Kobain's Harem Quest

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Kobain Speaks, "Highschool... never went to it. Still I am the smartest man alive. But why can't I understand women. See I'm years above my grade at the college that I go to. Generally I don't need it. I'm above all these sub humans at this school even the teachers. But they tell me I have to get a degree in other to get my desired job working for Mr. Rave. But to me it's a prison. See I don't ever swim in the kiddy pool but they treat me like a little kid. All these college girls seem to be interested in one thing. And it's guys like those stupid brick heads over there. They can't seem to pay attention for like 5 minutes before getting distracted like jangling keys Infront of a baby. If they knew who I was and had the money like Rave all of these losers will see. Im top shit at this dumb school. I'm the king! All of these B's should worship me!"

Millennia cuts him of at his locker. "God dammit Kobain you're talking to yourself again. Are you trying to embarrass me? Pretty soon I shouldn't be seen with you. You're going to get me kicked out of the popular B parties. And I'll end up like you... Kiddo.."

Kobain responds, "Well fine then! Go be with your stupid bimbo friends. Who cares about the Anti-Vax anymore? And you know what I always thought you were as dumb as those girls. Rave did right in sending you here. Your powers involve tech but you chica, you are an A typical idiot."

Millennia with hells fire in her eyes, " Wait what did you call me! You, little, worm! No wonder you have no friends! You are a smart mouth know it all little snake! I'm going crush you!" She says while strangling Kobain. He begs, "Uncle, Uncle." Then stops to smile, "You know what Im kinda enjoying this." "Ew." She replies sighs then talks calmly, "Look, I'm still your friend and all but this place is hell. I might as well enjoy what I can. You know I never got to go to school just like you. This is my final chance to be a popular girl. Stop thinking about yourself for once and let me have this one okay. Maybe I will be able to find a nice girl dumb enough or mean smart enough to date you. Just let me do this. We have a big sleep over party tonight. Girls only."

"Okay fine, I'm sorry about the things I said go have your party." Kobain exclaimed and shuts his locker. Millennia pinches his cheek and skips away with some other girls walking by.

Alone thoughts bubbled in his mind "BiG Sleep OVER party! Girls only... Girls.. Only. Girls girls Only!" He said, "Boy I better get into that party." And starts laying out the blue prints to this heist in his mind.