Kobain's Harem Quest

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Kobain Speaks, "Highschool... never went to it. Still I am the smartest man alive. But why can't I understand women. See I'm years above my grade at the college that I go to. Generally I don't need it. I'm above all these sub humans at this school even the teachers. But they tell me I have to get a degree in other to get my desired job working for Mr. Rave. But to me it's a prison. See I don't ever swim in the kiddy pool but they treat me like a little kid. All these college girls seem to be interested in one thing. And it's guys like those stupid brick heads over there. They can't seem to pay attention for like 5 minutes before getting distracted like jangling keys Infront of a baby. If they knew who I was and had the money like Rave all of these losers will see. Im top shit at this dumb school. I'm the king! All of these B's should worship me!"