Location: Milky Way Galaxy, close to earth.
Intentions Toward Humanity: Hostile
Propulsion Tech Level: Slightly advanced (low level
Military Tech Level: Advanced (beam weapons and
force fields)
Medical Tech Level: Slightly Advanced
ComputerTech Level: Slightly Advanced
Physical Description: Short (1.2 meter tall) blue-grey
skinned humanoid with red eyes and four fingers and
Homeworld: Zeel.
Government Type: Corrupt plutocracy.
The nearest hostile empire to Earth is the Hzeel (or
Blue Boys).Currently at war with the, they’re
looking at acquiring Earth as a beachhead to stage a
major offensive, and are studying Qularr and Gadroon
attempts to conquer the planet. The Hzeel are clever
and adaptable, but their unified government encourages corruption and its leaders would beconsidered crime
bosses on Earth. (Think of them as a cross between the
Ferengi and ClassicTrek’s Ioatians (the gangster planet)
and you’d probably not be too far off.)