Remnant 14

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"No one told me living a life as the strongest warrior would be the loneliest. Which is why I choose to no longer be the strongest."

Remnant 14, born as Tommy Fisk, is a reincarnated human currently serving as a mercenary to The Goddess as a Level 20 adventurer under the sorcerer class. After being killed by Prime Aspect Mogul in his first life, Fisk was chosen by the Goddess to reincarnate in her realm and to slowly obtain more and more power until he would grow strong enough to kill all the gods who challenged the Goddess' authority.

Possessing the superhuman strength, agility, durability, healing factor, and mental will of his progenitor, Paladin Decen of Acadia, Tommy already possessed incredible battle prowess. These abilities would be further amplified by the Goddess' blessing. Tommy possesses additional skills and abilities as he continued killing monsters to grow in strength.

Of all the Remnants, Tommy's body was unique in that it was more optimized for receiving new powers and amplifications. While most Remnants could only grow with the powers they were born with, Tommy was able to grow and gain new powers in the form of "blessings" and "skills". Due to this, Tommy is thought to represent Decen's adaptability.

Due to being a reincarnated human, Tommy was actually the first Remnant to be physically killed by Prime Aspect Mogul.


Decen's Remnant: As a Remnant of Paladin Decen, Fisk possesses amplified strength, speed, agility, durability, and a healing factor. However, these abilities were not manifested in his first life. When Prime Aspect Mogul invaded Tommy's world, Tommy had left the Aspect disappointed, and in a fit of annoyance, Mogul slaughtered Tommy's family in front of his eyes, causing his latent physical abilities to manifest. However, these abilities were far inferior to Mogul's might, leading to the Remnant's death.

Fisk is strong enough to lift cars and fast enough to get behind enemies without being detected. His durability is testified by his ability to withstand strikes from concrete slabs, and his agility demonstrated when Fisk was able to evade bullets from military forces, who believed the Remnant was working alongside the Prime Aspect. Tommy's healing factor allows him to recover from injuries during recovery, however pales in comparison to beings such as Arman Wan.

Compatibility: Tommy is capable of accepting blessings from celestial or divine individuals at an affinity greater than an average adventurer. This means that upon being blessed, Fisk's abilities benefit at its maximum potential. When blessed by the Goddess, the average hero would see a 200% increase to their physical abilities. However, in Fisk's case, his abilities were amplified by 1200%, making him six times stronger than an average hero sent by a deity. According to the Goddess, in addition to his already awakened superhuman physical abilities as a Paladin Remnant, a blessed Level 1 Tommy possessed stats that were approximately 48 times stronger than a minted hero, and five times stronger than an elite adventurer in her realm.

The Goddess predicted that if Tommy is able to fully maximize his level in this world, his strength would surpass a god, allowing him to kill the deities in her realm on her behalf.

Skills and Spells

Goddess Blessing: Blessed by the Goddess, Tommy's already superhuman physical abilities were amplified by 1200%. This level of power allowed Tommy to overpower dragons with his bare hands, move at incomprehensible speeds, withstand seemingly deadly attacks, and to react to the attacks of Klassen Heath, a Level 92 adventurer who was considered one of the strongest heroes residing in the town Fisk was staying at the time. In addition to a boost in his physical abilities, Fisk also obtained several skills as a gift from the Goddess for his quest to slay the gods of her realm.

  • Immense Magical Power: Blessed by the Goddess at 1200%, Tommy is provided a significantly larger mana pool compared to other divine heroes. This massive reserve of magical potential is reflected by the sheer magnitude of Fisk's spells.
  • Immense Strength: Tommy's already superhuman strength was further enhanced by the Goddess blessing, allowing him to perform feats comparable to that of beings with godly blood.
  • Immense Speed and Agility: Tommy's speed was enhanced to the level where he was able to get behind his opponent in one swift motion without anyone even registering his movements. Tommy was able to chase down a dragon by foot within a matter of seconds, and capable of outrunning arrows shot from heroes with the archer skill.
  • Invulnerability: Tommy's durability was described to be even greater than dragon hide, as his body was capable of withstanding the scratches of superior dragons, and surviving the crushing weight of several tons of rock upon having a roof caving in on him.
  • Juhal Proficiency: Tommy was blessed with the ability to read, write, and speak Juhal, the universal language of the goddess' realm.
  • Ultra Recovery: Of the number of skills the Goddess offered to Fisk, the Remnant chose Ultra Recovery to allow his body to heal and rest at accelerated rates. By doing so, Tommy would be able to grow in power faster.
  • Godslayer: As Tommy was sent to the world to kill the gods, the Goddess provided the boy with the Godslayer skill, an extremely rare skill that allows Tommy to possess increased power when battling celestial beings.

Eyes of Belladonna: Tommy's eyes were blessed by Belladonna, the Goddess of Foresight, after receiving an artifact in one of her abandoned temples. Upon using her eyes, Tommy can see 3 seconds into the future. Additionally, the eyes of the goddess allows Tommy to see great distances, however the strain is great, limiting his usage to at most four seconds.

Unstoppable: When using this skill, Tommy is able to become invincible for one minute. During this time, Fisk is able to receive any amounts of damage and continue fighting. The skill has a two day cooldown.

Mana Drain: Tommy drains the mana of his opponent, reducing their ability to perform magical spells. This does not cancel out any runes or precast spells.

Speed of Hermes: Upon battling Hermes, the God of Messengers, Tommy's body sustained immense injuries. Due to this, Tommy was unable to finish off the god as he escaped, and was fated to die. In an attempt to save her leader's life, Sasha created a potion from the god's blood, and fed it to Fisk, allowing him to access Hermes' speed for a brief amount of time. Tommy uses this skill as burst dash movements to evade enemies.

Storm Enchantment: With Tommy's magic affinity being electricity, Tommy enchants his weapon with an electrical overcoat, allowing it to electrocute enemies upon contact.

Curse of Numbers: A numerical mark placed on Fisk's back. The number the mark represents is the amount of additional power bestowed upon the adventurer. The mark directly increases the magical power Tommy can emit, however, the number can decrease below zero, which will reduce Tommy's magical power. This mark was placed on Tommy by the Goddess to remind him that his very existence in this world was to slay the gods.

The number represents the number of loved ones Tommy has hurt. If Tommy chooses to not abandon someone who is emotionally attached to him, the number will decrease by one for every week spent with said companion.

The number was initially 10. When Tommy took in the Slit Faced Woman, within two weeks, the number had reduced to 8. When Tommy took in Antiope, the number decreased to 2. Refusing to abandon the two, Tommy went against the Goddess' wishes, and the number continued decreasing to -21, severely weakening his magical ability. Infuriated with her hero, The Goddess sent several monsters to attack the party, in which Tommy was unable to fend off as he was weakened greatly, and his blessing temporarily deactivated. This led to Antiope being severely injured, and Tommy realizing that he could not continue with the two.

Once Tommy abandoned Sasha and Antiope, the number reverted back to 10, and increased to 12 for having abandoned the two party members, leading to a twelvefold increase in his magical power.


Angel of Protection: Uriel: One of the companions that the Goddess provided to Fisk, after hearing his prayer for the ability to protect his allies, Uriel was dispatched to serve as Tommy's guardian angel. Upon calling Uriel, Tommy manifests one of Uriel's wings on the right side of his back, which can be used to serve as a shield, controlled by his combat instincts. Calling more of Uriel's power allows Tommy is manifest her armour, which clads his right arm. Fully summoning the angel calls upon her essence, in the form of a powerful celestial sword. The blade is capable of cutting through virtually any object.

Angel of Wrath: Belial: When Fisk became dissatisfied with his inability to destroy, the god of death Seth offered the Remnant Belial, a powerful demon who's sole existence was to destroy. However, upon learning that Seth wished to have Sasha in exchange, Fisk declined the offer, and challenged Seth to battle instead. Although unsuccessful in defeating the god of death, Uriel was able to unbind the contract between Seth and Belial, making Belial a free soul. After Fisk's defeat to Seth, Belial swore his allegiance to the adventurer, allowing Fisk to call upon his power in exchange for the eventual destruction of Seth. Upon calling Belial's power, Fisk is able to manifest Belial's shadow tendrils around his left forearm, which he uses to grapple onto objects, restrain, and disintegrate anything that the tendrils come in contact with.

The Slit Faced Woman (formerly): Fisk encountered the Slit Faced Woman during his travels in a town where the vengeful spirit resided. Upon being asked about her beauty, Fisk responded that he believed beauty was from within. Confused by Tommy's answer, the spirit took off her mask and asked Tommy again if he found her beautiful, revealing her horrifically cut up face. Instead of answering the question, Tommy asked the spirit who did that to her, for which she responded that her husband had sliced her face open upon discovering she had been unfaithful to him. Tommy then told the spirit that it was not her face that was not beautiful, but her soul, which caused the spirit to attack the adventurer. However, a Level 14 Fisk quickly overpowered her, and told her that if she wanted people to think she was beautiful, that maybe she should consider changing herself from within first.

Upset with her powerlessness, the spirit confessed to Tommy that she regretted her decisions during her time alive, and that she knew her soul was corrupt, turning her into a vengeful spirit. As a vengeful spirit, killing was all she had left to exist for. Tommy however, having understood the tribulations of living two lives, rebuked her claim, and offered to help cleanse the hatred inside her, as he believed she still had a purpose in this world. The spirit was then cleansed by Uriel, healing her face, and restoring her original beautiful self. Taken aback by Tommy's kindness, the now mortal spirit broke down into tears, as she had spent centuries haunting men and hating her husband and that she had been suffering this entire time.

Now human, the spirit accompanied Fisk as his self proclaimed "assistant", under the alias Sasha Fisk, much to Tommy's disapproval. Sasha is capable of performing alchemy and potion making.

Due to essentially being saved by Fisk from all the hatred she had endured while being a vengeful spirit, Sasha is extremely grateful to the Remnant, and is therefore extremely protective over him. Upon seeing Fisk being near defeated by a group of high level adventurers, Sasha prayed to the Goddess who watched over Fisk for the power to use her abilities from when she was a vengeful spirit in her human form, allowing her to petrify the adventurers with her appearance, long enough to allow Fisk to recover.

After being reminded of his mission from the Goddess, Fisk helped Sasha to find work and a home in a well established town. Fisk then parted ways to a heartbroken Sasha, telling her that his mission was far too dangerous for his companions, and that he would have to walk it alone.

Antiope (Formerly): Antiope is a demihuman slave who Tommy had accidentally purchased from the black market, mistaking her as an "Antique" rare item. Upon being told that Antiope was non-refundable, a financially devastated Tommy left the black market with the slave in tow. However, despite his financial situation, Tommy still took care of the young demihuman, offering her food, generosity, and warmth, and finding ways to make the young demihuman happy in spite of her horrific past as a slave. As a result, Antiope became greatly devoted to her master, taking his side unconditionally. As Antiope continued with Fisk, his blessing influenced her growth, accelerating her maturation process to the age of a teenager within a week. Due to the maturation process, Antiope's feelings of protection from Fisk became romantic. Although Fisk was aware of Antiope's feelings for him, Fisk attempted to avoid discussing topics of romance as he believed "dating essentially a child was beyond illegal, even if she is hot".

Antiope gained several skills in the Thief class, which Tommy bestowed upon her rather than using it on himself. These skills include invisibility, scouting, lock picking, and knife fighting, which she used to defeat the slave captors who had tormented her and other demihumans, setting them free with Tommy's help.

After being reminded of his mission from the Goddess, Fisk found a pair of parents who adopted Antiope into their household. A tearful Antiope begged Tommy to not abandon her, but Tommy told her that his mission would only involve Antiope getting hurt, and that having her be accepted into a loving family free from the burdens of battle was the best decision.

When Tommy made his way out of the house, Antiope screamed at Fisk that she hated him, however, after Tommy left, Antiope cried, telling her adopted parents that she had really fallen in love with the adventurer, and that she was heartbroken to know she wouldn't be able to see him again.