After returning to the Milky Way Galaxy in
1843, the Mandaarians reclaimed their
homeworld Mandaar and all the other worlds
they used to control which had not been seized
by the Ackálians, Terrans, or other species in
their absence. They now find themselves wedged
between the Federation and the Ackálian Empire
— a potentially precarious position despite their
high ATRI 13 technology, psionic powers, and other
resources. They have turned down several offers to
join the Federation, preferring their independence
for some reason. They trade with the Federation
and the Empire a little, but for the most part seem
to enjoy self-reliance as much as political neutrality.
It remains to be seen what role, if any, they will play
on the galactic stage now that superhumans have
began arriving on the scene.
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