The Gargoyle

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The Gargoyle
Player: User:Jade Defender
Biographical Data
Real Name: Arthur Morning (Secret)
Known Aliases: Father Morning (Secret)
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Ethnicity: American Caucasian (Secret)
Place of Birth: Michigan, Oct 10th, 1985 (Secret)
Base of Operations: Devils of Westside
Relatives: Deceased
Age: 35 (Secret)
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 220lb
Eyes: Grey (Secret)
Hair: Black (None)(Secret)
Complexion: Fair (Secret)
Physical Build: Athlete
Physical Features: Angular, Stern (Secret)
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Identity: Secret
Years Active: Unknown
Citizenship: US Citizen (Secret)
Occupation: Catholic Ministry 'Priest' (Secret)
Education: Private College Graduate (Secret)
Marital Status: Single (Secret)
Known Powers and Abilities
No powers, but an extensive education that he continues to add to;
  • Multiple Martial art styles, including weaponry.
  • Forensic Investigation.
  • Life Sciences - mainly in Biochemistry and Microbiology, with some dabbling in Botany and Zoology.
  • Physical Sciences - mainly in Physics and Chemistry, with some dabbling in Geology and Meteorology.
  • Social Sciences - mainly in Psychology and Criminal Profiling, with dabbling in Political Science, Economics, and Social History.
  • Engineering & Architecture.
  • Theology - with a focus on the Occult, and it's myriad of belief systems/governance.
Equipment and Paraphernalia
A combat suit of advanced Composite materials, with built-in reinforced exoskeleton, helping increase muscle performance and reduce fatigue rate. A Optical camouflaged mask and cowl. Reinforced Questionite Mask, Gauntlets and Boots. The Gauntlets host multiple ancillary devices or features, such as retractable Silvered blades and Holy water mist. A myriad of High tech utility belts, each with multiple gadgets, pockets, weapons or artifacts to assist on his missions.
Physical Attributes
Non-Physical Attributes
MaekadaBoxSlim created by @Maekada


Arthur Morning is no stranger to tragedy, having lost both his parents, even his Uncle and two aunts during the devastation of the Battle of Detroit in July of 1992. Arthur, who was then nearly seven at the time, was taken into state custody and eventually released into the Ward of the the Catholic Church in Detroit city. With the Primary parish destroyed in the attack, Arthur was instead sheltered and raised at the St.Anne Home for Wayward Children in City Center, where he was raised in a rather conservative upbringing. The youth poured himself into his studies after a prolonged transition to his new accommodations, which was spelling a tragic tale of self destruction, until a horrific encounter the the Cult worshippers of the DEMON organization.

Arthur had a tenuous relationship with his mentor Father Shelby, who provided the youth with every understanding and opportunity he could. Shelby had been fast friends with Arthur's father, having formed an unbreakable bond in their tour of Vietnam, and had taken young Arthur in as a ward. Though Arthur lived with the Nuns of St. Anne, Father Shelby kept close tabs on the youth's education and often helped him get out of hot water, when he was confrontational with the clergy. Father Shelby was slain by DEMON cultists, when they assaulted the Archdiocese in Downtown. He had stood up to their leader and their demands in order to save several children, including Arthur from ritual sacrifice, buying local heroes time to arrive on scene and thwart the group. Arthur was fourteen at the time, and this event shook him to his core, and ignited a fire within the boy that burns to this day within the man.

After the incident with DEMON, Arthur dedicated himself to his studies, and to perfecting his body and mind for taking the organization DEMON down. When he came of age at eighteen, he was granted his families wealth in it's entirety, most of which he got from his second Aunt Elizabeth, who was not an American, but had been visiting her Siblings on that fateful day. Arthur was surprised to find that his Aunt was part of a Fraternal order through her late husband in Europe, with ties to the Templars and rumors to the First of the Black Mask's. When he visited her property, which had become his as she had no surviving children of her own, he discovered a secret study and armory dedicated to the exorcism of evil spirits and the means to fight their servants. Arthur felt like divine providence had set him on this path, and finally he had the tools to pursue his years-long desire to wreck judgement upon DEMON and it's followers.

Arthur was approached by an enigmatic figure while he was exploring the home, and was given a Cyphered message, this stranger never spoke a word and was shrouded in darkness and seemed to blend into the environment. Arthur would never see this stranger again.

With new revelations and a secret message burning a hole in his mind, Arthur returned to his duties and his studies in America, where he would absolutely devote himself to unraveling the message and discover the origins of the secret chambers of the private estate. Answers were not forthcoming however, and the mystery began to collect dust, until a momentous breakthrough happened when once again DEMON reared their wicked heads.

DEMON broke into the private study of Father Maguire's Vibora Bay home. Arthur had began understudying for Maguire as he was preparing to take his oath as a Priest. DEMON Cultists and several of their monstrous summoned beasts terrorized the home and tortured Father Maguire for information regarding 'the Compass'. Arthur had attempted to come to his mentor's aid, determined to make a difference now that he was older, and having a burning desire to avenge Father Shelby, however, the youth was easily overtaken by the Cultists, and was used against Maguire to reveal the whereabouts of 'the Compass'. DEMON forced a demonic entity into Arthur at Maguire's home, which wrecked havoc upon the youth, and eventually Maguire gave in, revealing the whereabouts of the artifact. The Cultists promptly dispatched Father Maguire and dragged the disoriented and now possessed Arthur with them. Arthur was out-of-his-mind with anguish, and warred constantly with the entity within him, struggling all-the-while with his captors. Eventually he managed a catastrophic escape, with the cultists howling in delight after him, warning him, nowhere was safe, he was one of them now... the beast always wins.

Arthur cannot recall much of what transpired after that, but he knows the beast within forced him to kill more than once, and the subject still sickens him and steels him to his core in his quest. Eventually another stranger from "the Order" tracked him down through his bloody activities, and recognized the youth as a descendant of "the Order". Instead of dispatching him and sending the entity within back to the abyss, they apprehended him and took him to a secure facility, where they began an exorcism. The events that follows are a whirlwind for Arthur, but he recalls seeing one of the Vatican's Priests at the proceedings, and after seven days his soul was freed from the entities dark grip.

Afterwards, Arthur discovered a crippling rehabilitation from the affects and aftermath of the entities time in his body. "The Order" were the spiritual successors of the Knights Templar, and worked hand-in-hand and in secret with 'the Freemasons' silently both entities worked behind the scenes fostering strong individuals to shape the world and battle the forces that society had thought fallen into the realm of mythology. "The Order" educated him on the secret war raging across the world, and arranged for him to remain within the Catholic Church, who they were deeply synergized with. The Priest at the exorcism proceedings, Father Merrin(*), was to be his new handler and point of contact for "the Order". Arthur was devastated by the violation of the monster that had possessed him, and he was despondent, prepared to give up on everything. he viewed himself as weak and unworthy of the church, having succumbed to one of the Demons. Father Merrin, talked him down, and revealed how his experience with the entity was exactly what made him worthy, for now he knew, exactly what the enemy was, was capable of, and why it must be stopped. He ventured that his overcoming of the Demon during the exorcism was exactly why he was not weak, Arthur had faced the abyss and come back from the brink. That experience was what would make him a sword of the church and "the Order".

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The Gargoyle employs a High tech and old school combat suit made from advanced composite materials, which features a built-in reinforced Questionite exoskeleton system which augments muscle performance and reduces fatigue rate. This suit also features multiple interwoven codices to provide defense against extradimensional threat. This combat suit's design provides top-rated protection against edged and blunt weaponry, as well as impressive protection against most small arms. However, since this combat suit's primary function was for Mobility and Stealth, the armoring remains light, and continuous assault will render the defenses ineffective. The suit provides respectable protection against the elements such as intense heat and cold, however, prolonged exposure can lead to injury. Notably the suit also provides protection against biological and chemical threats as well, hermetically sealed with a fluid dispersion system.

The Gargoyle's Cowl and Cloak are made of Advanced composite materials and features an amazing Optical Camouflage system, allowing the user to virtually vanish by blending ambient light around anyone fully enclosed in it. Additionally the Cowl and Cloak are Fire retardant, and provide additional protection against intense heat and cold. Most remarkable, is the textile is virtually soundless, when ruffled, or swung about, making it ideal for stealth operations.

The Gargoyle's mask is a High tech wonder, Specialists at UNTIL would love to get their hands on it, to understand how so many features are crammed into such a lithe device... The Mask, is an advanced composite material over a reinforced Questionite frame, providing excellent protection from blows, and even small arms fire. The Gargoyle has demonstrated that this mask can withstand a .50cal round point blank! The hero was dazed, but alive. The Mask has multi-optics features; Telescopic amplification, Low-light vision, Nightvision, and Thermal Infrared. The Mask hosts emergency light and audio filtration, which automatically engage when the user is threatened. Additionally, it has directional audio amplification, and satellite and radio communication systems with limited range. The Mask has an activatable emergency gas filtration and independent 1hr oxygen supply, with interchangeable oxygen capsules. Finally the Mask's most impressive feature is perhaps its built-in IFF and transparent overlay target assist system. The mask can identify, track, and even predict (with 45% certainty) the movements of up to 12 individuals at once within a 100 meter range. Additionally the Mask features a Vector Prediction Algorithm which assists in projectile accuracy and avoidance, while this does not help the user avoid gunfire, it does assist in handheld or thrown devices.

The Gargoyle's gauntlets are advanced exoskeleton braces made from reinforced Questionite, and have multiple micro-compartments for deployable features. Namely, a set of 'silvered' Questionite blades, that have been ensorcelled with divine runes. A Holy Water mist dispersion spray. A Bio-computer with tiny LED display for on-the-spot processing and file acquisition/management. Hidden in the Gloves are tiny retractable climbing claws and impressive slip resist grips. On each index finger is a sensitive bio-sensor, able to scan and help identify a myriad of substances and compounds for on-the-spot analysis.

The Gargoyle's boots are advanced composite material over a reinforced Questionite frame, with a focus on mobility. The Soles have impressive slip-resist gripping, and activatable magnetic adhesion. Most impressively is the jet-assisted leap feature, allowing the user to make amazing olympian jumps, of over 22 meters.

The Gargoyle Utilizes a Grapnel launcher, which provides him with high speed mobility and obstacle navigation. This device projects a thin Questionite 0.5cm cable, attached to a magnetic Questionite grapple claw with a range of 22 meters. Most impressive is the reload and reuse time of the device which is an astonishing, 0.75sec! This device can be as much a weapon as it is a utility device, often helping the Gargoyle catch fleeing opponents or sealing a doorway.

The Gargoyle has been seen and rumored to utilize a wide variety of gadgets, artifacts and weapons on his missions; from Gas pellets, Explosive marbles, Sacred Seals, Incense, Religious paraphernalia, Razer edged Projectiles, Smoke bombs, and even remote controlled micro-strike-drones.

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