse is that if Martians won they will try to invade Earth. He heard rumors of it confirmed by Rubi herself who confessed. She had been secretly feeding information to them.

Vagabond, time travel cowboy. Vagabond intervenes as he teleports into the room. He casts Rave into a portal that sends him back in time to die due to the lack of technology to keep him alive. This creates the Orc And Troll Saga. After a month in the past Rave returns to that very same point in time that he left. To them he had only gone for a few seconds. He returned with a few new friends.

Time Travel events here:

Vagabond is shocked that Rave didn't die. He had survived using dwarven tech and fix their unfinished time machine. (It was old, abandoned, low tech and rusty with only had one use capable.) Before anything said. A red flash flies through Rave weapon destroying it. Its Hated, he appears to fight Rave and his Armada. Rave accept the challenge. They fight so much Rave absorb the souls of many of his legion to get stronger Hated evolves into a giant goat leg Satan. They draw, very weakened Rave dropped to his knees he is low on power and far from home with to many causalities. Pushing on could kill the souls he temporarily absorbed. But Hated gets stronger the angrier he gets. Rubi the Martian Queen lashes Hated neck with a sword while he is distracted and the blood explodes like a broken dam and he shrinks. The match is a draw boths sides retrieve their champions to heal. They promise to come to terms of peace but rematch again some day for sport. Rubi goes back to Earth with Rave she says that the Martians want her no more. She want Rave to give her power so that she can take back her place, in time.

Vagabond only spectates the last battle. Upon return to Earth the timeline change is revealed by Vagabond.