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The Grail.

The one sought prized treasure. Each year, a team of the most powerful warriors would assemble to do bloody combat to win over the grail and fulfill one wish.

These battles would be great and mighty, but incredibly violent. Their violence spreading across the world. Causing massive catastrophe and disaster.

My name is Ethereum, Ether for short. I am what you can call an Etreum, a shadow based mage. I specialized in spy and reconnaissance missions. So upon hearing that the item I needed to complete my mission was a grail, you know what that means.

"You're going to steal the Holy Grail?!" Ashley yelped.

"Absolutely!" I said, standing tall and proud.

"How can you say that all high and mighty?! What happened to the grail being sought after by the most powerful warriors through bloody combat?" Jake asked.

"Well, you see..." I laughed nervously.

"I'm not exactly a fighter..."

Jake grabbed me by the collar.

"You idiot! But you said you were a damn Etreum with shadow magic powers. What do you mean you can't fight?!"

I suddenly dropped my airhead act. My grimoire materialized in front of me, opening and flipping to the page I wanted.

Shadow Magic: Umbral Bind

Black chains erupted from within the shadows of the room as Jake was tied up.

"Jake!" Ashley cried out, as she instantly burst into red flames.

"You dare attack my beloved, human?!" She snarled, as she leapt at me.

I reached within my trench coat and drew my Garrison M55. I took aim and fired, shooting her square in the chest and sending her crashing into the couch. Her wounds were already starting to regenerate. Made sense. I wasn't using Black Bullets. If I did, she would be dead. Which would instantly terminate my contract. Which would mean my sister was going to beat me up for failing to bring food to the table.

I broke open my gun.

"Let's not resort to combat!" I said, cheerfully.

I reached into my grimoire and pulled out several glowing dark bullets, loading them into my gun.

"I could easily kill you with my Black Bullets, succubus." I said, coldly.

Ashley calmed down.

I let go of Jake.

"Right now, what we're looking for is the Grail to turn her into a human. There doesn't exist magic that can change a succubus into a human. The only way is the Grail. And to speak the truth, I'm not a fighter. The only thing I can do is bind and shoot with regular ass guns. So realistically, the only way we can get a hold of it is to steal it!"

Ashley began to sob as she buried her head into Jake's shoulder.

"Oh Jake, I just... I don't want to be this thing anymore. What are we going to do?"

Jake stroked her head.

"It's going to be okay. It's okay. Ether is a moron, but he's a cunning one. He can help us."

"Hey, who are you calling a moron?" I asked.

I stepped into a shadow and began to dissolve, my body slipping into its subconscious as everything began to melt. Concentrate on that point. Concentrate.

Everything began to gain form, as my vision returned. I was in a dark closet. I creaked the door open as I peeked out.

No one in sight.

I slowly opened the wardrobe as I stepped out.

Shadow Magic: Shadow Walker

My feet became one with the shadows, lowering the sound of my footsteps as I snuck around the room. Suddenly, my foot got caught on a piece of fabric. I looked down.

"EEEUGH!!!" I yelped, nearly tripping over.

A bra! Oh god. Where the hell was I? Was this really the Grand Commander's Room?

Then it hit me.

The commander's name.

Oliviera Rentrace.


I was in a woman's room!


Calm down. Calm down. I can't let my shut in life get the hold of me. Just think that bra belongs to my sister. Not turned on anymore are you? Yeah.

Now I'm disgusted!

I cleared my throat, regaining my calm composure. I glanced at the door. I needed to keep watch of that door. The last thing I wanted was to be caught snooping around in a lady's quarters. I didn't even care if it was the Commander's. There are worse things than death. Like that time I Shadow Walked into my sister's room by accident. I had an ice pack on my face for a week.

I opened my grimoire.

Shadow Magic: Umbral Copy

The darkness in the room gained form, until a copy of mine took shape. The copy went to the door to keep watch. Drawing its Garrison.

I opened the cupboard. So where was her log. I sifted through papers as I tried to look for any intel on the Grail's location. Of all the factions battling for the Grail, Rentrace's faction was leading by a long shot. There had to be some kind of intel on the Grail's location.

There it was. I opened the logbook and skimmed it. One of the great skills I learned in high school. Correction. One of the only skills I learned in high school. Reading tons of stuff and picking out only the details I cared about.

The Grail was being kept in a room, sealed by a ton of traps. A guardian blah blah blah. I took to the location with Shadow Magic.

The Guardian was huge. He looked like one of those angels from Diablo. If anything, fighting that guy was essentially suicide. There was also no evading him. In fact, I wasn't the only one who had found this location, obviously. Rentrace's troops were already there, engaging the Guardian, being slaughtered left and right.

I hated up front fighting. It was never my style. In fact, being hasty is the stupidest thing ever. Guts and manliness, one of the core traits to a meathead, are also core traits to a fool.

I made sure no one could see me, as I slipped through the skirmish. These guys could hold off the Guardian for me. I was getting my hands on that Grail.

The room was elegant. But ethereal. Decorated with golden drawings of war and myths. My boots knocked on the ground as I approached the Grail. A golden cup, suspended in thin air.

I guess this is it. Job well done. After what seemed like weeks of stalking Rentrace's army, her generals, and even going as far as checking the barracks, I had finally achieved what numerous warriors would have only dreamt of having.

By cheating.

I held out my hand, as my grimoire materialized in front of me.

Shadow Magic: Umbral Copy

A clone manifested in front of me, as I melted into shadows, becoming one with the darkest parts of the walls.

The clone stepped forward and held out its hand to touch the cup, when suddenly, a spear appeared, piercing him. My clone shattered into a black mist.

"I guess it wasn't gonna be that easy." I muttered.

"Ethereum, to think you would go so far as to use us for your own personal gain." A woman's voice appeared from my side.

Rentrace approached the cup.

"I know that wasn't you. You sneaky little shit. Come out and face me."

I sighed. I guess this was unavoidable.

I stepped out of the shadows, my hands in my pockets as I regarded the commander.


"Oh shut up. We both know you are a traitor." Rentrace took out her sword. Six feet of murderous steel.

"I'm going to cut you down. My army has no place for traitors like you."

Oh yeah. By the way. I may or may not have enlisted my services to help Rentrace. I guess she didn't like my treason too well.

"I don't suppose it's too late for us to talk this out?"

Rentrace walked to my direction, her face full of disdain.

"Um, new hairstyle? Looks good on you. Makes you ten years younger!"

"That means you think I'm old."

The hell? Sis, you told me that worked on women!

There was no way around it. I had to fight. I usually didn't like fighting, I'm more of a laid back kind of guy. But Rentrace wasn't giving me much of a choice.

I held out my hand as my grimoire manifested.

Shadow Magic: Shadow Moon

A black orb appeared above me, as my surroundings began to darken. Dimmer and dimmer, until I could barely make out our figures in the everlasting darkness.

"So, the traitor has some tricks up his sleeve after all. But nonetheless. This battle is decided. For you are just a mere scout. While I am a commander. A warrior!" Rentrace shouted, as she charged.

Shadow Magic: Umbral Bind

Several chains erupted from the shadows of the ground, as Rentrace was pinned down.

I calmly closed my grimoire as I walked up to the grail, and plucked it off its pedestal, throwing it into the shadows. Contract completed. I guess it was time to dip-


"Heh?" I turned around, narrowly dodging Rentrace's sword swing. That was too close!

I put my hand inside my trench coat, pulling out my Garrison. I took aim and fired. The high penetrating round soaring in the air and cracking Rentrace's sword.

Rentrace scowled, as I leapt backwards.

I took aim again and fired, but Rentrace was already charging forward, deflecting another bullet.

I fired again, and again, the bullets deflecting off of her sword.


I reached into my coat with my other hand, drawing out my sidearm. My FN P90 submachine gun, as I took aim and fired a stream of bullets in her direction.

This time, Rentrace couldn't block them all, as some of the bullets hit her square in the armour. Although not as powerful as my Garrison, the P90 was still a gun. Rentrace slowed down, as her face contorted in pain.

"You little-"

Shadow Magic: Umbral Bind

Rentrace was once again wrapped in chains. Even with the dark boost of the surroundings amplifying their strength, I knew it wasn't going to be enough to keep this beast caged. I put my P90 away.

Gun Magic: Black Bullets

I reached into my grimoire's pages, retrieving a handful of obsidian bullets. With my other hand, I opened my Garrison, loading the bullets in. Even the power of the Garrison M55 wasn't enough to completely shatter her sword. I'd have to resort to my black bullets to take her down.

I took aim, just as Rentrace snapped the chains, and fired. The bullets shattering her sword and hitting her square in the chest. I fired again, taking out her arms. Then her legs. I lowered my firearm as the Great Commander fell to her knees.

I turned around and melted into the darkness. But not before hearing Rentrace's final words.

"Ethereum. You truly are... the scum of this world."

I smiled.

"You're damn right."

After all, to these guys, I was the biggest asshole in the world. Someone who only cared about myself.

But in reality, I was Ethereum. A magus who specializes in shadow magic and gun magic.

Taking on jobs, unseen. Untouchable.

Infiltration, subterfuge.

The Recon support, to Captain Dekani Price of the Lotuscraft.


I left a now human Ashley to Jake. I didn't bother asking Jake for the crown just yet, since it didn't feel right to tell him to fork over the goods after everything those two went through.

I guess it isn't my style to pry into other people's businesses. But since I was hired by Jake, well actually. Deka was hired by Jake, that made his business our business too. Ashley Barnes was initially a succubus, who was thrown out of the underworld because she was "different" from her kind. Jake took pity on her, and the two became a couple.

Or something like that.

Ashley hated her nature, and wanted to become human. Jake sought the Grail, but after failed attempts, and nearly getting himself killed, Ashley convinced him to seek for other help. Deka and his crew happened to be around at the time, and Deka, the good natured tool he was, volunteered to help, offering his services. But after realizing that his gear and Lance, Umbra, were vulnerable to magic, Deka tasked me with retrieving the Grail.

I watched as the two embraced, crying tears of joy.


You could say I have a cold heart. But I've seen so many of these already. Wholesome moments, that it's almost become cliche for me to even bother describing. Long story short, Ashley became human, and Jake now owes us.

"Ether, about the reward..." Jake handed me his necklace.

I took it, glancing at Ashley, who was hiding behind the door.

"No point eavesdropping. Especially when you're so bad at hiding." I said. Ashley opened the door and stepped in, embarrassed.

I looked at Jake. He looked kind of sad. I guess that would make sense. The Crown was one of his most cherished possessions. And I happened to be that guy who said the reward of turning his girlfriend into a human was just that. Deka didn't want to go that route. But we needed the Crown for the Lotuscraft. This was the only way.

"Thanks, Jake. We won't let it go to waste."

Jake smiled. "Yeah. You better not. I guess this is goodbye."

I waved as I stepped into the shadows, putting on my hood.

"Yeah. Look after Ashley. Starting now, you two have a new life ahead of you. Go and make that slice of life anime a reality."

"Did... did Ether just say anime?" Ashley asked.

I shadow teleported to the Lotuscraft. The place was bustling with life ever since Deka had recruited more people onto the ship. I kept myself dissolved in shadows as I looked around. But no one was there.

But just to make sure.

Shadow Magic: Stalker Sense

My eyes inverted colour, as my scleras darkened. I sensed two presences from behind the walls. Marked by dark trailing wisps.

Flippy the Doggo, Umbra, and... a little girl?

How long have I been away from the Lotuscraft? Who's kid was that?

Whatever, I just needed to drop off the crown.

I emerged from the shadow of Deka's pedestal. I took a walk around, admiring the decorations. The place still had the good old spaceship feel. Even after recruiting Shane Mayen, and expanding his crew, some things stayed Valian. Good on him.

I approached his desk and put the Crown on the table.

For a few minutes I shadow walked around the Orbiter, my footsteps obstructed by the shadows in the ship. I hadn't fully mastered the Total Eclipse spell yet, so as of now, it was Half Eclipse, which makes the spell caster half invisible. Which is useless.

Much had changed. From what I heard while I was away, Deka had recruited some girl who was also a Valian. At this point, he might as well have held a daycare for defective people of the Star System on the Lotuscraft. Because apparently, the girl didn't know how to fight, despite being a Valian.

I glanced at the new living quarters that Folock had made for her.



I quickly dissolved into a shadow as I watched Deka and some girl, who I presumed was the defective Valian emerge from the Landing Craft.

"Good work on today's excavation, Rinne." Deka said, as Rinne stretched her back.

"Thanks. I'll see you in the meeting room."

I watched as Rinne walked dejectedly to her living quarters, while Deka resolved out of Umbra and approached the Foundry.

"No point just staring at me, Ether. I know you're there." Deka smiled.

"Ah, you got me!" I said, cheerfully, as I emerged from the shadows.

Deka watched as my body melted out of the shadows and gained form.

"You know, it wouldn't hurt to come visit us more often. You're still a member of our crew. I'm sure you'll get along great with Rinne."

I readjusted the collar to my trench coat.

"I'm needed in the field." I replied, bluntly.

"I know, it's just, you're kind of family to me now-"

"We're not family." I replied a little too quickly. Deka jumped in surprise.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you." I said, as I walked across the Orbiter.

But it was true. The only family I had was my sister. Ruby is all that matters to me. The only reason why I took on Deka's offer to become his Recon support was because I needed the money.

"It's fine." Deka replied.

I followed Deka to his room as he inspected the crown.

"Damn. I didn't think you would manage to get this thing. How is Jake?"

"He's fine." I replied.

Deka sat down as he continued inspecting the gem. I glanced at a busted up mask that was sitting on his desk. It was Shane's version one Toron mask.

"Where's our little Javlok?" I asked.

"Shane? He's with another Valian right now. But lately, I haven't been able to contact him, don't know why. Maybe it's static."

I clenched my fist.

It sure as hell wasn't static. I knew everything.

Shane Mayen wasn't what these people believed him to be. The gutsy kid who would charge his enemies head on with big guns and big swords. I was there when that Severen monster SHADE slaughtered the Valians. Deka had requested I check up on Shane, after Quorra had informed the team that she was under suspicion from the Council. I was going to report to Deka right away, but then the biggest plot twist happened.

Shardis Licita. Shane Mayen was no Severen. At least not now. But what everyone didn't realize, was that this kid and SHADE were one and the same.

People can't escape fate. No matter what you do. No matter what you say or how you warp the story.

This kid was going to grow up to become SHADE. We were literally nurturing a monster that would kill us all in the future.

Of course, I didn't feel like telling Deka this. He grew real fond of Shane during the years. I didn't wanna break that bond.

I picked up a little bobblehead of an Excalibur off of the table.

"You're into bobbleheads now? Cap?"

Deka laughed. "No, it was a gift from Quorra. She loves collecting those. Thought it would be a funny joke on Umbra."

I put the bobblehead down as Deka continued fiddling with the crown. We were silent for a few minutes.

"Captain, I'm going to the Severen mothership to investigate Nero."

Deka stopped fiddling.

"Come again?"

"You heard me." I gave him a thumbs up.

"I'm the only one in this crew who can do it."

"But... if you get caught, it's over for you. None of us are equipped to fight Nero. Even with Quorra's help I couldn't beat him. I forbid you from doing something so reckless."

I smirked.

"Yeah. Which means I have to add some more spells to my grimoire. I'll be taking a pit stop to a special place first. Don't worry. I'm not going in without a plan."

Deka still didn't look satisfied.

"Look. Just go in, get enough intel, and extract as soon as you can. Promise me that, at least."

I nodded.

"Hey, Deka. I was just-" Rinne's voice appeared from behind me as I heard the doors slowly open. I quickly melted into shadows as I dissolved into the corner of the room.

Rinne paused. "What was that just now?"

Deka raised his eyebrows. "What are you talking about?" He said, nervously.

"I could have sworn I saw someone... nevermind."

I resurfaced from behind the building of Mercy Hospital. Champions Universe.

If it meant finding spells. There were a couple of people I could ask. But by far the best and largest variety of spells I could locate in a single region would have to be Millennium City.

This place never ceased to amaze. Flying hover cars, high tech buildings. The place was brimming with life. Almost every civilian had some superpower of some kind. Meaning there were plenty of mages residing here.

And because of that, the ones who stand at the top, the ones who worked the hardest.

I could steal their tricks for my own.

First target: Bethany Duquesne. Codename Witchcraft (I'm not joking, that's really her codename).

Specialization in sorcery and flight, Witchcraft made a name for herself for her heroics. But really, I don't give a shit about that. The only thing that stood out to me, was that her family had experience in dark magic. Which is the progenitor of my shadow magic. If I could gain access to her grimoire, I could copy her incantations and possibly find ways to upgrade my current spell set.

The only problem was... what I'm doing is technically mage theft. If I got caught, I'd be labelled a villain and criminal.

So nothing out of the ordinary.

Shadow Magic: Shadow Walker

I dissolved into shadows as I travelled around the city, searching for magic residue.

It took a few hours, but I managed to track down the witch. I had two options. Either I take her down and obtain her grimoire by force, or I put on my airhead persona and let her teach me directly. Time-wise, the first option would have been better, but Witchcraft was a very well respected figure in this city, being an iconic hero. If I did that, I would risk making an insurmountable number of enemies.

I decided to go for option two.

I spent the next few weeks under the tutelage of Witchcraft. It was surprisingly easier than I thought.

"What was your magic affinity again?" Witchcraft asked.

"Dark magic. My mom told me not to pursue it, but I want to show the world that even if I use dark magic, I can still make a difference."

That really hit her in the feels. I did my research from infiltrating the PRIMUS archives. Witchcraft was born in a family who used dark magic. Ritualistic weirdos, she wanted to go into sorcery for the better of good.

Am I a scumbag to use her horrible past to get what I want? Absolutely. Am I bothered by it? No.

"Your magic is bound by your mana. Sometimes, keeping it simple is the best way forward. Take for instance, your binding spell."

Witchcraft pointed her stick at the chalkboard drawing of my spell. Obviously, when I showed her my magic, I only showed her a very small portion of it. So only one chain manifested.

"You don't have a lot of mana. So at the moment, you're bound by that one chain. Usually, I would advise you train to increase the number of chains to better its effectiveness. But in your case, I would advise something else."

Witchcraft opened her grimoire and summoned a spell, binding the training dummy with pure magic.

"Try going for a pure mana spell. Rather than expending your mana on a chain medium, try using pure darkness."

Pure darkness spells. This witch was good.

"Hey, Miss Duquesne, I prepared tea!" I bounced in, cheerfully, as Witchcraft smiled, taking the cup.

"You're such a sweetheart. Thank you, Terrance."

I joined Witchcraft as we sat together in her living room. Terrance was the name of my father. He died from cancer when I was six.

"I haven't had an apprentice for so long."

"Why's that?"

"I never wanted someone to carry the burdens of a superhero. But I guess with you, I just see so much of myself. Dark magic. A foul magic known for being evil. Yet, you strive to become a kind and gentle soul. Something that I wanted to go for as well. I will keep guiding you until you see it through."

For the next few weeks, I learned to hone in my Umbral Bind spell, gaining a stronger variant of it. This variant was dependent on its application. If I wanted to use it in a similar manner as restraints, it would require more mana than my usual binding spell, but in exchange, better effectiveness. If I wanted it to just grab things, it would be more efficient.

I gave it the name Prominence Umbral Bind.

But it wasn't enough. During those weeks, I discovered that Witchcraft was capable of something called "Anti-Magic". This power would essentially erase the magical powers of mages or even beings who used it offensively. I needed to learn about it, but there was no way I could ask her to teach me. The reason being, was because anti-magic was so powerful in the mage community, it was considered taboo.

One night, I had decided to sneak into Witchcraft's quarters, and learn Anti-Magic on my own. Eventually, I managed to figure it out, but at the cost of being discovered.

"Terrance, what are you doing?"

I paused, my face shrouded in shadows. I knew this day would come. There was no point in me trying to be all touchy feely.

We may have had what appeared to be a student master relationship. But there is nothing genuine in something that was built from a lie.

Shadow Magic, Prominence Umbral Bind

Witchcraft was suddenly pinned down by dozens of shadow arms.

"What is the meaning of this?! How are you able to summon so many binds at once-"

I glanced at her grimoire, which was glowing with mana, attempting to return to its user. I summoned a dark tendril from the shadows of my vicinity to restrain it.

"No... you were playing me all along..." Witchcraft muttered.

I said nothing, as I glanced at the pictures of Witchcraft and her hero squad on the wall.

So she had a loved one.

"I'm sorry, Miss Duquesne. But this is the end of the road for this relationship."

"What are you talking about? Why are you doing this?!"

I guess option one was always the option I was going to go with. No matter what I did. How nice I was. Things would never go my way. I guess that's just how it is.

I put on a big smile.

"There's no other way. I guess this is how the world works!"

Witchcraft tried to struggle and call upon her spells, but her grimoire was no longer in her possession.

I opened it up and stared at the incantations for her Anti-Magic spells. I had already figured out a way to integrate it into my magic arsenal.

"There's no point trying to wield that type of magic. It's incompatible with your dark magic."

"No. But it is compatible with something else."

I closed the grimoire as it dissolved into ash. I really wished there was another option. But because I was caught and had to use take her spells for myself by force, I had already become an enemy to the people of Millennium City. Meaning there was only one way to move forward.

After all, I can't be an enemy if I'm not discovered.

And the only way to do that is to eliminate the witnesses.

I pulled out my Garrison M55, cracking open its barrel and reaching into my grimoire.

"Even if you kill me, what's in it for you?" Witchcraft muttered.

"Absolutely nothing." I said, coldly.

Witchcraft stared at me.


Gun Magic: Anti-Magic Bullets

I took out three bullets, slipping one into my Garrison, then aimed the barrel to Witchcraft's head.

"There is nothing to gain out of this."

I fired a bullet, which nullified Witchcraft's protection field. I slipped the second bullet inside the chamber.

I fired another bullet, which cracked open her armour that she had secretly kept invisible.

One more bullet.

Into the chamber.

"I thought you of all people would understand how I feel." Witchcraft said, her eyes getting teary. "What it's like to be suppressed from greatness just because you were born."

I paused.

To be suppressed from greatness, huh. That was exactly what Javlok had said to Deka.

I never agreed with Javlok's personality. Being bitter and brooding about the world just because he couldn't have his way. But just because I didn't agree with his views, didn't mean I didn't agree with his belief.

This world is unfair. It treats certain people so badly that you might even wonder why the hell you're alive. Why you were even born.

Javlok continued resisting. Every day, I would see him training hard, pushing through every barrier fate had put on him. Willingly letting that grotesque monster of an infestation destroy his body so he could become a hero.

But I was different. I was better. Because I fully understood that no matter how hard I tried, this world would find ways to ruin it.

After all,

I was born cursed. Just like Mayen. Just like Witchcraft.

If this world was going to treat me poorly,

wouldn't it be right to treat it back the same way?

It was unfair for Witchcraft to die like this. To have her feelings played with. It was unfair for Defender to watch the love of his life be killed.

But this world was always unfair.

I pulled back the firing hammer, as I cocked the gun.

"That's just how it is." I said, pulling the trigger.

"You... why?" Witchcraft gasped.

I held out my gun, the barrel still smoking from my last shot that intentionally cut off the magical runes around her feet. I had identified those runes during my monologue. It was faint, but it was very obvious. It didn't take a genius to realize she had summoned a beacon spell. I erased them just before they could let loose a signal.

"Why indeed." I muttered, staring at the photo of Witchcraft and Defender. She didn't deserve death. There was no reason to execute her like this. I had what I came for. Even if I was an enemy to this world, I could still get what I wanted using the spells I currently had.

I approached Witchcraft, and knelt down.

"I know that you are capable of summoning runes. Your magic is independent from the grimoire."

Witchcraft glared at me.

"Tell me, Bethany." I said, as my own grimoire materialized before me, its pages flipping to another section in the book, separate from the other spells. I pulled out a magical gem from within my trench coat.

Shadow Magic: Abyssal Summoning - Pack Leader

Four hunting dogs gained shape from the shadows surrounding the room, as they glared at Witchcraft, snarling, foam coming from their mouths.

"These are my Abyssal Hounds. I have instructed them to avoid killing you. But there are worst things than death. These fellas haven't had the luxury of eating non-abyssal flesh. I will deactivate my relic, if you tell me...

"Where Lawrence Wright of Darkstar is."


There was no point in using Witchcraft anymore. Even if she was capable of Rune Magic, for one thing, she hated my guts. But the other, is that her magic, though formidable, was not the best. I needed the best.

And there was no other rune magic user that was better than Lawrence Wright. The Deputy Leader of Darkstar.

In the end, I wasn't able to extract the information from Witchcraft, so instead, I threatened to kill Defender. Obviously, she wasn't too thrilled about that. But I instantly made her change her mind.

"You won't be getting any information from me, you worm!" Witchcraft shouted.

I stood up, fingering my relic.


The four beasts backed off, returning back to the shadows.

I held out my grimoire again, the pages flipping to another section.

Shadow Magic: Umbral Copies

Two clones manifested. One on each side, as they regarded Witchcraft.

"If you do not give me my information, we will hunt down Defender."

Shadow Magic: Shadow Walker

My clones melted into the shadows, searching and locating Defender as I held out my hand. Showing Witchcraft an image of my clones, who were dissolved in the shadows of James Harmon's lab. Defender was doing maintenance on his suit, as one of my clones approached from the corner, completely undetected in the darkness of the corner.

Slowly, the clone reached into his coat, pulling out his own Garrison M55, and loading in a bullet.

The clone took aim, while the other clone followed suit from the other side.

"Defender doesn't have 360 degree vision. Even if he catches one of my clones, the other's bullet will still catch him." I said.

Witchcraft's eyes were wide in terror.

"I shall... give you his coordinates." She said, staring at the ground.

I snapped my fingers, as my clones lowered their guns, dissolving into shadows.

I got up and left, deactivating the shadow binding spell I had on her.


I stopped at the door, turning around. Witchcraft had her hands clenched.

"There is no atonement for people like you. There is no future for those who manipulate and harm others."

"You're absolutely correct." I replied, as I left the house.

"I'm home, honey!" Lawrence shouted, as he closed the door to the penthouse. It was quite extravagant. I guess the legend was true. Lawrence Wright. Saviour of Croft. The Lazarus. Focused on healing magic and rune magic. The guy became extremely proficient in rune magic after he had given up his soul link creature.

It was best to avoid fighting this guy. Not because he was a strong mage, that wasn't it. His skill with rune magic was probably the best in this city, but in terms of pure magical power, that honour would go to...

"Welcome back, Lawrence!" Calliope Ariandal leaned in and kissed her husband.

I always felt weird watching couples display affection. It wasn't any better that I was basically stalking them from within the shadows of the crevices in the apartment.

Calliope Ariandal. The princess of Croft. She was famous in that country for being quite possibly the most powerful mage in history. Her soul link creature, the Seraphim, and her magic affinity: Celestial Magic, was by far the most powerful type of magic in existence. My magic stood no chance against someone of that calibre.

Against Lawrence, my magic was still inferior, but I had spent years honing in on alternatives. Gun Magic, for instance, was a type of magic I had learned after I realized I was shit with Shadow Magic. Yes. That's right. For an Etreum, I am below average. Spending hours studying in the academy, just to get outdone by my classmates.

I had accepted that I would never succeed as a full power shadow mage, so instead, I sought other methods. So I could be useful. My own way.

If I could get Ariandal out of the picture, I could beat Lazarus easily. But I would have to be smart about it. One mistake could be deadly on me.

I spent the next few weeks inspecting and analyzing Lazarus' schedule. He was usually out doing some kind of housework. Calliope was often found in Croft. If I attacked Lazarus now, it would take a few minutes for Calliope to arrive. Meaning I had that window of opportunity to defeat him. But if Lazarus managed to pull out a portal, then it would be over for me.

I watched as Lazarus kissed Calliope goodbye as she left the suite.

"Go get em!" He said.

"Ugh. So many meetings." Calliope muttered.

I waited an hour in the darkness after Calliope had left to make sure she was gone for good.

Shadow Magic: Umbral Copy

I nodded at the clone, as he nodded back, dissolving into shadows and kept an eye on Calliope. Through the clone's eyes, I could see what she was up to, and to make sure she wouldn't come back for her husband.

Lawrence began sweeping the floor as I watched. A whole day of housework? Doesn't this guy ever get bored.

Suddenly, Wright put the broomstick on the ground.

"Come out. I know you're there."

A chill ran through my blood.

How did he know?

I didn't answer, but Lazarus put up his hand, and a rune manifested, revealing a single dot in the radar. It was me.

"I'm guessing you're the Mage Hunter. If you're going to go against me, you'll have to try a lot harder than that."

I needed those rune spells.

I slipped out of the shadows as I slowly revealed myself. Lazarus didn't look surprised. I closed the door and locked it.

"Lawrence Wright. Darkstar's Lazarus." I said.

"You know who I am? Well I know who you are. You made quite a foolish choice betraying your teacher like that. Are you not ashamed?"

What? How did he know about this? I made sure to deactivate Witchcraft's magic with my anti-magic bullets. There was no way she could have alerted-

The phone. Dammit.

I should have trapped her in a shadow binding spell or thrown her in the Abyssal realm. But I was hasty. And overconfident that I had taken down a world class famous mage.

And now my plan was off the rails.

Lazarus held out his hand and summoned another rune, but in one swift motion, I pulled out my Garrison and fired an anti-magic bullet, dissipating it.

"So that's what you wanted out of Witchcraft, huh." Lazarus muttered, as I took out my submachine gun with my other hand, aimed, and sprayed a stream of bullets in Lazarus' direction.

Lazarus leapt back and summoned three runes, which formed a force field.

With my other hand, I slipped in another anti-magic bullet as I switched guns, firing and dissipating the field.

Shadow Magic: Prominence Umbral Bind

Several chains wrapped around Lazarus, but suddenly, he dissipated into green sparks.

I spun around in shock, as Lazarus had materialized behind me. I held out my P90 and fired behind me as Lazarus evaded, forming another shield. But the bullets were starting to crack it as he landed on the ground.

Not good. I was at a disadvantage. I was already desperate with my attacks, and Lazarus didn't look fazed at all.

I thought I could take on Lazarus because he was seemingly the weakest out of all them members in Darkstar, but I guess I was wrong.

I slipped in and out of the shadows, as Lazarus sent dozens of fireballs and lightning bolts at my direction.

Rune magic.

The type of magic that calls upon other affinities through incantations and symbols. By fighting Lazarus, I was fighting someone who had basically every magic affinity in his kit.

I was never a fighter. But if it came down to it, I had to learn. After all, this world is never forgiving.

Shadow Magic: Umbral Copies

Three clones manifested, as they drew their grimoires, reaching behind their backs to take out a larger firearm from the rest. The Argent BAS X170 shotgun.

Gun Magic: Black Shotgun Shells

The clones each loaded in their bullets into their guns as I materialized from underneath Lazarus' feet, taking out a different relic.

Shadow Magic: Abyssal Summoning - Serpentine

A huge snake erupted from my grimoire, as it instantly wrapped itself around the mage, holding him in place from the waist down, pinning his arms.

The clones all fired as Lazarus flew in the air, and crumpled on the ground, blood splattering the floor.

"Black bullets, huh." He muttered, as he tried to heal himself, to no avail.

My clones dissipated as Serpentine slithered on the ground, wrapping itself around Lazarus and baring its fangs.

"Serpentine is capable of Abyssal Poison Magic. Those Black Shotgun Shells will keep you from regenerating and healing. If it so much as bites you, you're finished." I said, as I reached in my coat and took out my Garrison. I took out my grimoire and loaded in an ordinary bullet into the chamber as I aimed the barrel of the gun to the mage's head.

"I'm afraid you're in no position to make demands." A voice appeared behind me.

I spun around and fired several bullets with my P90, but nothing came out. I stared at my hand, which was frozen in ice.

Trill Cohen, The Coldarrow.

My clones took out their Garrisons and fired, three bullets converging on the mage, but their guns were also frozen in place.

"Who are you." Trill said, as a large glowing cyan wing erupted from his back, slicing my clones as they dissipated into black mist.

I held out my hand.

Shadow Magic - Shadow Moon

My spell cast all around the room, as the place flooded in darkness. Now I was at an advantage once more.

Shadow Magic: Prominence Umbral Bind

Dozens of shadow arms latched onto the Avatar, as I took out my shotgun, grimoire out. This guy.

Trill Cohen. He was one of the mages in the Mage Academy, the same one Lazarus was in. Apparently, he was soul linked with a Hyperborean, which explained his ice powers. That ice, it needed to go.

Gun Magic: Anti-Magic Shotgun Shells

I loaded my gun and fired it with my main hand, the shells racing to his location, when suddenly, they stopped. Suspended in mid-air.

"A fight? And I wasn't invited? Rude!"

What is it now.

My eyes widened as a massive force cascade came flying my way. I instantly dissolved into shadows as all my spells were obliterated by the sheer force of Dennis Wagner's attack.

This was bad.

Against just Lazarus, I might have stood a chance. But against three of Darkstar's members, this was extremely one sided.

Lazarus looked at me.

"Never underestimate a team. We've been through thick and thin. If you think cutting out my coms with your anti-magic bullets was enough, then you're sorely mistaken."

I emerged from the other side of the room. I had to get out of here. There was no telling how bad I would be if I-

I paused. What was this ominous, terrifying feeling?


What is...

The dark realm. It was always my home turf. I would always travel in it, be bathed in it. But this time... it felt...


I slowly looked up, as I was face to face with a gargantuan monstrosity. A massive dark being with long hair, and demonic spikes all around it. Towering over me, its claws, surrounding me, keeping me from moving.

"You're not going anywhere, Etreum."

Standing on its shoulder, was The Black Jason.

"So you specialize in gun magic, huh." Jason said, as he took out his own gun.

"I never thought I would have to use Sentry's powers again. Ever since my father died, I swore to only see Sentry as a friend."

I had no choice. It didn't matter if it was a Hellspawn. I could still take it down.

I held out my grimoire, swapping my shotgun with my Garrison.

Gun Magic - Black Bullets

I loaded my gun and fired, the bullet soaring to Jason, but Jason held out his own gun. It looked incredibly advanced. Almost like it was from the future. The gun imbued with darkness as suddenly, my bullet was split in half, a streak of darkness cut my face as I stumbled back.

"Nice weapon. I like the old fashioned polished wood look. But in terms of firepower, it will never match mine." Jason said, as Sentry brought his fist down. I narrowly dodged.

This was bad. I couldn't escape. Not through shadows. Not through the real world. I knew attacking Team Darkstar was a bad idea, but I didn't think it would be like this.

I tried firing again, but Jason destroyed my bullets before they could even get close. How was he this fast? There was no way his reflexes were human.

Jason regarded me from above. Six feet of pure muscle, and silver eyes that made me want to curl up into a ball and die.

"SPART205. The second eldest of us. This was his last gift to me before he gave his life. Against all firearms, I have trained with this gun to the point where it will always be at the top. No matter who I am up against."

No option. I had to do it. I had to go all out against the Black Jason.

Shadow Magic: Umbral Copies

Four clones manifested as we all took out our shotguns and P90's.

Gun Magic - Abyssal Sharpshooting

Dozens of magazines and bullets flew from our grimoires as we unloaded a barrage of bullets, all five of us, as the bullets instantly replenished. Firing everything we had.

"You like spells, huh. Then I'll show you a fraction of mine!" Jason said, as he leapt from the shoulder of the giant, landing on the ground, dodging all of the bullets as his body sparking with demonic black energy, his body glowing blue. Jason drew his katana, taking a deep breath.

Kaiju Boost x400000 - CONTINENTAL SLASH

A massive wave of darkness blasted me and my clones away as we were ripped away from the shadow realm. Just from the pure force of his attack. I flew right out of the shadows into the real world as I smashed into the city.

I got to my feet. I was screwed. There was no escape. My only means of protection was guarded by quite possibly the most frightening dark mage in existence.

Jonathan Crypt. The Black Jason.

The Remnant of Decen the Paladin of War.

I turned around and managed to dodge a sound blast, following by more dark magic bullets from a girl and guy. Reya Park and Toby Rufus.

Everybody was coming to get me. I needed to eliminate myself as a threat.

Shadow Magic: Abyssal Summoning - Pack Leader

Several hounds appeared at my feet, as they snarled at the two, rushing forward, but suddenly, Toby got on all fours, transforming into a massive white wolf.

My hounds whimpered. Right. Toby was the son of Fenris. How could I have been so stupid.

I took a step back, but suddenly, stopped. My feet were stuck in the ground.

"What business do you have with Lazarus?" A girl's voice appeared behind me.

I clenched my teeth. It was all over.

A beautiful woman with black and silver hair approached me. That brown aviator jacket. And beside her, was an extremely muscular man, even bigger than Jason.

Amana Cross and Ferris Wheeler.

I said nothing as Amana stood in front of me, her tail turning bright red, her orange eyes regarding mine critically.

"You might want to say something." Jason said, popping up beside her as he brushed off his t-shirt.

I couldn't. I was going to die anyway. Also why would I be intimidated by The Fox of all people? She was always the rational smart one. There would be no way she would scare me.

"My son was sleeping peacefully for once. Endless days and nights he would be crying. I've lost a lot of sleep. Then you had to ruin it by attacking one of my closest friends. So not only have you decided to mess with Lawrence, you took away valuable sleeping time from my little boy." Amana's eyes became murderous.

Holy shit!

Jason raised an eyebrow.

"Shadow magic huh. You decided to pick a fight with us, I can't for the life of me, understand how people can be so reckless."

I struggled against my restraints. I had to get out of here, but the only thing I could do was give into their demands. There was nothing I could do right now.

"I need his rune magic. My friends and family are in danger from an unspeakable threat in my universe. If it means giving my life to protect them, then so be it." I replied.

Jason took a deep breath.

"Giving your life, huh." Amana said dangerously, as she stepped closer to me.

"Do you really think that's going to change anything? If you died?"

My eyes widened. Since when was Amana Cross this cold? Didn't the stories and legends say she was the most accepting of all the members of Darkstar?


"No, John. I'm going to lay out for you straight, kiddo." Amana held out her hand, as her tail projection grew larger and spikier, her body began glowing red.

"You can do whatever you want. But if you so much as lay a hand on my friends and family, I will destroy you. I've had enough, Sam."

Sam? Who the hell was-

Was she talking about Samuel Mason?

Amana suddenly paused, her eyes widened, as she became paralyzed. Her orange eyes began forming tears as her tail projection dissipated.