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Player: User:Jade_Defender
Character Build
Class Focus: Ranged Tank/DPS
Power Level: 40
Research & Development: Science
Biographical Data
Real Name: Jaeger Algorithm Mk-X
Known Aliases: J.A.X.
Gender: Mechanical (Appears Male?)
Species: Mechanical
Ethnicity: Artificial Intelligence
Place of Birth: Titan Industries, NY
Base of Operations:
Relatives: Jaeger Algorithm Model-(M800)Line
Age: Unknown
Height: 7'2"
Weight: 1,435lbs
Eyes: Glow Blue
Hair: N/A
Complexion: N/A
Physical Build: Large Mechanical Humanoid
Physical Features: Bright Yellow, Black and White Polymer paint over a Gunmetal and Steel exoskeleton.
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Identity: Public
Years Active: None
Citizenship: No legal documentation for citizenship
Education: .No Formal, evolving AI.
Marital Status: N/A
Known Powers and Abilities
None - However, Free-J.A.X. is loaded with a full suite of super advanced military grade weaponry and performance features. Augmented Bionic Strength - capable of dead-lifting up to 4,200lbs and leaps of up to 35ft high and 60ft long. Augmented Bionic Locomotion - capable of ground speeds of up to 65mph. Fusion Jet System Propulsion - capable of up to 720mph in Atmosphere and mach 8 in Vacuum. Plasma-capped Microflex missiles - a sophisticated [SAPHEI] Semi Armor Piercing High Explosive Incendiary projectile. Multiple launchers built into the arms and the chest of the Jaeger M800 model allow for this unit to bombard a target with 120 missiles per minute. Though the M800 typically has a payload restricted to half that. Fusion Repulsor Beam - A form of Anti-matter projector concentrated into a tight spectrum beam, capable of tremendous force and exceeding temperatures of 4,600°. This weapon can degrade physical material by weakening its molecular structure briefly. MARAUDER (Magnetically Accelerated Ring to Achieve Ultra-high Directed Energy and Radiation) Cannon - a sophisticated linear and plasma-based RAIL gun which fires a combination round consisting of an [APFSDS] Armour-piercing fin-stabilized discarding sabot who's Plasma core deliver's unmatched anti-armor weaponry. TIU-Avenger 10mm Rotary Cannon - capable of firing up to 2,000 [AP] Armor Piercing rounds per minute. ReNEU (Regenerative Nanobot Emergency Utility) Restoration System - memory coded nanobots capable of rebuilding damaged or missing components for the M800 jaeger model. So long as suitable conversion materials are present The ReNEU system can rebuild an entire missing limb in approximately 10 minutes. The Primary function for this system is to replenish spent ammunition for the M800 model
Equipment and Paraphernalia
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