Night Wolf

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Revision as of 22:35, 4 June 2020 by Energon15823 (Talk | contribs)

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NightWolf Title.png
"The Cunning"
Night Wolf
"WIP" - Trey Perrault
Freeform Night Avenger
Player: Energon15823
Super Group
Stands Alone
· Other Affiliations ·
Dogz Gang Member(Former)
Real Name
Trey Perrault
Night Wolf
March 23th
Vibora Bay, Florida
Vibora Bay, Florida
Juryrig's Garage
Former Gang Member, Vigilante & Bounty Hunter
Legal Status
U.S. Citizen
Marital Status
· Known Relatives ·
Papa Perrault(Grand Father)
Physical Traits
Apparent Age
Body Type
Jet Black
Light Brown
· Distinguishing Features ·
Athletic Build, Wild Short Black Hair, Brown Skin & Beard
Powers & Abilities
· Known Powers ·
Super Human Strength & Reflexes
· Equipment ·
Plated Tactical Suit & WereWolf Claws
· Other Abilities ·
Harden Claws, Animal Instincts & Hypersonic Sound Voice Modulator


Click here to view The Night Wolf's Introduction Video!
Click "play" above to view The Night Wolf's Introduction Video!


Night Wolf

Trey Perrault was born the son of Tyneal Perrault and his wife Chanelle in downtown Vibora Bay. At a young age, Trey was a quiet & well-mannered kid, and much to his parents efforts he stayed out of the gang activity that ran rampant is his community. At this precocious age, the seeds of Trey's future looked quite bright........until he entered High School. In High School Trey became quite popular & was naturally athletic and multi-talented in multiple aspects; he was the Varsity Basketball Team Captain, a highly skilled Boxer (former Jr. Golden Gloves Champion) and was Nationally ranked in Track and Field. With his new found popularity he found himself hanging out with the wrong crowd & spent the majority of his time skipping school, but he also showed spurts of good character from time to time by preventing the fore mentioned wrong crowd from attacking younger children or those he deemed to weak to defend themselves. He and his friends would spend endless hours throwing rocks at property and spray painting various areas around the city. At the time Gang activity ran rampant throughout Vibora Bay and the schools where no different, in fact that was the main recruitment HUB for many of Vibora Bay's gangs such as the Dogz(Based in the easternmost reaches of Walton Bay View). Which due to pressure from his peers Trey decided to join. At the time the Dogz were merely a collection of castoffs and rejects from the neighborhood's other gangs who've banded together for mutual protection and the odd minor burglary.

When Trey was 17 (Junior Year), Therakiel Supernaturally Altered the members of all of the gangs, including himself, transforming him into a Werewolf. With this the first seed of The fallen angel, Therakiel was sown, and his plan to ignite the final battle between good and evil begun. It took 2 years before his plan came to fruition and he finally destroyed the city, but during that time during the initial calm, the altered street gangs activities began to rapidly grow resulting in the deaths of both Trey's Mother & Father in an altercation between the Dogz & the Sovereign Sons in which they were innocent bystanders. His mother died in the ambulance on the way to the hospital & his father in the E.R. due to the shock of losing his wife. There were claw marks on both of his parents that were obviously from a Dogz Gang member, leading to him ultimately leave the gang. This incident triggered his hatred for gangs and injustice period. Due to this Trey unconsciously blamed himself for not being there and became disgusted with what he has become and got back on the right track with his education. Trey was then taken in by his grandfather Papa Perrault who was working with the Champions to divert the oncoming Apocalypse. A couple of weeks later Trey found himself in an predicament that would ultimately change his life forever. Due to the gang activity rapidly growing out of control, the city began to fall into great turmoil & in the mist of this Valerian Scarlet was collecting the Powerful Elemental Gems. Eric was aware of this and decided to take action first. Using the Supernatural Powers given to him by Therakiel. Trey quickly located Dr. Ka's hideout & teamed up with the Champions to put an end to the schemes of Therakiel & Valerian Scarlet.

After months of battle the Champions have fallen all that is left is Caliburn, Juryrig & Dr.Ka. Due to Black Mask and Sapphire being ambushed by Amphibian, Sapphire has fallen, and Black Mask is badly wounded. Making Trey their last hope. The remaining heros made their last stand by defending the time Machine that Juryrig built & to their surprise the machine malfunctioned, though the Temporal Quantum Displacement Engine was a long shot from the beginning. After fixing the problem they discovered that there's no way the machine will get enough gigawatts from the city's grid to power up. But there's all kinda of magic energy flying around town & the biggest source of that energy in town at the time was Therakiel. Using this knowledge they devised a plan to Siphon energy from the deity to power the machine and bring Trey back in time to warn the Champions & divert the Apocalypse once and for all. Juryrig "The Nephilim followed you here, Trey! Dr.Ka and Caliburn are going to hold them off, but we need to hurry!" Trey final Siphoned enough energy. Juryrig "You pulled it off, Trey! Wow! Quick, get inside! I need to stay right here. Even if there were enough power to send more than one person back, there's no way that portal will stay stable without somebody at the controls. It's okay, really...I always wanted to be a real hero. If you get a chance, when you go back to the past...say hello, okay?" And with that Trey was sent back into the past 1 year before the Apocalypse. The portal Semi reverted Trey back into a human but his Hearing, Sense of Smell, Reflexes & some of his Strength from his prior Were Wolf form remained, making him a "partial werewolf". Knowing that this would happen and Treys will to remain in the fight Juryrig created the Night Wolf Suit that carries Treys Were Wolf DNA giving him his full wolf like powers when he wears it, aswell as a vial of his wolf DNA for him to give to the Juryrig of the past to synthesize. Upon arriving in the past he went directly to Dr. Ka's manor and updated them on the situation, they then directed him to Juryrig. He was happy to see his old friend alive and well even though Juryrig was unaware of what happened. After a long conversation Juryrig decided to synthesize the DNA so he could replicate batches for Trey and updated the suit so that Trey could better assist Caliburn & the Champions, thereafter Trey then dawned the moniker Night Wolf, Vibora Bays Night Avenger.

Endless nights were spent helping Juryrig complete the Temporal Quantum Displacement Engine. All for this moment that last chance at avoiding the Apocalypse.



Trey Perrault is a serious but easy-going young man in his early to mid-20s and is a "player" of sorts, voted most attractive in high school and well as Mr. MCU due to his flirtatious nature. He will approach everything with the confidence born of amazing talent and incredible training, yet manage to never seem pretentious in the slightest, always caring for others and being genuinely attentive. He usually seems very relaxed when doing the vigilante thing. However, what actually makes him tick is a deep, burning desire to make the world a better, safer place where justice actually exists, due to the tragedies of his past. He has a very strong “nobody dies on my watch” code.

Night Wolf's courage is amazing - he has faced so much danger and monstrous opponents straight from a nightmare since his early teens that he seems to be fearless and take physical pain in stride without much of a shock. To him it’s a mere part of his job, and he can actually defy physical or mental torture with a smile. Even when badly hurt, he’ll still act in a stalwart and generous way, saving innocents and bearing little grudge. Likewise, although his life has been a terrifying emotional grinder, he’s outgoing, gentle and well-adjusted. Despite being a huge hit with the ladies with his attractiveness, confidence and boy next door charm, his romantic life keeps turning into a minefield through little fault of his own. He keeps trying, though and has an easy, flattering, gently flirting manner. His flirtatious nature stems from him longing for human attention having spent the last few years grieving the loss of his parents and being virtually alone during the the Vibora Bay Apocalypse of his original time line, Trey is defiant and does not like being told what to do or being dismissed. He often masks that pain with a smile and behaves with an air of extreme confidence, due in large part to the fact that......well what can I say the man has SWAG. This makes him exceedingly overconfident in his abilities to the point that he ignores the help of others and impulsively throws himself into situations that he cannot handle on his own. Despite this confidence, he worries about living up to the moniker given to him be the city "Vibora Bay's Avenger of the Night".

Due to the fact he came from a Post-Apocalyptic world before time traveling and hasn't really had the opportunity to interact with anyone until recently, Trey is somewhat too forward at times and has a hard time showing his emotions correctly due to not being around people for years, always masking his true feelings behind that smile and confidence. Trey has matured considerably over the past few years. As Night Wolf, he is more driven and focused which has been noticed greatly through his temperament.


NW Scan.gif


The Night Wolf suit was developed by Juryrig for Trey, the armor has separated plating to allow more flexibility and speed. The NightWolf Suit is based on an advanced infantry armor system constructed from Nomex, the first layer of protection is an undersuit with built-in temperature regulators designed to keep the wearer at a comfortable temperature in almost any condition & reinforced joints that allow maximum flexibility and mobility. The second layer of protection consists of armor built over the chest, calves, thighs, arms, and back. This armor is made of hardened Kevlar plates on a titanium-dipped fiber and is broken into multiple pieces of armor over the flexible bodysuit for greater mobility. Unlike many other Superheroes, Night Wolf's suit does not have a cowl or cape allowing the wearer to freely swivel and move his neck without moving the rest of his upper torso. Lastly the gauntlets,feet & chest regions contain an extra protective Scalloped Questionite plating for extra hand, feet, rib, lung & heart protection. When activated the suit injects Trey with his synthesized Werewolf DNA, essentially giving him his werewolf powers from his time in the Post-Apocalyptic Vibora Bay and more.


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Dispensed from a secret compartment in the Suit's Gauntlets. Uses a formula that consists of an oxidizer (typically potassium chlorate, KClO3), a fuel (generally sugar), a moderate (such as sodium bicarbonate) to keep the reaction from getting too hot, and a powdered organic dye. The burning of this mixture evaporates the dye and forces it out of the device, where it condenses in the atmosphere to form a "smoke" of finely dispersed particles.



The helmet's shell is made of an ultra-high-molecular-weight polyethylene material. It is meant to provide better protection against small-arms fire and fragmentation than the Advanced Combat Helmet used by the military. The helmet is also protect's against certain rifle projectiles, so it is virtually bulletproof. The helmet is of the "full helm" type and thus offers complete coverage but does offer good mobility. The helmet is compatible with the camouflage functions of the Night Wolf Suit. The defining feature of the helm is its shape, models after the head of the timber-wolf to compliment the wolf like theme of the Night Wolf Suit.

The helmet has been shown nearly impenetrable to fragments fired by test guns. In a v50 test, guns were unable to attain the velocity required to get 50% of the fragments through a helmet. The helmet has exceeded the 35% ballistic improvement requirement. The Helmet includes the HT8950/HT8950A, a single chip LSIs designed for voice modulation. These devices provide seven steps to shift the frequency of an input voice signal up and down. The chips are also equipped with two special effects; Vibrato and Robot. The HT8950/HT8950A include a built-in 8-bit amplifier, A/D converter and current output type of 8-bit D/A converter in addition to a built-in SRAM, capable of volumes up to 160dB, which is high enough to bust eardrums.

The helmet's design allows for the addition of devices such as communications and night-vision equipment. The brightness of the LED indicator changes with the functionalities of the suit.



The PowerPack Belt is a specialized belt Night Wolf wears to power his crime-fighting gear. The PowerPack belt is a battery pack that powers the Night Wolf suit and its many functions like the suits Camouflage & Night-vision capabilities. The Powerpack contains 16 individual battery pods, each with an isolated DC-DC converter. Pod architecture and onboard power electronics optimize performance across the array and enable easy swapping at any time.

Design: The Powerpack uses a high volume, high reliability architecture tested over the one billion miles driven in Model S. Combined with hundreds of embedded sensors, Powerpack offers unparalleled performance, safety and reliability.

Thermal Control: An internal liquid cooling and heating system allows for pinpoint temperature control within a Powerpack. A dual coolant and refrigerant loop system, adapted from Model S, ensures maximum performance in all climates with better efficiency than air cooling.


Night Wolf racing to the crime scene

The Fang is a bike without wheels that uses a propulsion system that grants the cycle the ability to hover. The bike is powered by a high-performance, water-cooled, single-cylinder engine - geared toward the lower end for faster acceleration and with no exhaust pipes. The exhaust is routed through the hollow steel/aluminum/magnesium tubing used for the frame of the bike. The Fang is steered by the shoulders instead of hands, and the rider's arms are protected by shields. The two foot pegs are set 3½ feet apart on either side of the tank, which the rider lies on, belly down. The engine noise was designed around the shepard tone, for which sound effects came, in part, from the sound of the Tesla Roadster's electric motor.



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Suit Modes



Night Wolf is very venerable without his suit, he is only human albeit a human that is half werewolf. He is limited by his body but does have supernatural abilities that are above human abilities and is also the pinnacle of human fitness. He is susceptible to the same weaknesses that any regular person is with a little extra resistance due to him being Half Werewolf (very limited regeneration without the suit). That is why he has to wear an armored outfit and have such well-honed skills.


Family and Allies


Papa Perrault (grandfather)
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Gunslinging PistolWhip
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The greatest Mechanic in the world...Juryrig
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