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Player: @Rave#2552
Main Ghost Look
Biographical Data
Real Name: Roman Rave
Known Aliases: Rave, The Grim Reaper
Gender: Male
  • Was: Human
  • Now: Hyrbid; one part vampire, part undead lich, Poltergeist, warp technomancer, growning DNA
Ethnicity: Half Amerindian Half Coloured
Place of Birth: Unknown
Base of Operations: Rave Labs (Secret)
Relatives: Wives and Sons
Age: 20 Something, Do not age physically
Height: 6' normal and 12 ft powered
Eyes: Glowing solid Blue and white closer look may see tiny souls in a ring (his eyes are blue because he is in control and good. If the evil spirit take over his eyes and aura becomes red)
Hair: Black in Human form, White in Powered
Complexion: Light brown, charred Black-Grey
Physical Build: Very tall slim, built like a Runner
Physical Features: Very Handsome, Stares through your soul silently with his cold ghostly eyes looking in them may haze, Powerful Neck, Powered form has a horrific smile of devilish teeth in which he covers with a scarf. Wears a big black mysterious duster. Grows extra limbs.
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Identity: Has many cybernetic clones similar in appearance and non simular living in disguise
Years Active:
Citizenship: Beach City
Occupation: Scientist
Education: Unknown
Marital Status: Polygamist, Sociopath
Known Powers and Abilities

  • All

Equipment and Paraphernalia

  • Massive aircrafts
  • Heavy guarded global bases.

Physical Attributes
Non-Physical Attributes
MaekadaBoxSlim created by @Maekada



Read Acts for story.

Key points to help understand the character:

  • He is a ghost which exists on a cybernetic plane like retrowave.
  • Overtime he learned to make many robot bodies of himself in which he can operate all at once. He will create several satatlites and a bigger army of men and women soldiers at a later date. He uses the Genos which is an OP bio mechanical Body that absorbs DNA.
  • His powers are stronger with anything like wifi or telecommunications
  • Can fast travel through media, power lines or stormy weather
  • Bears no physically presence but can solidify using force powers and can only manifest to certain women like a hunting until he convinces them to do his bidding
  • Only in their presence can he alter the physical world
  • He has a special army of girls that set up environments for him to manifest stronger
  • He can look anyhow but he prefers to be around 8ft tall and dark grey. He is more convincingly scary that way
  • His main powers are force, technomancy and ghost abilities
  • Death Stare: Eye contact with Rave results in him reading the mind of that person more clear than they themselves. They could also end up stunned nor dazed. It's a well known power of his. Most would avoid eye contact but his wife has no reason to.
  • He has vampire lich tendencies he struggle to control
  • He can absorb DNA to copy powers
  • He can transfer DNA to give powers but doesn't always go perfectly and is quite dangerous if not done in a lab with better equipment
  • He experiments on test subjects. He is not a person in his lab but he is the lab itself controlling mechanical tentacles etc.
  • He is most of the time like an invisible presence that only make himself visible to certain people mostly girls. It's an intimate connection. They get a blue ring of souls around their iris when they have received powers from Rave. He places cybernetic devices into their bodies. One notable a barcode behind the neck with a computer under.
  • He mostly operate from the back sit via floating behind his lacky. By doing so provides OP back up. For example to coat someone in an invisible force field
  • He is rough dictative some may say cruel but sympathetic to women and children

The Immortal Legion:

  • Borg and Undead themes of black blue and white
  • Rave gives them immortality and power in return they serve in army
  • At anytime Rave can ask them to give him their soul. They are sucked into him as blue light and their bones turn to dust. Their soul and body is sometimes returned but not always. It's a process that may be fatal. Basically extra batteries of stored energy.


Easy S Tier. Anyone below S and higher A tier just don't. Don't even think about it. You don't even look that in the eye. Don't even look at him all funny. Even the government tries to keep him happy as long as he is not flat out hurting good people. And as long as he is distracted by his women then he is not making a mess of things.

Theme songs: Bolt Thrower, ERRA, Old school death metal, RetroWave, Dead Astronauts, Deftones

Power Level Chart
S: Over Powered
A: Very Powerful
B: Master Level Powers
C: Average Powers
D: Minor Power
E: Weak Powers
F: Hopeless Abilities