Hellebore's The Bloodborn

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The Bloodborn

Walking I a long white dress with a bouquet of red roses running up from the ankle as design. Hellebore is on and even date with Rave. She walk seductively along the beach boardwalk. Dragging her hands on the railing she suddenly faints. Rave rushes to catch her as she go down. Rave kneels down to hold her unconscious body in his arms. Staring at the vampire girl who has no pulse or soul. Rave has no idea what to do. He holds her till his skin mutates pale white like hers and hair dark red. She is bleeding from the womb and bloody. "No no no" Rave panics. With quick thinking eyes turn pitch black and he stares into her unconscious eyes while piercing his hand through her belly. His skin fuses to her skin. Rave falls into a dream world on his home beach front but everything is off color. Sky light red, the ground and sand ash white. He doesn't change kneeling position but looks down at Hellebore. It is not her but a boy who looks like him but with red hair and pale skin. The boy is wearing a glasses so he realizes it is not him. "What is this?. How are you?" He asked the unconscious boy he is holding. Still unconscious the boy eye rapidly flies open to reveal the pitch black. The boy quietly cries thick red blood and Rave watches the sea desperately as if he is seeing himself die. His eyes bleed red blood same as the child. "No" he cries, "Is this?.." he hears a faint voice calls to him at sea. The sea water is calm but turns to blood. A female lion rushes towards him. It comes like a sudden hump out of the water. He stands up to assume position to punch it but he wrestles it to the ground instead as it tries to bite him. Snapping it's neck the lion turns to Hellebore. Naked and covered in the blood sea water. "Rave" her final word as she dies. He realizes he is in the same kneeling position again. She points at the sun. At ball burning with dark red flames draws nearer. A larger hump on the water out picking a black crown of thorns on a giants head as it rises. The sun which is actually Mars crashes into earth an all Rave could see is fire and black skeletons of all the people on the pier burning. Angry and consumed in flames he snaps out of it and back to reality. He looks at Hellebore again. She is not bleeding, in fact she didn't. She told him, "I'm skipped a few meals to fit into this dress. I'm feeling a little light headed. I was saving this to tell you now but I'm pregnant. I used Kobain's technology to mask your vital readings if me. I'm sorry. I wanted to surprise you." He pushes himself back and gets angry. "Lair! Your child is the devil!" He steps closer rage pointing. "When when! When did the devil get to you. You have the guts to cheat on meee! Your dead!" He shout making a scene. "Roman, I never... I was always indoors remember. You had me watched all the time. You can check my memories. It don't exist." She says with tears in her eyes. "I'm not going back into your head. That place is the apocalypse."


Meanwhile lower down on the beach a Killer Whale man appears to cause trouble. Rave thought the water hump might be Satan for a second but it wasn't. Slip showed up in his swimsuit to punch the killer wale man. Everything was fine and he took pictures with beach goes afterwards. He was waving at Rave but Rave seemed a bit annoyed by his flamboyant behavior. And decided to ditch the beach.


He brings Hellebore to Kobain's lab and work station to run some test. It's difficult to determine anything. Kobain is around 23 years old at this time. "Yep one hundred percent devil baby. But Rave the DNA is yours. You have to understand that's not how these things work. Satan or Hatred like you is a manifestation of the mind" he explained. She is pregnant but also an undead vampire girl. Her stomach seems to radiate an unusual heat. Tears run down her eyes as she sit up from the small bed. "I'm sorry I ruined your night. I saw this worlds end, Again, for real this time. I almost killed you because I got scared. I never been scared before. Not Hatred you don't know what these beings can do once freed."

Kobain mentioned, "Mars the sun. Maybe you should go see Hated. He is your best friend right. Hated is Hatred pure demon non human born child. The one that's not evil. If Hatred does show up you two might be the only ones able to stop him." Rave sends out word to other heroes that Hatred might return to earth.

Standing in a ran Rave says sarcastically, "Oh good, my son will be the Anti-c. All of them will be evil. It's like I'm contently being punished by the gods." While sitting on the bed Hellebore gives of a dull laugh and smirk. Rave starts laughing as well. Sixx, Proxi joins then sitting on the side of the bed next to Hellebore. Proxi is dressed in a tight lavender latex dress, short with high clear stilettos. Six a black crop top with white stretch pants, long. Both the top and tights are so tight are being stretched to see through-ity. They are going to Rave's club. It is 7 pm. He was so busy he forgot. They look at I'm disappointed till he agrees to follow through. At the club the sit on a long c-shaped couch with a round table and pole in the center. Cameila walks towards them wearing a short leather school girl outfit with black fishnet. Rave had put her in charge to manage the club for him. He is not so much into the idea of running the club anymore. It's becoming more of a meeting place in ViP. "Mr. Hated is here to see you Sir." Cammy says. She stay with the other girls for a while. Alice Butcher who was playing billiards see Rave moving and follows. Alice Is another one of Rave's close friends. He is an Vargulf. Alice is a leader with much connection and power in the underground criminal world.

The guys go into a private room. Cammy then bring them drinks. Rave slaps her butt as she leaves. They immediately get to snappy bantering. "Braille didn't come?", Rave asked Alice. "You stay the F away from my sister." He replied. "I'm happy she chose a quiet life. Away from you and your gang. She did it to get away from you. You know?", Rave replied. Hated joined in, "Boys settle down this is not why we are here, Alice can smash his sister some other time. That's what the do in Alabama right?" "FU... it must such to be hated in hell and on your own planet (Mars)." Alice reply. "Apparently not as hard as your sister." Hated replied. Hated puts his hand on Alice should and they both laugh. "We know why we're here." Rave replies under the red light of the dark room. They discuss Hated father and Rave's unborn son. "How long we have?" Hated asks. Rave replies, "I'd say 8-9 months. Maybe less?" Alice mentions, "Not if she miss carries. Why don't you just kill the little bastard now." Rave squints at Alice and says, "Hellebore, she is a bleeder, blood bender, immortal, a vampire who is impervious to fire and with all that the kid is part of me. You could throw it into another dimension if you like, if that little SoB is anything like me its only going to grow and come back. It's better for everyone with we see this through." Alice mentions, "You plan to nurture the Anti-C that's madness. I say we put a team together. FO to hell. And kick Satan's A right now." Hated says, "Bad idea we would be in his element, outnumbered as well." Rave says, "I can put her on a ship to get away from Earth. When the time comes we can fight him without risking collateral. If we are to lose then the Earth is lost anyways." Alice say, "Eh, space, just hope he doesn't come flying out of her stomach like one of those alien babies, the Xenomorph. Come to think of it Geno you are pretty similar to those creatures."

Rave explains, "I plan to go to heaven. First, I'm going to get Chastity back. I was told that angels, even a half one just get sent to heaven regardless when they die on Earth. I know they are holding her. They should understand this is to save the Earth." Hated shouts, "What are you talking about, the Angel doesn't want to save the Earth, Rave! They want to destroy it. See it all end." Rave says, "Then we will have to fight them. god has abandoned them I know it. That is why they just stand there. They don't know what to do. They think god will return if the humans destroy themselves. That means they are not as stronge without his backing. You Hated are coming with me." Alice laughs, "Amazing plan but how the F do you two. A devil and the Duke of Adultery plan to get to heaven!? You going to give your life to C?!" "Exactly," Rave replies, "I know The Nazarene he is a good man, a healer, he can get us through those gates." "As mucn as I'd like to see this. The two of you as so F-ed. And I'm out of my pay rate." Alice ends.

Action time

We jumping to Rave and Hated in heaven. A robot girl of Rave by the name of Sky Fall is with them as well. The angels doesn't agree. Infact they want to take Hellebore instead and harvest the Anti-C for themselves. Rave says angrily, "You know what. You creatures are worst than vampires more pale and twice as bloodless. Cold sickening self righteous animals you are." Hated says "Rave..." He has an idea that they about to rumble. Boom! Rave throws a tech broad sword into the angel talking to him. She in sent into the wall and cut in half. Her face splits open and pieces of her fall like broken porcelain. Broken in two and slowly falling over the head angel says. "I hope you gentle men understand the consequences of your actions. You are in heaven and so in a few seconds I would be reborn. This is a act of war. And will not go unpunished." Her last words as the rest of her hit the ground and shatter like glass. "Now that's what I'm talking about!", Hated rejoices.