He Kills Gods as a Man

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Once upon a time ago, all man was equal.

No man was above another.

No gender was above another.

Racial discrimination did not exist.

Politics did not exist.

This was known as the Age of Unity.

But with the Age of Unity, they suffered, because they lived a life of fear.

It was that fear that united them all.

The fear for The Great Akuma, sent by the darkest depths of hell in response to those who prayed for fairness and equality. They wished for an ultimate force that would unite humanity with unstoppable, universal power.

The Great Akuma was just that. For she was more than just a celestial entity, her very aspect of existence was comprised of six gods. Each ruling with supreme power.

Hinokami The Devil's Flame. To rule through blazing fortitude and an iron heart, a warrior's passion and thirst for battle.

Suijin The Devil's Tide. To rule through sheer influence, like the sea, engulfing the world with unparalleled power.

Fujin The Devil's Gale. To rule without limits, unbound by the world's shackles, the very definition of liberation.

Hachi The Devil's Eyes. To rule without secrets, for one who sees all knows all, is one who knows all.

Susanoo The Devil's Fury. To rule with absolute, undisputed power, for destruction instills fear, and fear is the primal driving force for allegiance.

But just as man was equal, there were those who refused a life of fear. And she saw it. The Great Akuma's Hachi saw right through them, and with each attempt to revolt, she killed them. She killed them all.

With every man slain for a different world, more of their prayers fed, not to the depths of hell, but to the crevices of heaven, and so, the divine gifted humanity with a different deity.

Vala, the Spirit of Hope.

And Lady Vala, inspiring hope amongst those who craved for a life to be lived not out of fear, fought back against The Great Akuma, leading to the events of the First Great War. And with the Great Akuma slain, man no longer lived bound to fear.

But with the Great Akuma's death, so was the world's equality and balance.




Social hierarchy.



The world became corrupt, as fear no longer kept such things in check, the poison spread quick, in exchange for a life of freedom, humanity became corrupted.